e-sports winner

Chapter 61 Moon Goddess

Chapter 61 Moon Goddess
The love that can only be obtained by meeting the requirements, Chen Guo has seen it in many people.Zhang Meng and Ning Ze are all like this, but I am not. My parents' love for me has never been unconditional.

Maybe, I can also meet the requirement of finding the Killing Arrow.

In the desert without night, it is difficult for Chen Guo to calculate the time.Until Sura's father told Chen Guo that Sura would be sent to the temple soon, and the specially designed carriage that Chen Guo requested had already been completed.

As the sacrificial team set off, Chen Guo hid in a space on the base.

"Don't be brave, if your life is in danger, it's the most important thing." Sura sat alone in the car, as if speaking to the air, but actually she was talking to Chen Guo who was hidden under the car.

Chen Guo sighed, maybe in Chen Yin's subconscious mind.The girl who copied class notes for herself and chatted and laughed with her was so kind.In other words, it was because of her kindness that she left such a deep mark in Chen Yin's subconscious.

I don't know how long it took, but Chen Guo felt a huge creature breathing next to her ear.Then the whole car stopped moving. Chen Guo didn't dare to ask Sura, but just waited silently.

Through a gap in the wooden planks, Chen Guo tried to observe the situation outside, but could only see Sura's two smooth calves, and the surroundings were strangely clean.

After a while, the car door was opened, but Chen Guo only saw a dazzling light from the car door.He didn't see anyone, and after the light disappeared, Sura had disappeared.

Coming out of the base, Chen Guo observed the surrounding situation in the car.Surrounded by resplendent and splendid surroundings, but without any popularity, the number of cars used for sacrifices could be heard by the side, which may have been ridden by the girl who was sacrificed before.

Not far away, there was a black figure like a hill.Lying at the gate, panting heavily, Sura's father said in the legend that only outsiders can escape the observation of God's third eye, and let the giant beast at the gate not smell any breath.

Bowing the God of Death back, Chen Guo carefully got out of the car and entered the palace in front of her.

The entire palace is huge, and there are many statues of gods in it, but these statues all look in one direction with pious faces. In front of them is a very long staircase, and at the top of the staircase is a throne.

Rather than saying that the statues of these gods are looking at the throne piously, it is better to say that they are looking at the back of the throne, a full-body statue of the Virgin Mary. This is a pure white stone statue. The Virgin Mary is breastfeeding the baby in her arms , with a peaceful and focused expression, the smile on his face makes people feel a sense of happiness involuntarily.

When Chen Guo saw the statue of the Virgin Mary, she couldn't help but feel an urge to bow down devoutly.A clear realization rose in my heart, this is the perfect mother in every child's mind, and every baby hopes that his mother will love him like the Holy Mother without any conditions, as if he is the savior of the world.

Shaking her head vigorously, Chen Guo forced herself to regain her composure.Looking at the god on the throne, a god who was [-]% similar to Chen Yin, but with a colder expression, more mature cheeks, and an extra eye on his forehead.

He was dressed in golden armor, and beside him was a huge cage that looked like a birdcage, and inside the cage stood a woman in a black sandcloth with a black veil on her face.Behind the black veil is faintly visible, as if one can see the woman's enchanting body and her alluring appearance.

Sarah was kneeling at the feet of God, her body trembling, Chen Guo could feel the fear in her body, a kind of fear about her own future.

"As long as you promise to be the body of the goddess of the moon, I will let the sun restrain its light, and let the water spring up from the ground again, so that your people can live a prosperous life." The god sitting on the throne spoke, The voice was very majestic, resounding through the temple.

Chen Guo was a little embarrassed when he heard it, and said to Mu Qianqiu subconsciously: "I didn't expect Chen Yin's subconscious to be so secondary. I didn't find that Chen Yin had a secondary disease in his memory."

Mu Qianqiu seemed to be feeling unwell with this god's second-degree illness, coughed dryly and said, "The subconscious mind is just like a dream, and anything can happen. Have you seen the decoration on the back of the throne? An arrow?"

When Chen Guo heard the words, she saw that there was indeed a golden decoration above the back of the throne, which really looked like a sharp arrow.

No wonder that when the first ethnic group wanted to resist, they searched the entire desert but could not find this arrow. It turned out to be in the hands of God himself.

It seems that there is no need for Murong Rong, I am indeed a person who has inherited love and wisdom and found it myself.

But how should I get it? I am not invisible, so I can walk up to the god and step on the throne to take down the arrow.

"Mu Qianqiu, what can you do?" Chen Guo asked subconsciously.

Mu Qianqiu pondered for a while and said: "It's definitely not good to force it. In the subconscious, Chen Yin's power is infinite. Maybe you will turn into flying ash just by glancing at you. So you can only outsmart. If this god represents What is more interesting is that Chen Yin obeyed his mother and wanted to gain love through obedience, so what does the Moon Goddess represent?"

Chen Guo thought for a while and said, "The goddess of the moon might represent Chen Yin's independent consciousness. I never thought that Chen Yin would be so strong on the outside, but so soft on the inside."

. . . . .

Chen Guo: "Why am I wrong?"

Mu Qianqiu took a deep breath and said, "The one corresponding to the mother is of course the daughter-in-law. Have you ever heard that song? The two most important women in the song are the mother and the wife."

Chen Guo suddenly realized, and said, "Oh, I've heard Zhao Benshan sing it before."

Mu Qianqiu, a well-cultivated person, couldn't help roaring: "It was sung by Pan Changjiang! The goddess of the moon represents the incarnation of the lover in Chen Yin's heart. The moon is free and gentle, but at the same time it is also independent. Maybe I like Chen Yin who lacks independent personality and longs for maternal love. In reality, when choosing a spouse, many girls will look at whether the other party is filial to their mother, but most of their life after marriage is not happy. How about a person who listens to her mother in everything? , How could it be possible to stand on the wife’s side when encountering conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.”

Chen Guo nodded, pretending that she understood, marriage life was too far away from her.At the same time, she couldn't help but think of Zhang Meng. Chen Guo liked Zhang Meng in that world. If she survived, maybe they would get married in the future.

"So, you can lie to Chen Yin, saying that you have a way to make the goddess of the moon fall in love with him, and then take the opportunity to trick him to a remote place, so that Sura can steal the arrow." Didn't notice the behind-the-scenes of Chen Guo slipping away. Qianqiu continued.

(End of this chapter)

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