e-sports winner

Chapter 121 Extracting Sword Intent

Chapter 121 Extracting Sword Intent
Yan Chixia gritted her teeth and stared at Chen Guo, and said, "You villain, who has brought disaster to the country and the people, has captured hundreds of thousands of strong men to do coolies, and everyone will be punished, bah!"

Chen Guo tilted her head to avoid a mouthful of flying phlegm.Chen Guo put down the long sword helplessly, and said, "Is this why you came to assassinate me?"

Yan Chixia frowned and said, "Is it possible that you have done something worse than this? Then I will kill you even more."

Chen Guo smiled bitterly and said: "With my current martial arts, I can kill you with two or three swords. But I won't kill you, and I won't make any excuses. You can go to the border and take a look. After reading this, if you If you still want to kill me, I won’t resist.”

Yan Chixia had a puzzled look on her face, and at the same time she began to doubt herself.Although it was rumored that Chen Guo was a big devil, it was a rumor after all, and there really wasn't any major incident of anger and grievance during the process of arresting the young man. "

This is why Chen Guo set the price so low, only two taels of silver.Those who can afford two taels of silver can certainly support themselves without having to resist or run away.Those who couldn't afford two taels of silver would starve to death if they didn't go to the frontier.

Even the major forces took the initiative to spend money to keep these laborers.

Moreover, the millions of refugees who are now migrating to the frontier are watched by officers and soldiers along the way.If bandits come to rob, they will be caught and transported to the frontier. When they arrive, they will have a brand new life, as long as they work, they can support themselves.

Now spread the word that Chen Guo is a treacherous official, basically they are local officials or landlords.After all, with the refugees gone, the court's food for disaster relief would be correspondingly reduced, and there would be nothing to greed for.

Yan Chixia thought for a while and said, "Okay, then I'll go to the frontier fortress to have a look. If I see the people there being oppressed, although I can't beat you, I will die with you if I risk my life."

Chen Guo looked at Yan Chixia's back turned over the wall and shook her head, I'm afraid you can't do it even if you want to die together.However, in an instant, the egg hurts again, and it is time to settle the fact that he was cheated by the Kunlun faction.

Although because of the system, they didn't really cheat, but the other party wanted to cheat him, which made Chen Guo very uncomfortable.

In the Zuixian Tower the next day, the Patriarch An of the Zuixian Tower stood tremblingly in front of Chen Guo.Chen Guo smiled and said, "Boss Zaan, don't be afraid, I didn't come here to take revenge. What's more, the Kunlun faction has a big business, so I don't dare to take revenge. I just want to ask Boss Zaan to bring A word to Kunlun. Just say I am Chen Guo, and I greet all the women in the families of the Kunlun faction."

The cold sweat on Zaan's head fell instantly, although this sentence sounded like a curse.But it was a real threat, and now everyone knew that Chen Guo was appointed by Li Shang to conscript women to work in the frontier fortress, so she could blatantly rob women.

And in the past two days, news has also spread in the capital, this time Chen Guo turned away all the people who came to give gifts.He didn't intend to share this interest with others at all, and now the officials and royal family in the capital almost hated Chen Guo to death.

Zu'an wiped the cold sweat off his brow, and said: "Master Chen, don't be angry, I'll report the situation to the sect elders, I believe they will give you a satisfactory answer."

With that said, he hurriedly turned around and left the room for fear of being stopped by Chen Guo.

After a while, Zu'an came back panting and said: "The elders know that you need immortal jade to practice, so they have prepared one hundred thousand immortal jade, and they will be delivered to your residence tomorrow night."

Chen Guo thought about it for a while, and decided to just leave the matter as it was. It wouldn't be good to push them into a hurry.When the time comes to send a master from the sect to assassinate him, it will be quite troublesome to deal with it.

To say that Chen Guo can survive until now is entirely because the Yaozu and Buddhism don't want to tear themselves apart from the Li family.The dean of Qinglian Academy had also promised that she would not hinder Chen Guo's actions.

In fact, Chen Guo also guessed that Qinglian Academy did not stand in line because they stood on the side of the original consciousness.If you want to change the dynasty, you also want to change to a better family, so that the interests of the world can be redistributed.

While thinking about the current situation, Chen Guo pushed open the gate of her yard.He saw Li Zhi sitting in the courtyard with a young man, looking like he was waiting for Chen Guo.

Chen Guo frowned, and said, "The Li family is afraid that I will cause some trouble, and asked you to come and watch me?"

Li Zhi gave Chen Guo a very clever look, and said, "Our ancestor was afraid that you would mess around and offend people who shouldn't be offended, so he asked me to watch you."

Chen Guo curled her lips, you might as well say that you care about my body, lest I be overly indulged by women.So he said: "Actually, there are enough women for the troops moving to the frontier. I want to make some money this time. Let me tell you how about two or eight points. I'm eight and you two."

Li Zhi and the young man looked at each other and said with a smile: "We won't share everything with you, but you have to promise us one thing."

When Chen Guo heard this, she instinctively wanted to refuse, and it was no small matter not to even give up the benefits.But it's too tempting to get all the benefits for yourself, so he pondered for a while and said, "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Li Zhi stood up, sighed and said: "Now, except for those small worlds, all the major forces are waiting and watching. Waiting for the situation to become clear before taking sides. Originally, these forces were all ups and downs with my Li family, such as you The Kunlun sect of the Kunlun sect has now established its own sect. Even in some excessive areas, everyone knows that there is a sect but does not know that there is a court. So what the ancestor means is that you try to muddy the water and see which sects are willing to submit to you. My Li family."

After listening to Li Zhi's explanation, Chen Guo realized that there were seven small worlds.The independent space of all other forces is called Dongtian.The area and the aura inside are many times smaller than the Small World.

Smaller ones, even the size of a mountain.Even if it is relatively large, it is only the size of a city.Compared with the small world, it is almost one-tenth of the area of ​​the big world, which is simply incomparable.

Chen Guo thought for a while and said: "It's better to work hard this time and try to get rid of the fire. Each of these landlords is attached to the sect. It just happens that we can use this time to build the Great Wall and let them donate money. As long as they dare to resist, the people behind them will The forces must have taken refuge with the demon clan or Buddhism."

Li Zhi frowned and said, "I have to go back and ask my ancestor for instructions for such a big move."

At night, Chen Guo sat alone in the courtyard, opening the system interface in her mind.Click the button to extract the sword intent, immediately extract the pointer on the interface disc, and start to rotate.

After learning from the pain, Chen Guo still decided to get a few sword intents as soon as possible, otherwise her attack power would never be able to increase. Sword energy without sword intent is really not very lethal to practitioners.

There are only a few grids on the turntable, on which are written, wood, copper, iron, silver, gold, jade, to represent the quality of the drawn items.

Chen Guo stared at the pointer intently, only to see that the pointer finally stopped on the wood.Chen Guo sighed. She didn't expect to draw the lowest quality Sword Intent, but it was better than drawing the one thanking you for participating.

Looking at the wooden box on the lucky draw interface, Chen Guo clicked.The box opened suddenly, and an icon popped out from inside.

Breeze Sword Intent, users will experience the true meaning of Breeze.After the sword is drawn, the enemy is like a breeze blowing on the face, making the enemy refreshed and invigorated.

With a bang, Chen Guo dropped the wooden box to the ground.Shouted at the system: "Damn your sister, you refreshed the enemy and boosted your spirits. Does this mean that I didn't die fast enough?"

The system coughed dryly and said: "This Breeze Sword Intent is quite good. If you don't use it on the enemy, can you still use it on your companions? It's equivalent to a BUFF."

Chen Guo calmed down, and angrily used the Breeze Sword Intent.He took the sword and waved it casually. He wanted to see if he could use it on himself, but he changed completely. Instead, the candle in front of him burned brighter after being blown by the breeze.

Chen Guo opened her own panel and saw that Dugu Nine Swords had a passive attack power increase of [-]%, and she felt a little better.

The Chaos Sword Art is not so much a sword technique as it is a trick to control sword intent.Various sword intents can be used at the same time without conflicting with each other.

You must know that in Swordsman (revised), Feng Qingyang was already on the line in terms of strength in that world.But he can only use all his strength to use nine kinds of sword intent as his ultimate move.

Sword intent has nothing to do with strength, it has to do with talent. With Feng Qingyang's talent, no matter which world he is in, he is the top.

When Chen Guo thought about it, she suddenly felt that the Chaos Infinity Sword Art was also quite good.If Chen Guo really saved thousands of Sword Intents, and there are thousands of Sword Intents in one sword, I will ask you if you are afraid.

A sword intention is equivalent to a special effect. Chen Guo really wants to see what it would be like to have thousands of special effects in one sword.

Moreover, there is also a skill recorded in the Unlimited Sword Art, each sword intent can create a clone, although only one blow can be issued, but if there are really thousands of sword intents, if you swing one, there will be thousands of comprehensions The master of the sword will strike you with a sword at the same time, the scene is quite spectacular when you think about it.

Thinking of this, Chen Guo directly used the Infinite Sword Art to create a sword clone.He also let the sword spirit clone swing a sword towards him. In terms of attack power, it was the same as the one used by Chen Guo, but it was entirely composed of sword energy.

The sword intention clone swung a sword towards Chen Guo and immediately dissipated.Chen Guo felt the feeling that Breeze Sword Intention brought to her, sighed, and said to herself: "It's actually good to have such a thing in Xia Tian.

Seeing that he had 9 immortal jade left, he gritted his teeth and smoked them all.

The first one is a wooden treasure chest.Second, thank you for participating.Then thank you for participating in a row, and the fifth one is a wooden treasure chest.Two more thank you for participating, and the eighth one is a golden treasure chest.The ninth wooden treasure chest, the tenth wooden treasure chest.

There are four wooden treasure chests and one gold treasure chest.

(End of this chapter)

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