e-sports winner

Chapter 128 The Secret Realm

Chapter 128 The Secret Realm
Chen Guo smoked a total of 25 times, and the first ten times were all thanks for participating. On the spot, Chen Guo was ready to turn his face, thinking that there was something shady about it.

As a result, No. 11 directly produced a jade treasure box. Chen Guo held back her excitement and continued to smoke. The final result was one jade treasure box, one silver treasure box, and two wooden treasure boxes.

Although 25 Immortal Jade only won four treasure boxes, the probability was even lower than before, but the probability of the jade treasure box made Chen Guo refreshed.

The Sword Intent of Eliminating Demons and the Sword Intent of Despondency and Ecstasy that came out of the Golden Treasure Box before were both really strong, but they must meet certain conditions, so they are more bloody.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Guo directly clicked out the jade treasure box, and a gorgeous icon appeared in a flash of jade light.

Heart Demon Sword Intent, when hit by this sword intent, the enemy will be attacked by their own Heart Demon.

Chen Guo looked at it very carefully. She read it more than ten times in a row, but there was really no usage limit.

Then Chen Guo took out the remaining treasure chests, and two wooden treasure chests revealed two types of sword intent, the dripping rain sword intent and the bonfire sword intent.

A silver treasure chest contained the finger-twirling soft sword intention.

Chen Guo sighed. Wooden and silver treasure chests usually contain all kinds of tricks, but I couldn't help but look at them, just in case they found something useful.

Just like the sword intent of the eater, although it has no attack power at all, the enemy will become more and more hungry during the battle, which will greatly affect the mood, and it may affect the combat effectiveness.

The Raindrop Sword Intent can only be used when it is raining, and it must be light rain. After using it, it can avoid the loss of one's own strength in light rain.

The Bonfire Sword Intention, as the name suggests, can emit a ball of flame that can ignite a bonfire. Be careful that the wood is not too damp, otherwise the Buddha will not be able to light it.

"I'm your sister." Even though she was mentally prepared, Chen Guo still wanted to yell. Such sword intent once again refreshed the lower limit of Chen Guo's understanding of sword intent.

Relatively speaking, the finger-twisting and soft sword out of the silver treasure box is more reliable, it can increase the softness of the gun and make the weapon more difficult to break.

Incorporating the four sword intents into the system, the power of Dugu Nine Swords has increased by [-]%, and now the power of Dugu Nine Swords has increased by [-]%.

That is to say, every time Chen Guo swung a sword, in addition to the power of the Guiyuan Cheats, she would also receive a bonus of sword intent, doubling the power.

Moreover, Chen Guo had watched the Li family disciples practicing martial arts these days, and found that when Dugu Nine Swords and Infinity Sword Art were used at the same time, she could not only see the flaws in other people's moves, but even the flaws in spells. The premise is that the strength will not exceed Chen Guo too much.

Moreover, this way of discovering flaws in other people's moves is not done by looking at it with the eyes, but directly perceived in Chen Guo's consciousness.

Speaking of which, low-level practitioners are already formal practitioners, no matter which sect they go to, they will be recruited.

Early the next morning, Li Fang opened the door and stretched, but was taken aback when he saw Chen Guo in the yard holding a long sword with his back facing him.

Frowning, Li Fang said, "Brother Chen, what's wrong with you? Are you going out?"

Chen Guo turned around and said with a smile, "Yesterday I felt that my strength has improved a little bit. Today I want to discuss with you."

After hearing this, Li Fang showed a calm look on his face. In the small world of the Li family, there are all militants, and he has taken up many challenges like this.

"Brother Chen, although you have reached the low-level elementary level, I have already reached the low-level intermediate level. You have to be careful." Li Fang kindly reminded Chen Guo that once the Li family members fight, it is easy to lose their hands. It is known to all cultivation forces.

Chen Guo frowned, and said with some doubts: "You have been in the low-intermediate level for a long time and haven't reached the high-level yet, why do you look very happy?"

Li Fang immediately lowered his face, piercing Lao Tie's heart, and suddenly had the urge to teach Chen Guo a lesson.

In fact, Chen Guo also deliberately stimulated him, otherwise he would not be able to test his true level.

With a loud shout, Li Fang moved his palms downwards in the air, and a transparent shadow of a treasure seal appeared in his palms, the first form of the God of War Technique, Fantian Seal.

If the God of War Art has been cultivated to the immortal level, the summoned Fantian Seal is almost a physical body, but Li Fang is only a low-level middle-level now, and even the phantom cannot tell that it is a treasure seal.

Chen Guo used the Dugu Nine Swords and Unlimited Sword Art at the same time, and instantly felt that there was a flaw in the Fantian Seal above her head. Originally, the Fantian Seal was a ground-to-air move, but after improvement, it can also be used from air to ground. of.

But there are many loopholes, the stamina is insufficient, and the power is scattered, but except for Chen Guo, most people probably can't feel it.

A golden light stabbed directly at the center of Fan Tianyin, and the sword energy came out through the sword and collided with Fan Tianyin. As a result, Fan Tianyin was pierced directly and pierced Li Fang's face.

After a backflip and landed, Li Fang showed a shocked look on his face. He felt that Chen Guo's sword energy wasn't that strong, but it just hit Fan Tianyin's weak spot.

Originally, this flaw would disappear in the next moment, but it was caught by Chen Guo, what a coincidence?Fooled?

With just one thrust of the sword, Chen Guo had a rough idea of ​​her own strength. As long as she could break through the opponent's defense, the opponent would not be her opponent.

Moreover, Dugu Nine Swords' Qi Breaking Style seems to have a certain restraint effect on martial arts or spells composed of spiritual energy. Just now, the sword energy penetrated the Fantian seal, and it seemed that it did not consume at all.

Seeing Li Fang attacking again, Chen Guo smiled slightly. Now that she knew her own strength, it was time to test how effective her sword intent could be.

A sword stabbed out, right on the path that Li Fang had to pass. He wanted to attack Chen Guo's Xiasan road, but when he was about to squat down, he saw Chen Guo easily put the long sword in front of him. Go on, and you'll hit the sword.

Helpless, Li Fang had to do a backflip again. Just as he landed and was about to attack, the sound of grunting came from Li Fang's stomach again.

Li Fang said with an embarrassed face: "Let's have breakfast first."

Chen Guo nodded, it seems that this eater's sword intent is pretty good, and this kind of sword intent can be superimposed, if hit by dozens of swords, the opponent might even eat meat.

Chen Guo withdrew her long sword and was about to return to her room. As a high-ranking official, breakfast was naturally given to her room by others.

At this moment, Li Fengren walked out of the room, looked at Chen Guo and said, "Your sword intent is very interesting, but it's heresy, only true strength is the root."

Chen Guo was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Li Fengren could feel his own sword intent, but Chen Guo was also very desperate. She didn't want this sword intent herself, it was drawn out by the system.

After Li Fengren left, Chen Guo frowned. He felt that even with all his strength, he couldn't break through the opponent's defense.

Is this the Heaven Rank? Although it is a primary level, Li Fengren can guard against my sword energy, but I don't know if he can guard against my sword intent. If I can't let go, although I can't hurt the opponent, it is still no problem to escape.

After returning to the room and eating breakfast, Li Fang came over and informed that Li Zhi had something important to see him.

When Chen Guo came to the living room, Li Zhi and Li Fengren were sitting on the chairs with solemn faces. Li Zhi said, "There is a secret realm opened a hundred miles away from Fenglin City, and everyone from the Li family will enter the secret realm. You Do you want to go in with me?"

Chen Guo was a little dazed, and said, "What is a secret realm? Do you have money for it?"

After Li Zhi's explanation, the secret realm is like the cave of the cultivation forces. The small world is the same, but the size is different, which is equivalent to a wild independent space.

There may be various dangers inside, but there are also various opportunities, and you can even turn this secret place into your own four-person space.

The reason why the Li family must go is also very simple. A wild secret like this is the best fertilizer for the small world.

Moreover, there has been no secret realm in this world for thousands of years, and now many practitioners have only heard of it in the classics of the master's school. The sudden appearance of a secret realm this time will definitely attract competition from all parties.

At this time, the system said to Chen Guo: "The opening of the secret realm means that the strength of the original will is gradually recovering. If you can get the secret realm to sacrifice to it, you will definitely get a huge amount of feedback."

Chen Guo was puzzled and said, "Why can't the original will control the secret realm? I thought it was released on purpose."

The system immediately said: "It is true that the original will is the will of this continent, but since he has the will, it is impossible to completely control this continent. You can understand that this continent is the mother of the original will."

Chen Guo was silent for two seconds. There are too many brothers and sisters with the original will. An independent world counts as one, and each independent world is equivalent to a child born in this continent. It was a C-section, and it had no mind of its own.

"I'm also going into the secret realm, but you just said that there will be many forces coming, I think we should act separately to avoid being targeted." Chen Guo said with a frown.

Also frowning was Li Fenren. Why are you, a low-level scumbag, afraid of being implicated by our Li family?

Li Zhi thought about it and immediately agreed. After all, in her impression, Chen Guo's most powerful thing was her brain, not her strength.

But I still reminded Chen Guo: "At that time, the weakest people in the secret realm will be the earth ranks, and all forces will definitely send sky rank masters in. You have to be careful yourself."

Chen Guo nodded, she still has enough understanding of her own strength. In ordinary practice schools, only those who have reached the ground level can be regarded as formal disciples.

If you want to say that in this world, low-level people walk everywhere, and the heavenly level is not as good as a dog. , even if it is Purdue Cihang, it is only a high level of heaven.

After the discussion, Chen Guo and his party set off towards the secret realm. However, Shenmu Village, which was originally a local snake, closed the door of the village and stayed in its own cave. According to the information, the reason why Shenmu Village is called Shenmu Village is Because of their independent world, it is only the size of a Zhuangzi.

(End of this chapter)

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