e-sports winner

Chapter 55 Whether you are here or not, I am here.

Chapter 55 Whether you are here or not, I am here.

this. . . .It seems difficult to do ah.

Chen Guo understands why the current status of e-sports in the world is so high.But it took several generations of hard work, during which many heroes who shocked the world appeared, to achieve such a status.

A year ago, the top 10 gold medals in the Olympic Games all fell into the hands of the United States.Ouyang Qian, in the Glory of Kings World Competition, won the championship and became the first world champion team led by a woman.

A few years ago, Dong Xiaolan rose from the bottom of society to become a winner in life by virtue of e-sports.It proves that no matter how ugly you are or how humble your background is, the door of e-sports is still open to you.

Ten years ago, when Donghuang dominated all the world e-sports championships in South Korea and the United States, it fought its way to win the world championship that year, inspiring the already tired Chinese e-sports circle.

go further. . . . .

There are as many legendary captains in the history of e-sports as there are inspiring legends of heroes. This has brought about the current status of e-sports. It is no longer about doing nothing, no longer playing games, and people who play games will no longer be discriminated against.Even so, it is still not comparable to the status of sports in the hearts of Chinese people. There are many reasons for this. If it is too detailed, it may be 404.

The two goals given by the system, can I achieve it by myself, and why can I achieve it on my own, alone.

He took a deep breath. Since he couldn't do it himself, he asked all his friends and like-minded people to do it together, including Fang Qingxue, Fatty, Yuanye, Murong Rong, Fang Hao, Zhang Meng, Ai Jia, and Ning Ze. . . . .

In order to achieve this ultimate goal, let's start with Lin Fan.

"System, redeem Mu Qianqiu's consultation time." Chen Guo said to the system in her mind, saying that since the launch of the auxiliary function, Chen Guo had only consulted Mu Qianqiu and interacted with him the most.

That's because psychology is the most scientific study of success.What kind of achievements a person can make, whether he ends up mediocre or can radiate his own light, all depend on the strength of his mind.

When Chen Yin's consciousness almost came back last time, Chen Guo learned from Mu Qianqiu that the method of making the soul stronger, and what Chen Guo could achieve in the end, were not even something Chen Guo could say. For example, Although the ultimate goal given by the system this time is hopeless, Chen Guo still will not give up her efforts, even if there is only a chance of one in a billion.

Whether you are here or not, I am here.Mu Qianqiu perfectly interpreted this sentence, as long as Chen Guo needs it, Mu Qianqiu will appear in his study room full of books.

Chen Guo told the story of Lin Fan and Yuan Ye. He wanted to untie Lin Fan's knot, but he didn't know how to do it.

There is a saying that good words cannot persuade a damned ghost.When a person is stuck in a certain knot, it is difficult for others to help, and more often the more they help, the more they help.

Mu Qianqiu thought for a while, and then said: "According to your description, Lin Fan probably idealized his dead father in his subconscious. This has a high probability in many children who have lost their parents. Happened, thought my father was a good man, a man of integrity, even a hero."

Chen Guo frowned and said, "That's why Lin Fan fought against those peers who spoke rudely to his father? But how to explain his relationship with Yuanye? Why did he have such a strong hatred for Yuanye? ? If he always thinks that his father is a hero, he should move towards the good side. After all, parents are the best role models for their children, even though they are just the father in Lin Fan's imagination."

Mu Qianqiu smiled. He found that when Chen Guo came into contact with him, he not only asked himself for answers, but also began to think of his own.

Nodding, Mu Qianqiu said: "But people live in reality. In reality, your father is just an ordinary person, and other people's fathers are also ordinary people. They will make mistakes, be cowardly, and have all the weaknesses of human nature. This created an ordinary father in his subconscious mind. But Lin Fan would not accept it. He wanted his father to be a hero and thus rejected the ordinary father. Therefore, Lin Fan could not get along with his stepfather. Even if his stepfather treats him well."

Chen Guo nodded, which explained why Lin Fan's character was a bit extreme.The father who did not admit the reality was just an ordinary person, and thus had a strong conflict with the people who could prove him wrong.Obviously, Lin Fan subconsciously regarded his stepfather as an ordinary father in society.

"But this can't explain the relationship between Yuan Ye and him. There is no difference in age between the two, and they have been good friends for many years. Why is Lin Fan so angry? He even wants to abolish one of Yuan Ye's arms?" Chen Guo asked suspiciously. road.

Mu Qianqiu sighed and said: "It's all because of Yuan Ye, who behaved so well. Judging from your description, Yuan Ye is a conscientious friend and a very confident person, otherwise he would not have met Fang for the first time. When Qingxue is clear, he will confess his love. Being responsible to Lin Fan as a friend and having strong self-confidence will naturally make Lin Fan project the perfect father in his subconscious onto Yuanye. This has nothing to do with Lin Fan's subjective consciousness , everything is done subconsciously.”

Chen Guo's mouth opened wide after hearing this. He had always thought that Lin Fan's feelings for Yuanye had broken through the worldly view, transcended the constraints of society, and reached the kind of stimulating feelings of mutual connection.

Unexpectedly, the real situation is more bloody than imagined.It pierced through Chen Guo's beautiful fantasy of forbidden love.

As if knowing what Chen Guo was thinking, Mu Qianqiu said: "It is human nature to project feelings such as admiration and obedience on individuals who are stronger than oneself. This is brought to human beings by natural selection, and everyone has it. "

Okay, so Chen Guo has it herself.Recalling that when she was chasing stars for a while, she would indeed have some particularly shameful thoughts, Chen Guo chose to accept it silently, and the two were responsible for the emotional entanglement. "

Nodding, Chen Guo said: "So when the perfect image of the wilderness in Lin Fan's heart was shattered, it brought huge psychological trauma to Lin Fan, and he had the urge to destroy the wilderness, and even took actual actions?"

Mu Qianqiu smiled happily and said: "That's almost it, but this impulse of destruction is not limited to Yuanye, but Yuanye has the closest relationship with him, even more than he, his mother and stepfather, that's why it's like this .”

Chen Guo was silent, did Yuan Ye do something wrong, without him always being a good friend with due diligence.What about Lin Fan, was he wrong?Everything he does is not even controlled by himself, everything is operated by the source of human nature, and this source of human nature is the same for everyone.

If what happened to Lin Fan happened to Chen Guo, he felt that he would do the same thing as Lin Fan.

But Chen Guo came to Mu Qianqiu not to find out who was right and who was wrong.In this world, there is no absolute right or wrong.

Chen Guo raised her head, stared into Mu Qianqiu's eyes and asked, "If I want to dissolve the relationship between the two, or even completely untie Lin Fan's knot, what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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