Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 538 Mentality 1 Will Destroy It

Chapter 538

Almost all other lanes of the Coco team are disadvantaged.

The wild male gun looked at this posture and said: "Other lanes are not easy to grasp. This Ornn has made a small anti-armor now, and the czar in the middle lane is not easy to deal with. Let me go to the bottom lane? I will help you break through the bottom lane. .”

Team Coco's goal is to take off in the bottom lane, and the male guns will follow suit to take off, and then let the advantage of the bottom lane radiate to other routes. For them, the only way to win is in this way.

"No problem, this wheel mom always eats hooks with honey, so it's just right for you to come." Tai Tan, who was down the road, also felt that the wheel mother was a breakthrough at the moment: "And one dead body and two lives, this wheel mother is dead, and the cat is also biss!"

"Come on, I'm starting to circle back!" The male gun was near the bottom road at the moment, and he immediately wanted to wrap it up.

At this time, the wheel mother and the cat did not retreat.

"I'll hook. If he uses a shield, you can just use R." At this moment, Tai Tan said.

"The jungler is here, you go big and let's retreat!" The cat controlled by Cruise was hanging on the mother of the wheel, always feeling that this wave was going to die.

Lin Tian didn't speak. At this moment, the enemy Titan hooked Lin Tian with a Q skill. Before the Titan took the hook, Lin Tian had already controlled the wheel mother to start the big move, and directly moved more than the Titan's Q .

Verus threw out an R skill. Although the wheel mother didn't use E, Verus felt that the wheel mother might not be able to react.

But in this wave, the wheel mom has become different from before. With the high movement speed brought by the big move, the wheel mom moved down to avoid Verus' big move.

"I set?"

Verus saw the wheel mom avoiding two skills in a row... Is this the same wheel mom who died twice in 2 minutes?
"I'm the most amazing cat!"

The magic cat hanging on Lin Tian's body gave out a big move directly, and the yellow ripples hit the enemy's bottom lane combination. The wheel mother decisively AQA and Verus fight!

Verus now has an advantage in equipment, and immediately counterattacked, but at this moment, the cat directly hung on Verus with a weak plus ignited.

These two attack skills made Verus completely unable to fight back for a while.

When the audience downstairs saw this scene, there was a lot of discussion.

"Why did this mother of wheels suddenly confront Verus? Isn't this courting death?"

"The male gun will be here soon, it's done now, the wheel mother will die!"

"No, no, maybe before the male gun comes, the wheel mother can kill the cat."

"Why is the damage of Wheel Mom so high?"

Wheel Mom is indeed two parts behind Verus, but I have to say that once the two summoner skills of the cat are handed over, Verus' equipment advantage temporarily disappears!
Moreover, the cat can also give the wheel mother a ride with above-average attack power, but the Titan cannot help at the moment. As a hero, Titan, his control is indeed quite awesome, but his damage is very average!

In this case, the Titans and Verus were at a disadvantage in an instant.

Titan stepped forward, turned on W and used E to slow down the wheel mom, and then wanted to level A for the wheel mom, but the wheel mom ignored Verus at all, and frantically lowered Verus' HP when Verus had no way to fight back.

Verus is right, there is no flash, he can only fight, but now he really can't beat the wheel mother, unless he can pull it, and wait until the ignition and weakening effects on himself disappear.

But now he has no way to pull.

The next moment, Verus was killed!
However, before Verus died, he also ordered Lin Tian's blood volume to only about [-] blood volume.

At this time, the enemy's male gun came. Seeing the blood volume of Luanzi's mother, the male gun didn't say much, just flashed E and then released QR, and two powerful lead bullets burst out!These two skills can easily kill Wheel Mom in seconds, but...

The Q skill of the male gun was a hit, but the R skill was solidly hit on the wheel mother's E skill shield.

"He's not dead, it's okay, I'm still strong!" When Taitan saw Wheel Mom finally using her shield, she couldn't help but feel relieved, and immediately used her ultimate move to hit an undercurrent underground, and soon the undercurrent roared out. , pushing the wheel mother up high.

The male gun hurriedly stepped forward to kill the wheel's mother, but at this moment, the cat got off the wheel's mother and stood in front of the wheel's mother to resist the male gun's general attack!
It is also quite uncomfortable to be blocked by the male gun's general attack, but after leveling the cat twice with A, the male gun's E skill has improved again, and directly calling E to quickly draw the gun to change the position will make A die of the wheel!

But at this time, the wheel mother's control time ended, and the flash was handed over, and a transformation came!
Originally, after the male gun's E skill, he was able to A to the wheel mother, but the wheel mother's flash and hid behind the cat, which directly caused that the male gun could only A to the cat!
The two sides are like playing hide and seek!
This kind of operation caused the audience downstairs to exclaim again and again, the cooperation between the cat and the ADC is really good.

When the cat carried it until there was only a little blood left, the cat directly W on the wheel's mother, and the shield plus the blood of the E skill instantly raised the wheel's mother's blood.

"Are you sick?" Seeing this scene, Nan Qiang was so aggrieved that he was about to die. It was like a very hungry man clearly saw a roast duck in front of him, but he couldn't eat it no matter what. It can be said to be very explosive!

The key is that the male gun is still very dangerous, because when he is A cat, the wheel mother is always Aing him, and the damage caused by the titan to the wheel mother is almost equal to scraping!
"My Q is ready again!" Titan is still making the last effort. After the Q is ready, he directly predicts the position of the wheel mother, but the wheel mother uses the passive, and the effect of gaining movement speed when A is easy to dodge .

Titan's Q shot was empty, and the male gun no longer had the possibility of killing Lu Zi's mother, and sent the head out.

During this critical time period, the male gun still has a red buff. When the red buff reaches the mother of the wheel, it will undoubtedly become a nightmare for the Titan. The mother of the wheel will continue to cause damage to the Titan. A way to escape, directly killed.

The wheel mother took advantage of the opportunity and demolished the bottom tower of the Coco team.

Three heads, one blood tower... There are bounties for the heads, and the wheel is so fat.

Lin Tian glanced at the situation in disappointment, and said: "Okay, let's end the game in 10 minutes, the opponent is too bad, and now it's not a matter of giving up."

"Uh... good." Xun Yang looked at the wheel mother who was attached to him.

Even after playing many, many training matches with Lin Tian, ​​Cruiser still felt that it was outrageous at the moment.

The wheel mother's operation just now is really too detailed. If it is said that their chance of getting a triple kill in that wave just now is only 5.00%, then Lin Tian obviously captured that 5.00% perfectly.

For a while, Cruiser felt sorry for the other side.

Being so showy, the mentality will definitely explode, right?
(End of this chapter)

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