Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 67 Let Your Boss Come and Lead Someone

Chapter 67 Let Your Boss Come and Lead Someone
"It's a pity. If I had been careful at level three, I might have won, or I might have won if I just dealt W directly." The face of the top laner of the Black Rose team was full of regret.

She really wanted to beat Lin Tian. She was the top laner and Lin Tian was the AD. There were no opportunities for the two sides to face each other, that is, they would occasionally happen when playing solo, but the nature of the heroes was different.

This time it was a real top lane matchup, and it was also the field of top lane for the Black Rose team, but they still lost.

Tian Luoyi took a careful look at the top laner and let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the one who was killed was not so ugly, and his teammates were not autistic.

She was really afraid that her teammates and solo would be beaten into autism: "At what level did you die?"

"Level six." The top laner of the Black Rose team said.

"It seems that Lin Tian really let the water go." Tian Luoyi thought to himself, she was also soloing with Lin Tian's roommate just now, but she didn't pay attention to the situation of the top order, but... now she feels a little happy, but also a little dissatisfied.

Before Lin Tian and her solo were not so good, they were random and second-level solo kills, but now they are so good to their teammates, which makes her feel a little bit of a gap, this psychology is very strange, even Tian Luoyi himself I can't figure it out.

The top laner of the Black Rose team watched the replay, and directly pulled the progress bar to the sixth level. At that time, she opened the tab, but she didn't see it clearly. Now she watched it again, and she was shocked!
Four breaks in one second?No... That's five breaks per second!
From a visual point of view, my crocodile just paused for a while, and a rose pattern appeared under its feet. Jian Ji's speed was so fast that people couldn't see clearly!
The top laner of the Black Rose team clicked to slow down, and it was only after slowing down that she could see clearly... Jian Ji first hit herself with a flaw, then used E to reset the normal attack to attack the opposite corner, and then used the Q skill to hit the opposite corner again!Flowing like clouds and flowing water, the speed is extremely fast, and Jian Ji can still be so fast without flashing, which really makes the top laner of the Black Rose team a little admired. She knows that she will never be able to play so fast.

Tian Luoyi tilted her head and saw this scene. In fact, when she was soloing with Lin Tian before, Lin Tian accompanied Sword Fairy. She had seen the speed of that Sword Fairy breaking through her body before, but watching it again now, she still finds it so amazing. , she likes this kind of operation. Coincidentally, Lin Tian can often play this kind of operation.

"This guy is a monster, right? Not only is the ADC so good, but the top laner is also so good." The top laner of the Black Rose team turned off the video and sighed.

"He is a straight monster." Tian Luoyi said casually.

"The monster can be seen. Where did the straight man drive? Is there something tricky?" The top laner of the Black Rose team looked at Tian Luoyi with interrogating eyes.

Tian Luoyi was a little shy, but soon his face became serious, and he said, "You're making fun of me? If you lose to Lin Tian, ​​you will be punished by doubling your training tasks."

"You are avenging private revenge!"

"Who made me the captain?" Tian Luoyi smiled triumphantly.

Although it was a solo practice, they still practiced until late at night, exchanging some experiences with each other.

I have to say that it is useful for Wang Yue and others to practice with the members of the Black Rose team. Several people from the Black Rose team gave Wang Yue and them a lot of advice, such as the consumption of laning is more casual, and the wave that can be played is too big. Counseling and so on, and Lin Tian also made some comments, Lin Tian didn't know if it was useful or not.

At [-]:[-], Lin Tian felt a little stiff.

It's time, Zhou Peng hasn't come back yet, Wang Yue made two phone calls, Zhou Peng didn't answer, after a while Zhou Peng sent a text message: "I'll be back in a while."

Lin Tian was somewhat worried. After all, Wu Siyu had happened before, so he got up and said, "I want to go out for a walk, and see if I can pick up Zhou Peng by the way. Are you going?"

"No, I'm too tired." Wang Yue said with a bitter face.

"I'm not going either, old five, help me bring a bottle of Coke back~" Wu Siyu's voice was soft, as if he was acting coquettishly.

"Leave this to Tian Xiaokang." Lin Tian waved his hand.

Wang Yue and the others were tired after playing the training games for so long, Lin Tian didn't force them to take them away, after tidying up, he changed into a black sportswear and went out.

The days at school are very pleasant. There are still many students walking around on campus at this time. Taking a deep breath, it seems that even the air has a hint of relaxation. If he is in the TA team, Lin Tian is probably still thinking about it at this time. When are you going to play?

Not far from the school gate, Lin Tian was planning to go to the night market, when several men walked up to him, their heads were colorfully dyed, and they smelled of alcohol, when they passed by Lin Tian, ​​one of them Hit Lin Tian's shoulder hard.

Lin Tian didn't feel anything, so the man yelled, "You stand there for me!"

Lin Tian turned his head, looked at a few drunken gangsters and rubbed their hands: "What's the matter?"

Seeing Lin Tian alone, the gangsters were full of confidence, and the man pointed at Lin Tian: "****, hit me and just leave!"

"It seems that you bumped into me first..." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he was amused, wondering what reason he was talking to a few drunks.

"Apologize, hurry up!" Four people came over at the same time, reeking of alcohol, with arrogant tones.

Lin Tian hesitated: "You don't need to be so polite?"

"What are you talking about?" The four gangsters were taken aback.

"It's just that you don't have to be so polite when you are a gangster, and you don't have to apologize to me." Lin Tian spread his hands and said in a playful tone.

"Drafted it, I want you to apologize to me!" Several gangsters immediately understood that Lin Tian was mocking them before, and they were furious!One of them picked up a stone from the ground and said, "MLGB, do you believe that I will smash you to death?"

Lin Tian was a little helpless, he didn't provoke them, and the matter developed like this. He has been living too comfortably recently, and it is indeed time to exercise...

After a little movement, he wanted to make a move to let this group of trash go back to where they should be.

But just when Lin Tian was about to make a move, there was a roaring sound, and beside Lin Tian, ​​he flicked his tail and flicked his long hair coquettishly, it was Tian Luoyi.

Tian Luoyi was wearing a bodysuit, outlining her extremely perfect curves, riding a bicycle with a heroic posture, with a trace of disdain on her face: "You drunks, where did you come from? Get lost!"

"What did you say?" A gangster walked over shaking his body, and then saw Tian Luoyi's face.

All of a sudden he shivered: "Are you Tian Luoyi?"

"You know it's my old lady and you still don't get out?" Tian Luoyi's eyes were sharp, and the gangster didn't dare to look at her.

After thinking about it, he seemed to feel very shameless, and he said, "So what if you are Tian Luoyi, you..."

Tian Luoyi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so she got out of the car, slapped him, and said in a cold voice, "You guys are from the Xingxing Billiard Hall, right? If you don't leave, you don't have to leave, just let your boss come over to fetch you! "

(End of this chapter)

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