Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 511 He is a Devil

Chapter 511 He is a Devil

At this stage, Delevingne decisively opened the disconnection.

The real abuse of Delevingne, the disconnection may have started from the second and third levels in the early stage, and Lin Tian was like this in the LDL game.

This time the disconnection came a little slower than the LDL period, but the sensation was just as huge.

As long as Lin Tian's Draven is stuck between the enemy's outer tower and the second tower in the bottom lane, Calista and the robot must cross Draven when they go online.

Unless they take a long detour, from the jungle to the lane... But in that case, the online time is too long, and the pawn line is always under their own tower, they still have to go back to the defense tower, and there is still a risk of being killed .

"Hey, isn't it?" The rest of the King team couldn't help sighing when they saw the scene in the bottom lane.

isn't it...

In the past, I have always seen Fitch cut off others like this, but I have never seen others cut off Fitch's lines like this.

This is too fake, right?

Everyone felt that this was like a dream.

"Trash, it's all trash." When Fitch saw this scene, his blood rushed to his brain!

He has never been disconnected by others, this is the first time!
This disconnection made Fitch's whole body tremble.

He's stronger than me...he's so much stronger than me?

Fitch couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it. He felt that his self-esteem and self-confidence were being rubbed against the ground, and he couldn't move!
Pentium's killing intent came from Fitch's eyes, Fitch only had one thought now, and that was to kill, kill the person who satirized him, and kill this Delevingne too!
But the more he thought about it, the more strange his actions became!
Fitch is the backbone of the King team, and also the strongest sword edge of the King team's bottom lane sword.

Now that he is confused, Zhang Xi naturally doesn't know what to do, what to do.

The Kalista and the robot on the line suffered again. The Draven in this outfit was the weakest when the Goddess Tears just came out!

During that time, Delevingne was not severely arranged once, and now Delevingne's equipment hits Kalista, just a few simple knives.

Fitch's teammates were all crazy, and they started to catch Delevingne, but this time Lin Tian showed his super consciousness.

If there are too many people, leave, and if there are few people, fight!At the same time, their mid-top support is also very fast!

The King team has very few control points in this lineup. Before Kalista reached level six, their control was only the blind monk's kick, but the blind monk's kick sometimes needs the right time, place and people.

This directly led to the fact that it was very difficult for the King team to catch this Draven. The arrogant King team paid a price.

When the game reached 15 minutes, Delevingne's Mozong became a magic cut!
This speed is too fast, even the usual EZ is not as fast as Draven. Under normal circumstances, Draven may have a game time of 20 minutes to stack the magic cut.

But this Draven is too fat, there are things A all the time, and the equipment is fast.

When Draven stacked the magic cut, everyone who had questioned Lin Tian's costume finally understood the horror of Draven's magic cut!
This outfit of the Magic Cut will maximize the damage in the mid-term. The Magic Cut and cheap armor-piercing armor can cause more damage than the Bloodthirsty Sword plus Infinity Blade.

Such a terrifying output is not something Calista and the robot can resist!

That is, at the moment when the magic cut was stacked, Lin Tian controlled Draven, and rushed to the high ground without saying a word!

At this time, the second tower of the bottom lane has not been demolished, and the King team has only demolished one or two defensive towers of the good brother team, but this Draven has already wreaked havoc on the high ground!

Holding a double axe, with a haughty look on his face!Draven is like a killing machine, and he is also the brightest star on this high ground.

The blind monk around the back touched the high ground, and then flashed to kick Draven to the gate of the spring, but as soon as the blind monk appeared, Draven missed the position of the blind monk with an E skill, and then held a double ax three Ping A!

The blood bar of the blind monk was like magic, it disappeared extremely quickly, and after a while, it turned into empty blood!

"Draven's damage is too explosive now. The blind monk has already started to make meat, and he can't even hold three swords... Maybe only the real eye can resist Draven's more swords! The King team can already start thinking about it It's a banpick!" On the commentary stage, the commentator Duo Mao couldn't help shouting.

The impact this Draven brought to him was like a comet hitting the earth, terrifying.

"That's right, we can congratulate our brother's team in advance. If we cover up the ID, I will feel that Fitch is behind Draven." Ye Xin also said immediately, the excitement and shock were beyond words. Said clearly.

The good brother team, the weakest team of Blue Moon Academy, and the last hope of Blue Moon Academy, but they fight the King team as a human machine.

Not strong enough.

"Say a scary thing. It's been 15 minutes now. Kalista, controlled by Fitch, is only at level seven, and her equipment is too far behind. Fitch is already afraid to come out of the spring water."

Fitch's Calista was almost motionless in King's spring water. He knew that once the spring water came out, Delevingne would be able to kill him with two casual stabs.

Fitch, who had always been calm, began to have red eyes, and a strong sense of shame hit his body and mind.

At this moment, Draven, who was standing near the spring, smiled slightly, and then...

Draven threw his big move!

The two axes quickly rushed towards Calista who was in the spring, and quickly turned back the moment the ax touched Calista. This time, Calista, who was originally full of blood, was hit by the ax back and forth. kill.

Super God!

I don't know how many times, the super god's voice resounded throughout the Summoner Canyon.

In the lower left corner, all are Draven's super-god information.

Just like Lin Tian said... super god is a very simple matter.

Delevingne's head count also reached 21 early.

"The devil, he's the devil!!" Fitch's fingers trembled slightly, and tears rolled down his face. He gritted his teeth and stared at the screen. The blow to his self-esteem was too heavy.

When the game time reached 7 minutes, five members of the King team stood in the spring water, and no one dared to go out.

Top laner Galen regretted it.

At 15 minutes, someone had already initiated a surrender, but she clicked to refuse.

This refusal made the King team suffer a lot.

Draven stood at the gate of the spring with the devil's footsteps, and the pair of axes that flashed coldly warned everyone.

Whoever comes, whoever dies!
(End of this chapter)

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