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Chapter 484 Release Your Strongest Hero

Chapter 484 Release Your Strongest Hero

The strongest team of the Blue Moon Academy, known as the patron saint of the Blue Moon e-sports club...


Down to the round of 16!

"There is a problem, there is definitely a problem!" Tian Luoyi exclaimed in shock, but the applause from the Youfeng team made Tian Luoyi's voice covered.

On the gaming chair, Chen Rucheng and the others clenched their fists tightly, and they didn't care if their nails got stuck in their flesh.

After two games, the most fundamental reason is that we can't play the team and the system can't play.

The Xiaofa Huonan system is a system that the Patronus team has recently focused on practicing in the training match!It was also a killer move, but this killer move was easily deciphered.

Was Team Youfeng's on-the-spot reaction too strong?Or did Team Youfeng already know everything?
Everyone can't figure it out.

"Let's congratulate Team Youfeng. This is the first time Team Youfeng has defeated the Guardian God team head-on." The commentator Duomao said loudly. A little smaller.

The Guardian Team, Blue Moon Academy ranked first in the upper division, is here, which almost proves that Blue Moon Academy no longer has any competitiveness.

Ye Xin lowered his head and couldn't bear to look at the expressions of Chen Rucheng and others.

The legend of the Blue Moon Academy E-Sports Club was defeated just like that.

Why, why is this happening.

"Hahaha, it seems that your Blue Moon Academy won't have any results this year. Top 16. This should be the worst result in the history of Blue Moon Academy, right? I didn't expect that it was our Youfeng Team that killed your Guardian Team. I laughed so hard. I am." The former president of Youfeng Academy E-Sports Club, who was sitting next to Song Yu, had a cheerful face and smiled extremely happily.

The Patron Saint Team was like this, and he didn't believe that the Black Rose Team and the Good Brother Team could break out of the siege.

"Do you know our tactics?" Song Yu said to the people around him with a gloomy face.

"Song Yu, you don't want to be bloody, how would we know? It's just that you are not strong enough." The former president of the Youfeng team said with a smile.

In fact, they really know the tactics of the Guardian Team.

Just three days ago, a mysterious person sent several videos to Team Youfeng. The content of the videos was exactly the content of the training match of the Guardian God team.

Knowing how the Guardian God team wants to fight and how to do bp, it is much easier to fight the Guardian God team. After all, the strength gap between the two sides is not as big as that of an adult beating a child.

It's just that, of course, the former president of the Youfeng team will not tell others.

Still in the game, Song Yu temporarily suppressed his foul breath and stared at the screen.

Everything will be discussed after today's game is over.

The Guardian God team fell, and it would be fatal to everyone in Blue Moon Academy.

The next match will be the Black Rose team, and it will also be facing the favorite King team to win the championship.

It can be said that everyone does not believe that the Black Rose team can win the King team, even Song Yu and Ye Xin do not believe it.

After two more games, the Black Rose team and the King team took the stage at the same time.

"Judging from the strength on paper, the King team is completely ahead of the Black Rose team. This is also the first time that the Black Rose team has participated in a foreign war and played against other teams in the foreign war. However, we have seen the scene of a dark horse counterattack before. This time, maybe the Black Rose team will surprise us." Duo Mao said in an official tone.

Ye Xin actually didn't believe that the Black Rose team could bring miracles.

In the previous group stage, the King team had blocked and killed gods and Buddhas. Most importantly, their games lasted no more than 25 minutes.

What does this mean?On behalf of other teams, when facing the King team, they were defeated in the early stage!
Carry more, their bottom lane is even called the number one bottom lane in TS City.

In the group stage, they also encountered a team of kings in the bottom lane. Captain Fitch cooperated with Zhang Xi and killed them in the laning phase.

Unparalleled offensiveness is the style of the King team!
"The King team is also known as the net-retirement team. Facing their opponents, almost all of them were beaten to autism by the King team, and were even beaten to the net. This time, I don't know how the Black Rose team will deal with the King team."

"Come on Team Black Rose!"

"You must win, won't our Blue Moon Academy not even win the top eight this time?"

The audience from Blue Moon Academy who came to watch the game yelled.

And the cheerleader Chu Qian also stood up at this moment to cheer for the Black Rose team!
Chu Qian and Tian Luoyi were at odds, but at this moment, both sides seemed to resolve all grievances, and everyone was thinking about the same thing at the same time...


Soon the two sides got into a banpick.

The Black Rose team chose to ban Hanbing, Xiaopao, Calista, Syndra, and Riven, the five heroes.

In fact, Delevingne is the first pick of Fitch in the King team, but Delevingne is a better hero to target. What the Black Rose team wants is to deliberately release Delevingne, so as to target Delevingne.

And the King team...

"Empty bans! The King team chose five empty bans. Is this absolute confidence, or is it a tactic?" Ye Xin said in horror.

"It's absolute confidence. The King team has a habit. This habit is that when they face a team they think is not as good as their own, they will take empty bans." Duo Mao said at this time.

Such a domineering team...

Ye Xin couldn't help but gasped.

At this moment, the Black Rose team made a selection, and they directly won the hero Sword Demon.

The King team had almost no hesitation, directly locked Draven on the first floor, and directly took out Thresh on the second floor.

Bright sword!

There are few teams that directly get the bot lane combination like this so early, and there are also very few players who dare to take out Draven when they know that the opponent may target them.

The King team showed extreme confidence!
This kind of confidence is enough for everyone to treat it with caution.

The next few moves of the Black Rose team were all chosen against Delevingne.

The mid laner took out the male blade, the jungler took out the dragon turtle, and the bottom lane was a mixed line combination like EZ Gablon.

Obviously, what the Black Rose team thinks is to fight against each other in the bottom lane, and use the wandering of teammates to catch this Draven!

And the hero Dragon Turtle can be regarded as Draven's nemesis, Draven's high attack, Dragon Turtle's high retaliation!When the time comes, the Dragon Tortoise Sword Demon will charge together with the blades. I don't know if the team battle can be won. This Draven will definitely not survive.

"The Black Rose team just wants the opponent to take Draven, but...what if they can't target this Draven?" Duo Mao looked at the two sides' takers, and said sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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