Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 473 The King Team Is Strong

Chapter 473 The King Team Is Strong
After this wave of bot lane exchanges, it became even more difficult for the good brother team to play bot lane.

The hero Robot is very invisible when there is no advantage in the line, just like an iron lump, but when the Robot has the advantage, the Robot is like a god of war.

This wave of Frost and the robot chose to return to the city. With a lead of four kills in the lane, coupled with the lead in CS and level, as long as the King team is not stupid, there will be no more accidents at all.

"Lucian's performance in this wave is pretty good. This kind of technique should be good for the lower team, right?" At this time, Zhang Xi, who was assisting Fitch, said.

Lucian played well just now, and was almost killed by Fitch.

Fitch shook his head and said nothing.

The so-called loss is worth a thousand miles. Indeed, judging from the results, it seems that Lucian does have a chance to kill Han Bing.

But that's just a chance, can it really kill Han Bing?It's also undead!
Lucian missed at least two aces. One was that during the duel, Lucian got stuck with his own ace. The other was that Lucian was attracted by the robot, and Han Bing used the deceleration skill given to Lucian to pull away. A certain distance, which directly leads to the failure of the bottom lane.

The middle and upper lanes are still unbeatable, and Aoun of the good brother team is almost beaten to autism by Riven's ruthless combos.

Wu Siyu, who was not a good drinker today, also drank some wine, and his performance at the moment was a little abnormal. Although even if Wu Siyu did not perform abnormally, it would be difficult for him to have a technical confrontation with the opponent, but at least it would not be so miserable.

At 10 minutes, almost all the upper, middle, and lower teams of the Good Brothers team died once, and none of them got the head of the opponent.

The robot took the initiative to swim, went to the middle road, flashed R to silence Kassadin, hooked Kassadin with another hook, and hammered Kassadin away with E.

Kassadin's opponent, Male Blade, quickly wiped out nearly half of Kassadin's HP with W and Q, and Kassadin used his R skill to jump away!
At this moment, Wang Yue rushed over in a hurry, seeing this scene, he quickly released a pillar.

But this pillar made the enemy's male blade move another distance!
I saw the male blade directly E, E passed the troll's pillar, and got closer to Kassadin, and then took Kassadin away with an RQ.

"Can a male blade turn over my pillar?" Wang Yue looked confused.

His original intention was to rescue Kassadin, but it turned out to be a good thing. Kassadin was not rescued successfully, and he was killed by Wang Yue's pillar!
Who can stand this?
"This... I also forgot whether I can do it or not." Zhou Peng was also a little helpless. Zhou Peng played well with the male blade, but when facing trolls, he rarely tried to see if he could turn it over.

"The male blade is a bit invincible..." Wang Yue broke into a cold sweat.

When the male blade was killing people in the middle, only Han Bing was left in the bottom lane of the enemy, but Lucian and the cat didn't come forward fiercely to take away Han Bing, but hesitated.

Now Tian Luoyi can still stand it, but if he is bullied again, Tian Luoyi can't stand it anymore.

During this hesitation, some opportunities were also missed.

Lin Tian lay there, disapproving of Tian Luoyi's operation, but it was understandable, after all, Tian Luoyi didn't often hit the bottom lane, Tian Luoyi's single-lane ability in the middle lane, even the king Tian Luoyi could meet the opponent Touch, but the AD ability can only be said to be very average, and the King team is the most famous in the bottom lane.

At [-] minutes, the three members of the King team jumped over the tower and the two members of the good brother team successfully killed Lucian and Mao Mao, and broke the good brother to go down the outer tower.

At this time, the ice is developing extremely well, even if two or three people come to catch the ice, the ice has the ability to fight back.

The Good Brother team understood that this was not going to work, so they adopted the method of teaming up, but the cooperation between the two parties could not be guaranteed.

Wu Siyu is usually responsible for the command of the good brother team, but the real decision is in the hands of Lin Tian, ​​whether to fight or withdraw or do other things, Lin Tian has a lot of power to speak, and now it is replaced by Tian Luoyi. Tian Luoyi's command is closer to Tian Luoyi, but Tian Luoyi was born in the middle lane, and when she was playing the bottom lane, she couldn't accurately judge whether to play or not, and there was no one like Chenchen who provided Tian Luoyi with various Such accurate information!So the current situation is very embarrassing.

The style of play of the whole team is not like the good brother team, because the good brother team is relatively messy when they get heroes like Ornn, Kassadin, and Troll, and wait until the bottom lane opens up the situation before doing it. some opportunities.

As for the Black Rose team, their play style is half management and half fighting, and there is no need to open up any situation in the bottom lane, so the entire team is stuck here.

When the game reached 25 minutes, the enemy easily got the three dragons and caught them to death at the same time. Lucian and Mao Mao made a high-flying all the way. Finally, at 26 minutes, the King team ended the game.

In fact, if the King team was more serious, they could even end the game before 20 minutes. Obviously, the King team did not play seriously after discovering that the strength gap was too large.

Tian Luoyi and the others didn't even pull out an outer tower of the King team!

"Turn on the switch." Heizi put down the mouse, staring blankly at the screen in front of him.

He discovered that the reason why the good brother team has an advantage in the bottom lane every time is not because of how well he plays, but because of how well the ADC plays.

If Lin Tian comes up to play this Lucian, he thinks it should be worthy of the opposite bottom lane combination.

Of course, this is not to blame Tian Luoyi, but Heizi has a better understanding of Lin Tian's strength.

"Sorry." Tian Luoyi whispered.

"Tian Xiaohua, what are you talking about? There's nothing to be sorry about, it's just for fun." Heizi shook his head hastily.

Although the loss affected the mood of Heizi and the others, they were not really beaten into autism, because they already knew that the King team had left. This time, there was neither Zhang Leng's routine BP nor Lin Tian. It's normal to lose if you play bravely.

"Everyone in King's team is too strong. I just took a serious look at Han Bing's last hits. Han Bing almost only missed single-digit last hits. That's when soldiers with residual blood entered the tower. Han Bing couldn't help it. situation." At this time, Chenchen said.

When the time comes for the Black Rose team to fight against the King team, it will be up to Chenchen to face this Fitch. Even Chenchen feels the huge pressure.

"The same goes for their top laner. Although they may not necessarily use the hero Riven in the game, I can see that this person is very high in the lane. I am afraid that each of them is stronger than us. It will be difficult to handle." Fan Qian also said unconfidently.

Seeing that kind of operation monster on the opposite side, Fan Qian's pressure also doubled.

(End of this chapter)

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