Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 529 Decisive

Chapter 529 Decisive
"Didn't the two cooperate well just now? Why didn't Lin Tian approve?" Tang Ru couldn't help asking.

In fact, not only Tang Ru didn't understand, Zhang Sa and others were also a little confused.

Zhang Leng didn't want to explain at first, but when he saw Zhang Sa and the others asking questions, he said, "Xia didn't hand in skills on purpose at the beginning. He wanted to fight back, and the target of the counterattack was the male gun."

"And Lin Tian's idea is not to fight back or not, but to kill the male gun, so when Lin Tian went to A's soldier, Xia should have realized what the assistant wanted to do, and should not care about the assistant to order the male gun. "

"When the prince handed in the EQ flash, Xia never thought that the prince wanted to kill the male gun, so he hesitated at the first moment. Combined, Xia missed at least three hits to tie the A."

"According to Lin Tian's understanding, this wave should be aimed at killing men with guns, but now it has become two skills that only target female police officers. This is definitely not what Lin Tian wants."

"Is Lin Tian so fierce?" Zhang Sa has only heard of Lin Tian's name, but he has never seen Lin Tian play games in person.

The opposing jungler came, and Lin Tian was a little disappointed that he didn't kill the opposing jungler?This is too cruel and too confident, right?As a map-controlling jungler, Zhang Sa's own style of play is also stable, so he has no understanding of Lin Tian's brain circuit.

"It's not because of the fierceness, but the problem of seizing the opportunity. Lin Tian seized the opportunity very coincidentally. It was the time period when the female policeman couldn't keep up. If it was a second slower, the female policeman would definitely flash up and shoot Xia Xia with the male gun. Time Lin Tian seized the opportunity, if his teammates made a little mistake, the result would be different."

A few people understood it, but they couldn't believe it for a while.

Lin Tian is an ADC, how could his ability to seize opportunities be so strong?You must know that the people who usually seize opportunities are support or junglers. ADC is the most difficult position to seize opportunities. Most of them are teammates who use ADC and output. The speed of AD and output directly affects the outcome of the game. I haven’t seen ADC yet. He is very good at seizing opportunities, and he starts a team to fight output by himself. Now Zhang Leng means that Lin Tian is like a killing machine.

After the second level of this wave, the two sides continued to face each other.

The female policewoman who didn't have double sex was a little more careful, but this one without double sex was not fatal.

Because Xia's blood volume has been lowered a lot by the male gun before, and now it is only about half blood, and the policewoman's state is almost full.

Soon the two sides reached the third level, neither side showed too many opportunities, and the female tank did not open.

At this moment, the female policeman came up to consume, and after a headshot hit Xia's body, E and Q pulled her body back. If this set of skills is used enough, Xia's blood volume will probably be extremely suppressed Low!
But while the policewoman was in the process of EQing, Lin Tian's prince instantly found a wave of opportunities to EQ!

The reason why the prince’s support can’t be obtained at high tiers is that the hero’s EQ is unstable. For example, if the E of the female tank does not reach the E, just wait for the next wave, and the prince’s EQ is that once the EQ is not available, his own The position will also become quite dangerous, and it is a hero with a very low error tolerance rate in the bottom lane.

But when the female policeman plays E, as long as the female policeman does not flash, as long as the prince can seize the opportunity, it will be a [-]% hit. After all, when the female policeman is E, he cannot move!
However, the timing must be very accurate. The policewoman's E is actually not slow. In addition, the prince's EQ also needs time to hit. Once the initial position is not good and the EQ is a bit slow, it will be impossible to pick it up. .

boom!Prince EQ directly picked off the policewoman. I didn't expect the prince to be so decisive during the tour, because just now the prince's position was far away from the policewoman, so he couldn't help but be surprised for a moment.

At this time, the female tank pointed an E on Xia's body, and then the Q skill controlled Xia, and Xunyang directly used the purification to undo the control of the female tank in seconds. AQE imprisoned the female policeman instantly and dealt damage at the same time. The fragile policewoman was killed immediately.

The combination of Lin Tian and Cruiser got a kill in the lane.

"Good fight!" Xuan Yang, who had a very cold expression, praised him at this moment.

"You play so-so, you don't need to pay purification for damage early." Lin Tian's reaction was very normal, and he didn't become happy because of this compliment.

Seeing Lin Tian being so cold, Xun Yang pursed his lips, as if he wanted to say something but he didn't say it in the end.

The wild male gun seems to be in a double row with AD. After seeing the female policeman died in battle, he started to crouch down on the road madly, which caused Lin Tian and Xunyang's advantage to not expand.

The two sides developed for nearly 5 minutes.

Cruiser made a few signals to ask his own jungler Olaf to come over. Olaf didn't know that it would be unreasonable not to come down, so he approached the bottom lane.

The field of vision in the Xiaolong area was pitch black, and both Lin Tian and Xun Yang knew that the male gun might be soloing Xiaolong there, so the two began to lean over there. At the same time, the female policeman and the female tank were also walking towards the Xiaolong area.

Olaf on his own side concluded that the male gun was in Xiaolong, so he went over non-stop. As a result, the male gun was not soloing Xiaolong at all, but crouched Olaf in the grass in the middle of the lower road!
The development of the male gun is no worse than that of Olaf, and now he is the first mover again! AQWAEA knocked out nearly half of Olaf's HP in an instant, and Olaf was in the smoke bomb right now, unable to fight back for a while.

The jungler immediately moved down the road, and Lin Tian and Prince Xia Jia, who was controlled by Cruiser, responded, but at this time, the female policeman used the advantage of her long arms to continuously consume Xia's blood volume, and the male gun was also consuming the blood of both of them. quantity.

This wave seems to be impossible to fight, Olaf is not in good condition, Xia has been consumed by the policewoman a lot of blood, and now Xunyang is sending a retreat signal.

The three of them retreated all the way to their own blue buff wild area, and the male gun, female policeman and female tank immediately surrounded them. At the same time, the support speed of the enemy's mid laner was faster than their own!
Logically speaking, the way to deal with this wave left to Lin Tian and others is to retreat quickly, even if one dies is acceptable.

But just as Olaf and Xia were retreating, Lin Tian suddenly stopped, then turned around and EQ flashed!
The flash of the good CD just now was used by Lin Tian again!

This move was beyond everyone's expectations, because Olaf and Xia had been retreating and were almost evacuating to a safe area. No one expected that the prince would dare to turn back and drive.

The policewoman and male gun were all blown away by the prince's EQ!These two people had such a few tenths of a second to walk more concentratedly, that is, at this moment Lin Tian chose to open!
It's a pity that Olaf and Xia didn't react to this wave at all!

Xia, who was on the cruise, quickly turned back to hit the damage, while Olaf sent a few question marks, but he didn't come over at all. Lin Tian, ​​who started the group, was sold out.

"What are you driving, we can go." Olaf typed very dissatisfied.

But Cruiser's complexion changed.

(End of this chapter)

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