e-sports winner

Chapter 59 Overlapping Worlds

Chapter 59 Overlapping Worlds

"I'm just not feeling well, just rest for a while." After finishing speaking, Chen Guo quickly walked into her room and threw her head on the bed, feeling that the whole world was spinning, and then lost consciousness.

In a pitch-black space, Chen Guo's body suddenly appeared here.

"Where is this place? Why am I here?" Chen Guo asked in confusion.

"This is your consciousness space." With a familiar voice, Chen Guo immediately knew that the person speaking was the system.With a sigh of relief, he asked the system why it happened like this, and what happened to the real world.

System: "Because of the power of time, the two previous worlds overlapped at a certain moment, allowing you to live in two universes at the same time. However, the parallel universe is not static, because the time between two centuries Having an extra connection point like you caused the two parallel worlds to collide and overlap each other."

Chen Guo frowned. Although she couldn't imagine the universe-level concept at all, Chen Guo knew that it was definitely not a good thing, so she asked, "Then what will happen in the end? Did you already know?"

The system sighed and said, "If I had known earlier, I would have run away long ago, and I can't go now. The two worlds overlap each other, and there will be more than hundreds of millions of outcomes, but the two with the highest probability of occurrence The result is that either the two worlds collide with each other and explode, and everything is reduced to nothing. Or the two worlds merge with each other and a new world is created."

Chen Guo couldn't understand or even imagine things at the cosmic level.Therefore, Chen Guo turned this incident into two problems.

"What does the new universe look like after fusion? Is there a way to stop the end result, a big bang."

System: "The new universe after the fusion will most likely inherit the basic rules of the two universes. Even people from the two original worlds will be reborn in the new universe. There may be certain differences in personal causal relationships. After all, they are two Integration between two universes, this difference is normal.”

Chen Guo understood the meaning of fusion. For example, Fang Qingxue was her team member in one universe, but she was just an ordinary high school student in a parallel universe. of high school students.

System: "I really have a way to increase the probability of the fusion of two parallel worlds, but this requires two conditions, and even sacrifices you."

Will you sacrifice me?In other words, even if the universe merges, I will cease to exist?
Chen Guo frowned, he had too much resentment towards this world.There are many dreams that have not been fulfilled, and it doesn't seem to disappear, but is this the only way?

System: "This is the only way. It's not 100% successful, it just increases the probability. The only connection point between the two worlds is you. It can also be said that you caused the overlap of the two worlds, so you need to be the base point. Fusion of the two worlds. Of course, if you just want to live, because you and I are bound to each other, I can also open a space channel for you alone to go to another world."

Chen Guo fell silent and left alone.Everything I know will cease to exist, and I will go to another world to start anew.

But when everything related to him disappears, what is the meaning of his own existence?

The system did not disturb Chen Guo, but left him alone to think.In the world of consciousness, time is an illusory existence, and the system can use its own abilities to make it completely static relative to the real world.

"I've decided." After an unknown amount of time, perhaps an hour or 100 years, Chen Guo said with a complex expression.

"I have one reason to leave. But, I have countless reasons to stay. No matter whether I exist or not after the two worlds merge, I will stay and never go anywhere."

System: "Although you have decided to stay, you still need to do one more thing if you want to increase the probability of the worlds merging instead of exploding. In order for the two worlds to fuse, you need more than just physical base points. , you also need a spiritual base point, the physical base point is you, and the spiritual base point is Chen Yin. You need his consent, so that I can use your body and his spirit as the base point to merge the two worlds. "

Chen Guo frowned and said, "Chen Yin? Isn't Chen Yin dead? How can I get his consent?"

System: "Chen Yin's consciousness has never disappeared, he just hides in the depths of your subconscious. And in your subconscious, you have set up a lot of defenses for yourself. If you want to see him, you can only rely on yourself. After all, I have not been able to change a person's subconscious mind."

In Mu Qianqiu's study, Chen Guo had seen some research on the subconscious.Research believes that a person's subconscious determines a person's destiny, and all human consciousness and behavior are controlled by the subconscious.If you can change a person's subconscious, it is equivalent to changing a person's destiny.

A beggar, after the subconscious mind has been changed.It is even possible to become the richest man in the world in a short period of time, of course this is theoretical.

With such capabilities, the existence of the system would be unnecessary.The mission of the system is to change a person's destiny.

The space changed suddenly, and Chen Guo appeared in Mu Qianqiu's study.

Mu Qianqiu said solemnly: "Have you really made your decision? I want to remind you in advance that the subconscious world is a blend of illusion and reality. It is very twisted and bizarre, so it is very dangerous if you are not careful. You will become an idiot or even directly brain dead. All scientific methods so far have not been able to fully analyze the human subconscious. I can only use the power of the system to send you there. As for what you will encounter, it is completely unknown. of."

Chen Guo took a deep breath, with a firm look in her eyes, and said, "I'm ready."

Mu Qianqiu nodded and said: "I will use deep hypnosis to let you enter your subconscious. The system will give you certain help. You will have 5 opportunities in your subconscious to summon partners in the real world. Come and help, and their minds will be changed by the system and they will try their best to help you.”

After finishing speaking, Mu Qianqiu stood up, walked to Chen Guo's side, stared at Chen Guo's eyes and said, "Now, look into my eyes."

After hearing this, Chen Guo looked towards Mu Qianqiu's eyes and found that Mu Qianqiu's eyes were unusually deep.I wanted to look more carefully, but found that Mu Qianqiu's eyes were shining with countless silver lights.

When she came back to her senses, Chen Guo found herself deep in space, her body was moving at high speed and constantly being stretched and twisted. Countless stars around her flashed past her, and finally she walked towards a star that was very similar to the earth. The stars flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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