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Chapter 507 Fitch above

Chapter 507 Fitch above

The real eye is inserted, and the robot determines that this place has no vision.

Then he just needs to wait, just wait for the hook.

However, if Thresh is hooked, Thresh can pull Draven over with a lantern and start a 2V2. Hooking Draven is the best.

If Draven is hooked, although Thresh has a chance to put the lantern, but if he steps on the lantern himself, Draven may not be able to go back.

"This Draven's position seems a bit pretentious." Zhang Xi saw Draven's situation while waiting for the opportunity.

Generally speaking, when the laning person cannot see the vision of the robot, they will be subconsciously afraid of being hooked by Draven, so they will not move so far forward, or they will be looking for a hook.

But this Delevingne has always been in the front position, and the robots in the front thought it was the jungler.

"Are they junglers?" Zhang Xi asked.

"No, I reversed their jungler into a group of junglers, and they are looking at me trembling." The blind monk said with a smile at this time.

The other lanes of the King team were very relaxed in this game. After all, their opponent, the Haogege team, was just a lower zone team. However, even if they played more relaxedly, they were still able to suppress the midfield and upper jungle of the Haogege team. It has to be said that their strength is quite equal. It's amazing.

"The jungler is not here, so why is this Draven so pretentious?" Zhang Xi couldn't help it when he heard it.

He was charging, unleashing his hexblink.

A hero like a robot has a miraculous effect with hex flashing, especially if he has real eyes, the hit rate of Q can be greatly increased.

"Is Draven still not retreating? The robot is already releasing Hex to flash." Duo Mao looked at the situation on the screen and said.

"Draven's wave is Goddess Tears. He doesn't have a particularly strong combat power. He may not have much counterattack ability when he is hooked. Hey, what is his position?" Duo Mao exclaimed.

Ye Xin also looked quickly.

On the screen, the robot was hiding in the dark, and then Hex flashed out suddenly. After turning on W and taking a small step forward, he immediately pulled out the hook!

This hook is also very essence, the angle looks perfect.

But at this time, Delevingne turned on his W skill and moved a bit, and a small soldier happened to stand in front of Delevingne!

This is not luck, but Lin Tian's Delevingne seems to be very arrogant, but in fact he has always maintained a god position with his own soldiers!
If there are any special circumstances, Draven turns on W and shrinks behind the soldiers and it's over. This is also a detail of Lin Tian's robot fight, but it's hard for ordinary people to notice.

The robot was taken aback when it hooked the soldier in front of him, but at this moment Delevingne started chasing and beating him fiercely!

The ax in Delevingne's hand quickly passed towards robot A. The robot still has the effect of the W skill on its body, and it is retreating vigorously, but Delevingne uses double W, and the movement speed is not bad.

At this time, the best way for Calista is to A to Delevingne, and then add an E skill to slow down Delevingne, but Fitch didn't do that.

Fitch feels that this wave is an opportunity. Although the robot is very uncomfortable being A, he can also A Delevingne. At the same time, the robot is passive and can resist for a long time...

"Slow down, slow down." Heizi really couldn't keep up with Lin Tian's rhythm, so he could only humbly shout behind Lin Tian's buttocks to slow down...

Lin Tian turned a deaf ear: "Just stand behind and give me the lantern."

Lin Tian's Delevingne continued to level A against the robot. The robot at this moment was like an iron lump, and it had no ability to fight back for the time being, but Calista had already planted a lot of spears on Delevingne's body at this moment!
Although Calista was killed before, the damage is still there now, and Delevingne is a target in his eyes.

"I'm going to die, I'll turn around and help you control it." The robot knew that he couldn't run, and immediately flashed his hands and rushed back to Draven, but at this time Draven had already started to pull back.

The passive shield of the robot was hammered out, and the blood volume was getting lower and lower. In the end, the robot didn't have to touch Delevingne, but Delevingne's spears were already very dense at this moment.

At the moment of the robot's death, Calista tried her best to play output. Calista knew that she only needed her own AQ plus E to kill Delevingne.

Fitch had a confident smile on his face.

This wave can kill Draven. If you get the bounty, you can fight in the lane.

The next moment, the robot dies!
Draven started to back away.

"Did I let you go?" Fitch sneered, and continued to thrust his spear forward.

Thresh gave Draven a lantern in the back, Fitch directly Q the position of the lantern, and predicted the position of Draven's stepping on the lantern, but the only thing Fitch didn't count was that Draven didn't step on it immediately lantern.

Delevingne first activated his W skill and moved to avoid Kalista's Q skill. The moment Kalista raised her hand to draw A, he stepped on the lantern and then saw Delevingne all the way. Flying, flying to Thresh's side...


Fitch released the E skill, but the damage of the Q skill was missing. This tear did not kill Delevingne at all!Draven still has a little more than one-fifth of his health left.

"You bastard..." Fitch gritted his silver teeth, his face full of anger.

He felt like he was being tricked by Delevingne!

I predicted Delevingne's position, but Delevingne also seemed to predict what Fitch was going to do, so at the moment when the two sides met hand-to-hand, in the instant judgment, Fitch lost.

This makes it hard for Fitch, who regards itself as high, to believe it, let alone admit it.

In an instant, Fitch, who had always been calm, began to take the lead. He wanted to kill Delevingne once, and he wanted to let Delevingne know how powerful he was.

He led the soldiers forward all the way, no matter what, he used the jump to get close to Delevingne!Even if this wave is dangerous, Fitch will do the same.

"Hook him." Lin Tian said to Heizi.

Seeing Fitch's operation, Lin Tian's eyes showed a touch of disappointment.

Fitch is a genius?

But a genius doesn't have a cool head, so can he be called a genius?

"I can't hook it." Heizi said unconfidently.

"you can."

Heizi didn't know where Lin Tian's confidence came from, so he had to stretch out the bright green hook.

Calista jumped to the left and was about to avoid Heizi's hook, but at this moment Draven swung her butterfly-like double axes again.

Draven's E skill once again allows Kalista to force the position.

"Please eat the hook." Lin Tian said lightly.


Fitch's eyes widened in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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