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Chapter 398 Double Repayment

Chapter 398 Double Repayment

Yasuo, Teemo, Joker, the stability and control of the three are insufficient, and they need a high standard of coordination when they play.

The three members of the Black Sword team thought that there was nothing wrong with their cooperation, but in Lin Tian's eyes, it was full of loopholes.

Teemo's Q and Yasuo's W overlap in Lin Tian's view. When Lin Tian is blinded, Yasuo should not release the W skill. He should wait for Teemo's blinding to end before releasing the W skill. To avoid Quinn's damage, only in this way can they prolong the safety period long enough and cause higher damage to Quinn during this period.

One wrong step, one wrong step, after Quinn killed Yasuo, he went towards Clown A.

Lin Tian has already discovered which clown is his real body...

The position of the clown's real body just now has exposed himself.

After leveling A twice in a row against the clown, the blood volume of the clown instantly decreased.

"I'll go first." After the clown said this, he activated the Q skill and entered stealth.

But the clown just moved away from the original place, and Quinn in human form used a W skill.

The invisible clown was instantly exposed to Quinn's eyes.

"This Quinn restrains me too much!" The clown saw Quinn's Q skill flying towards him, and this Q skill actually gave the clown a sense of inescapability.

The clown moved quickly, but Quinn's Q landed on him precisely.

"I'm dead!" The clown yelled and died on the spot, 3V1, only Teemo was left!

At this moment, Quinn still has about half of his blood left, and Teemo's blood volume looks healthier, but Teemo knows that he can't beat this Quinn no matter what.

Teemo went to face Quinn A. Teemo without Q was too threatening to Quinn. After being hit by Quinn a few times, Teemo only had one-third of his health left.

Quinn Q again, and Teemo's HP reached one-fifth.

Timo knew that he was going to die too, and this Boquin was going to kill three times.

But the expected death did not come, and Quinn stood near Teemo.

Timo knew that he was humiliated!
Quinn could have killed him with a flat A, but Quinn just didn't do it.

Timo can't fight or run now!
Can't beat, can't run away!
Quinn is like a cat, and Teemo is a mouse, being played with in the palm of his hand!

Timo stopped resisting, and stood there waiting for Quinn to end his life, but Quinn refused to kill him.

"Kill me, kill me!" Teemo's controller shouted.

The more Quinn didn't kill him, the more humiliated he felt. There were a hundred people present at the match, and at least a thousand people watched it if the webcast was included.

In Blue Moon Academy, most of the lol players would pay attention to this game, and everyone saw Timo's embarrassment.

Teemo's controller recalled the scene at that time...

At that time, it was also the match between Black Sword Team VS Good Brother Team, and he was the one who controlled Quinn and played with Wang Yue's wine barrel.

He beat Wang Yue until there was only a trace of blood left, but he just didn't kill Wang Yue.

And now, the 'victim' is him...

Others don't have the so-called empathy. The real empathy is when he is unlucky. Timo understands the emotions Wang Yue endured that day.

"This Quinn is pretending, wait a minute, I'll be right there!" At this moment, Annie said.

"I'm here too."

Nuoshou and Annie are not far away, and the defense tower is no longer needed, so they want to come and deal with Quinn.

Teemo, already desperate, feels hope!
If his teammates can support him and successfully save him or kill Teemo, then this humiliation will no longer exist.

"Kill him, kill him!" Timo yelled like crazy, and now his mind is all about cooperating with Annie and Nuoshou to kill Quinn.


Annie and Nuo walked around to support them. Annie was on the other side of the wall, and Annie already had a passive!
"Quinn's playing tricks may bring him a fatal disaster. Unbeknownst to Quinn, Annie and Nuo have already taken their positions, and Quinn will be killed!"

"Annie's position is invisible to Quinn. Annie only needs an R to stun Quinn, and Quinn will definitely die... what?" Liu Qing, who was explaining again, suddenly opened his eyes wide.

On the screen, Annie released a big move through the wall.

Annie's big move came very quickly, almost instantly!It's hard to dodge.

Quinn did not have Annie's vision, that is to say... no warning!
But the moment Xiong just came out, Quinn's blind vision handed over a flash, and instantly dodged Annie's R skill!
Seeing that her R skill had failed, Annie stood there in a daze.

Nuoshou quickly handed over his hand and flashed across the wall, and an E skill pulled towards Quinn. At this time, Quinn kicked Nuoshou with an E skill, and made a certain displacement again.

Nuoshou's skills are also empty!

The remaining Annie ordered an explosive fruit and came to Quinn's rear.

Another 3 on 1!

This time, Quinn must be killed...

This is the thought of everyone in the Black Sword team.

On the contrary, Lin Tian's mind was blank when he was operating.

It's not that I'm stunned, it's not that I don't want to operate, it's just that I don't want to do anything...

The instinctive reaction of the muscles has become Lin Tian's reliance!

As a result, everyone saw that the outer circle of Nuo's hand was scratched by a small distance, and Quinn was not scratched. Although Annie's Q skill hit, her W skill did not hit.

In the process of walking A very smoothly, Quinn easily knocked out Annie's excessive blood volume, and at the same time, Nuo's hand was also beaten to residual blood by Quinn.

Timo stepped forward and hit Quinn with a Q skill, but Quinn used Q output when he was blinded, which once again lowered the blood volume of Annie and Nuoshou.

In less than 20 seconds, Annie and Nuo had only a trace of blood left in their hands, and Teemo, who was already bleeding, was still on the verge of danger.

"The three still didn't kill Quinn, but the blood volume of the three became very low... Dragon Turtle and Xin Zhao from the good brother team also came to support them!"

The Black Sword team failed to kill Quinn even with the combined efforts of the three, but was beaten like a bird by Quinn...

Now that Xin Zhao and Long Gui came, Teemo, Nuoshou and Annie of the Black Sword team were embarrassed.

After Ueno from the Good Brothers team came to support them, he stood beside the three members of the Black Sword team.

They did not launch an attack, but silently watched the three members of the Black Sword team.

The three members of the Black Sword team were powerless to fight back. Xin Zhao and Long Gui were full of health, even if they stood there and let them fight, they would not be able to kill them for a while.

But if you run...

Xin Zhao and Long Gui followed behind them, closely following.

The three members of the Black Sword team couldn't run, they couldn't fight, they became the target of the good brother team.

This is revenge from the good brother team.

All the audience laughed out loud watching this scene...

"Is this the Black Sword team?"

"It's shameful, it's like fish on the chopping board."

"The good brother's team is awesome!"

E-sports, strength is respected.

Last time I was weak and suffered humiliation.


I will repay you double!
——The good brother team.

(End of this chapter)

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