e-sports winner

Chapter 148 Choice

Chapter 148 Choice
However, Zhang Weichen didn't answer Chen Guo, his face was dull, and he walked towards the ghost market expressionlessly.

Chen Guo used magical powers to create a book with Zhang Weichen's name written on it.

Turn directly to the last page, which records the cause of Zhang Weichen's death.

It turned out that Zhang Weichen was ambushed by the monster clan again when he was performing a sect mission, and died of exhaustion in the battle.

But why did the Yaozu kill Zhang Weichen? The Kunlun faction and the Yaozu should have nothing to do with each other, at least Zhang Weichen didn't have any memory.

Trying to put Zhang Weichen's soul in the book, but found that she couldn't take it in. Chen Guo frowned. She didn't know if she could only take in people with scattered souls, or Zhang Weichen didn't meet the requirements.

Perhaps stimulated by the book in Chen Guo's hands, Zhang Weichen stopped immediately and turned to look at Chen Guo.

His eyes suddenly became scarlet, and his face showed a ferocious expression, like Chen Guo pounced on him.

Chen Guo felt for a moment that Zhang Weichen was filled with the kind of bloody energy that only she could see.

Chen Guo tried her best to dodge, but she didn't want to hurt him. As long as the soul is still there, the Kunlun faction may not have a way to bring the dead back to life.

Although Zhang Weichen kept attacking Chen Guo, he didn't use any spells, as if he had turned into a wild beast, only instinct was left, and he couldn't harm Chen Guo at all.

But as he moved, the red in Zhang Weichen's eyes became darker and darker, and even began to gradually turn purple.

There was a sudden bang.Zhang Weichen's soul exploded to pieces from the inside out. Bloody energy spurted out, rising to the sky and turning into red rain.

Chen Guo raised her hand, and when the bloody raindrops landed on her hands, they kept penetrating into her skin. Chen Guo felt that if she was a practitioner of the heaven rank, the raindrops would have dissipated before they touched her body.

And when the raindrops fall on most of the souls in front of them, they will try their best to drill into the souls.

"Brother Chen, I never expected to see you here."

As soon as Chen Guo turned her head, she saw Zhang Weichen standing not far away, looking at herself with a smile.

It turns out that with my supernatural powers, I can really communicate with people who have lost their souls.

Zhang Weichen looked up at the blood rain in the sky, and said: "I never thought I would cause so much trouble to everyone after my death. I'm really sorry, but Brother Chen must remind all forces to be careful of the monster race."

Chen Guo asked suspiciously: "Brother Chen, what's going on? Why did the monster clan attack you, and why did you come here?"

Zhang Weichen shook his head and said: "I don't know either, but before I completely lost consciousness, I saw a person exactly like me. It must have been recruited by the monster clan to pretend to be me, and it was also like my soul, injected a little A strange energy."

Then Zhang Weichen gave a deep salute and said: "Brother Chen, please tell all the forces about Zhang. Although I know this is difficult for others, I have no other way."

Chen Guo nodded, and Zhang Weichen turned into a ray of light and threw it into the book in Chen Guo's hand.

My mission is to stop the demon clan's conspiracy, and this blood rain has completely integrated with the ordinary soul.

When these people reincarnate in the future, what will be born will be monsters that are neither human nor demon.

Chen Guo reckoned that the Demon King was still in the experimental stage, that's why he collected blood energy everywhere and conducted various experiments.

The blood rain has been falling, this is a scene that Chen Guo can only see, and Dongfang Bai can also see it, but it is a pity that she is not here at this time, otherwise he would have a helper.

And if you tell others what you see in front of you, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

Thinking of Dongfang Bai, I thought of Dongfang Bai taking the initiative to absorb bloody energy into his body when the two first arrived in this world, yes, Chen Guo felt that he could do the same.

But is it worth it?Bloody energy is not something fun. As soon as Dongfang Bai entered this world, he reached the cultivation level of the ground level. After absorbing a little bit, his body immediately mutated, although Dongfang Bai immediately excreted it.

If he absorbed the blood gorilla energy in the yin deficiency formation, he might directly turn into a monster.

It's none of my business, sacrificing myself for a group of strangers, this kind of thing feels silly, not to mention that my original world is also very dangerous, if I die, who will guard my world.

Everyone wanted to be a hero when they were young, but when they grew up, they all became bears. I have tried my best to fight against this cold world.

The bloody energy around Chen Guo began to gather around Chen Guo, and then, like a bee seeing pollen, it burrowed into Chen Guo's body.

Pfft, Chen Guo spat out a mouthful of blood, and the bloody energy ran rampant in Chen Guo's body, crazily destroying and transforming wherever it passed.

There was a trace of helplessness on Chen Guo's face. Wasn't it because she refused to accept this cold world that she kept trying to live? She lived like a person instead of a walking dead, and lived with warmth instead of a cold zombie.

Through the induction of the yellow talisman, millions of ghosts have gathered in the yin void formation at this time, and they are all waiting for the moment when the ghost market opens to enter reincarnation.

These ghosts will be reincarnated as humans again. This is also the rule set by the underworld at the beginning, otherwise it would not attract so many wandering ghosts.

When these ghosts possessed with blood-colored energy are reborn as humans, they will all become monsters, neither human nor demon, and millions of human families will suffer the catastrophe of extinction.

The prospective parents who are full of expectations are not only disappointed, but also a heart that will never heal.

Gradually, those bloody energies that had penetrated into ordinary souls wriggled out of the body again like maggots and flew towards Chen Guo.

At this time, Chen Guo couldn't be seen as a person at all, and the whole body swelled into a big meat ball, some skins were rotten, some skins turned into book covers, and some skins seemed to be scorched.
There are even eyes, teeth, and long hair.

"Is it necessary to do this? These souls are not from the same world as you, just like the NPCs you meet when you play games. Their original destiny is without you. Now it's too late for you to give up. I will send you All the bloody energy in the body is excreted from the body."

The sound of the system came, but at this moment, Chen Guo couldn't feel where her head was or where her ears were, and even her consciousness was weak.

"No, no need, I've always been a bad guy, I like this too, and I deserve to die. If you find a host for the system in the future, you must find someone who is smarter and more selfish."

The original meat ball had swelled to a huge size, and suddenly two hands, two feet and a hideous face protruded from the inside of the meat ball.

It seems that in the No. 18 hell, the evil spirits that have been suppressed for countless years will feel intense discomfort just by looking at them.

And this monster exudes an aura that is infinitely close to that of a fairy.

In the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect, Yinkui frowned tightly, her eyes filled with infinite murderous intent. For the sake of the task, she arranged here in advance, leaving a back door for the demon clan. Otherwise, heavenly ghosts would not be able to enter the Yinxu Great Formation. But at this time the plan went awry.

The blood energy is not scattered among all the souls as originally planned, but concentrated together.

According to Yaozu's original plan, these souls will block the channel of reincarnation, and no new human race will be born from now on, and what blocks the channel is the blood energy. These souls will become tonics to increase their strength through the yin and emptiness array .

Millions of souls, after they are devoured by themselves, even if they cannot be promoted to the immortal level, they will become an invincible existence in the Great Perfection of the heavenly rank.

As long as you return to the main god's space and exchange for a will, you can directly be promoted to the immortal level.

Those who understand the will can say that one foot has stepped into the immortal level, and the other foot needs to accumulate slowly, just like the head of the South Sea Sword Sect, but the accumulation is not enough to advance to the immortal level, so it takes a lot of time to retreat .

With a cold snort, he walked into the teleportation array prepared in advance, gritted his teeth as the light came on, and said, "Don't let me know who ruined the plan, otherwise his life will be worse than death."

At this time, Chen Guo would have been worse off than dead without Yinkui. In a short period of time, Chen Guo had become the size of a hill, and the blood energy in the Yinxu formation had only absorbed one-tenth of it.

Before it is fully absorbed, Chen Guo's will cannot disappear, otherwise the remaining blood energy will still fall on other souls.

A huge fairy sword made of ice pierced through the air, and the chill on the sword seemed to be able to freeze all the space it passed through.

Chen Guo stretched out her hand to block the ice sword, her huge body raised her hand, and blocked in front of the ice sword, the sound like a butcher cutting meat sounded extremely disgusting.

The huge arm flew into the sky. After the arm left the body, it was under the control of Chen Guo's consciousness. It squirmed rapidly in the air, and grew a head and dozens of tentacles like centipede legs.

After falling to the ground, he swung his tentacles at an extremely fast speed and headed towards the ghost market.

Chen Guo stepped on it immediately, and her arm burst open, and the pieces of flesh scattered around did not mutate.

Chen Guo heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that the monster he turned into could only mutate once.

A figure appeared in the distance, flying towards Chen Guo at an extremely fast speed. Only the immortals can fly in the air, while the strong ones in the heavenly level Dzogchen can temporarily fly through the air.

Chen Guo saw that the other party was wearing a blue robe and a crown on his head, which often appeared in folk paintings of hell scenes.

King Chu Jiang, one of the ten halls of Yama, is in charge of the Ice Hell and Tongue Hell among the eighteen hells.

In just such a short period of time, Chen Guo had already absorbed half of the bloody energy in the Yin Deficiency Formation, and her body was already about the size of Mangshan. Compared to Chen Guo, King Chujiang was like an ant.

However, King Chu Jiang's aura was not weaker than Chen Guo's in the slightest. You must know that Chen Guo's current strength was already infinitely close to the immortal level.

King Chu Jiang's body was suspended in the air, with a very solemn expression on his face. Just now, he cut off the opponent's arm with a sword, but in an instant, another one grew out, and his momentum was not damaged at all.

(End of this chapter)

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