Chapter 450
Because the bottom line has already reached the second tower, and the crocodile still has TP, in this situation, the crocodile didn't say that Teemo was missing...

On the bright side, the good brother team is still four people in the middle, only Timo is missing.

The sharp team planted a ward behind the good brother team. If the crocodile can TP over, that position is indeed good and can start a wave of good groups.

Even if Teemo comes at that time, it is estimated that the good brother team will not be able to take over this wave of groups. If Teemo continues to lead, then the sharp team will directly attack the dragon.

Everything thought was perfect.

At this moment, Lu Xi'an stepped forward, EAAWAAQAA added a mouthful of ruin, and all the skills in a round hit the troll that Wang Yue operated.

The troll doesn't turn on R now, so his body can't be considered fleshy, and it can even be said to be brittle.

With this set of skills, the troll lost almost one-third of its blood volume, and the most important thing was that Lucian's defeat kept the troll behind!

"They were kept by me, crocodile, you TP." At this time, Zhang Tianhua said.

Zhang Tianhua felt that he was so handsome. Big Chongzi's Q skill was avoided by his gorgeous position, and his W skill was also avoided by him.

He feels that he is possessed by a true god now, and he is in great condition!

Judging from the sharp team's script, the good brother team will definitely choose to retreat at this time, and the crocodile of TP can keep a few people. At that time, Lucian will add VN to explode the output, the blind monk will protect it again, and Tam will fly to back row...

This wave of teamfights is sure to win.

Tamm did also go big, planning to work with the crocodile to stop the retreat of the good brother team and cut off their retreat.

However, at this moment, Lucian, who was walking wildly, suddenly stepped on a mushroom.

It is impossible for Teemo, who has been playing all the time, to put the mushroom in the middle... But Lucian didn't realize this problem at the first time.

Teemo suddenly appeared from the side, and hit Lucian with a Q. At the same time, he sucked Lucian in his mouth, and clicked wildly at Lucian.

Lucian's bloodline immediately began to drop.

The good brother team that was retreating suddenly rushed forward!
Zhou Peng controls the little murloc, the Q soldier moves forward, and an R skill is released towards Lu Xian!
Lucian can't dodge by walking, he can only dodge, but he can't dodge backwards, because he will definitely eat this fish when he dodges backwards. The direction Lucian chose is to dodge in the upper half of the wild area.

But when Lucian flashed, Teemo also followed the flash.

Teemo can't play in a team, but now the two sides are almost in a 1V1 situation, and both of them flashed away from their teammates.

In a single fight, Lucian, who has no skills, even ate the blinded Lucian, is hardly Teemo's opponent.

The Teemo Sheep Knife was quickly stacked, and the attack speed was extremely fast, and Lucian's bloodline dropped quite quickly!
Lucian's weapon is teleportation, without healing. Facing Teemo like this, Lucian has nothing to do!

At this time, the big VN flashed over to help Lucian resolve the embarrassment! VN quickly hit a third ring and knocked out a lot of Teemo's blood, but Lin Tian knew that it was impossible for this VN to kill him!
The blind monk originally wanted to join the Datimo army, but to be reasonable, this wave is positive, because the good brother team has a lot of people!

The Good Brother team now has five people!As for the Crocodile and Tam of the Sharp Team, they were currently at the very back of the Good Brother Team. Their original intention was... that when the Good Brother Team retreated, they would just retreat to their position.

But now the good brother team not only did not retreat, but also rushed forward. The distance between the two sides can be imagined, and the crocodile and Tamm had no way to appear in the frontal team battle for a while.

Big bugs, windy girls, little fishmen, and trolls all rushed over.

The troll got stuck with VN and the blind monk with a pillar, and the little murloc entered with an E skill!
The big bug started the glory of justice, came quickly, VN quickly used the E skill to shoot the big bug away!
The blind monk originally planned to touch his eyes and add R to take Timothy away, but he was lifted up by Fengnv's uncharged Q skill, and at the same time he was controlled by the long-range Q of the big bug.

The sharp team has already shown its defeat at the moment, and the economics of the two sides are actually not much different. If they really fight together, the good brother team may not be able to fight, but like the current fight, the good brother team will fight casually.

All you need to do is take care of their teammates before Crocodile and Tam come over.

Teemo easily killed Lucian.

At this time, VN also gave Teemo a half-blood, and Teemo didn't rush, and put a blind on VN...

Both VN and Lucian are heroes with very short hands. For Teemo, if you can A to me, then I will be able to blind you.

It's that simple!
VN suddenly closed itself. During this period of time, VN could not produce mercury ribbons at all. Under the double blow of Teemo and the little murloc, the fragile VN was immediately sanctioned!
This head was also taken by the little fish man.

The rest, the most underdeveloped blind monk, now has an embarrassing expression on his face!

He kicked away the little murloc who was closest to him, and ran back after touching the W, but at this moment the big bug flashed over and stuck to the blind monk. , the big bug opened its mouth wide, and ate the blind monk in one gulp!

Then Crocodile and Tamm arrived late.

As soon as I saw that my teammates were already cold, I immediately wanted to turn around and leave...

The good brother team doesn't care about the crocodile and Tam. Now there is a big dragon. After killing the three members of the sharp team, the five people are in good condition and quickly go to the big dragon.

Soon, Dalong was taken down by the good brother team!
"It's over, it's over, it's all over, this one is gone." Zhang Tianhua, who had always been confident, had his mentality shattered. He knew that with this wave of three people killed and the baron lost, the economy would be in ruins.

The most important thing is that the hero Teemo, after taking the dragon buff, can be said to have a very outstanding single-band effect.

Originally, there was no one on the sharp team who could deal with Teemo, but now it is even more difficult to deal with.

"This Teemo is still hidden in the middle. It's really disgusting. In fact, their strength is not particularly strong." Said the top laner of the sharp team.

Up to now, the sharp team has more or less known the overall level of the good brother team. Although it is still good, except for that Teemo, the others are not particularly concerned.

But the sharp team is even more uncomfortable. It's okay to lose to someone who is particularly ruthless, but to lose to the third place in the lower division of the e-sports club of Blue Moon Academy?It would be embarrassing to say it!
Team Sharp doesn't want to lose at all, but they have nothing to do.

After the good brother team got the big dragon, Teemo's lead line can be said to be unstoppable, and the other four members of the good brother team are also relatively solid, and they are the kind of heroes that are not easy to kill...

At 25 minutes, the good brother team won the first game of the play-in competition.

"Temo, forever!" Heizi yelled this sentence with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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