Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 395 Killing Quinn

Chapter 395 Killing Quinn
The running speed of the dragon tortoise is really too fast, it would be more appropriate if it is accompanied by a shrimp catcher at this time...

In less than a moment, the dragon turtle came to the middle!This Quinn has already knocked out half of Teemo's health.

"Temo." Lin Tian said.

For more than half a month, the main training goal of the good brother team is execution.

On the battlefield, everything is changing rapidly, everyone is talking, and once the sentence is too long, it is very likely that when the teammates receive it, a good opportunity will be taken.

So Lin Tian only said two words, and Wang Yue... understood.

Wang Yue taunted Timo directly!

Wang Yue had no time to think about why he was mocking Teemo instead of the Joker, or not Annie, but whatever Lin Tian said was what he said.

Now the good brother team listens to Wu Siyu in the overall situation, and Lin Tian in the details.

After Teemo was ridiculed, he was sentenced to death.

Quinn went on with a set of skills and beat the fragile Teemo to cripples. Cooperating with the dragon turtle's taunt, the back injury and the earthquake brought by the big move, Teemo snorted and died directly without even flashing. I had time to hand it over.

Just when Teemo was killed, the clown's fake body was killed by the great inventor's turret, the clown let out a cry, and three demon boxes appeared on the ground.

This time the Devil's Box has not failed, and the True Eye has been eliminated.

When the three boxes came down, the Great Inventor and Dragon Turtle were immediately terrified.

The clown cooperated with Annie to kill the great inventor, and a flash left the battlefield.

Seeing this, Annie also retreated immediately. Lin Tian controlled Quinn without slowing down, and directly activated the R skill. Hua Luo grabbed Quinn's body, and his movement speed was increased.

The clown who got away... went away, but this Anne had to stay.

Bypassing the clown's three demon boxes, Quinn pursued quickly, his movement speed was much higher than Anne's.

In just a few seconds, he caught up with Annie who was running for her life in a panic.

"Help!" Annie yelled.

Annie didn't want to die. If this wave of wandering was 1 for 1, it would be no loss at all, but if he died, the short-legged Nuo hand in the bottom lane would be in danger.

At this moment, Annie felt like she was playing a horror game!Quinn behind him exuded a ruthless aura.

Nuo walked towards Annie, the clown who had already entered the invisible couldn't bear to see Annie die, so he came over and put a demon box.

After Quinn saw the location of the devil's box placed by the clown, he made a detour and pursued Annie again.

When getting close to Annie, Quinn kicked Annie with an E, AQ took Annie away in an instant, and got the fourth head of the game.

After seeing it, the clown had no choice but to run for his life.

"This wave of good brothers is playing very well. Dragon Turtle's flash taunt is too important! If he doesn't taunt Teemo, Teemo can blind Quinn. After the clown's fake body dies, it is estimated that three people will be terrified. , the jungler of the good brother team has been improving." Liu Qing said frankly.

Liu Qing doesn't like the Haogege team very much, because the Haogege team always slaps him in the face, but as a commentator, he wants to be fair.

The flash taunt of the Dragon Turtle just now is indeed crucial. If it were slower, this wave of team battles would be difficult to predict!
"Annie was killed by Quinn, and the clown's condition is also very bad! Quinn chased her, is she planning to chase the clown?" Zhang Yaoyao continued to explain the game.

On the screen, because the clown is active, Quinn uses his ultimate move again, and Hua Luo grabs Quinn, and his movement speed gets a bonus again.

The clown plunged into the jungle, and Quinn also chased after him. The distance between the two was very close. Quinn fell from Hua Luo's claws, leveling the A clown. Seeing that the clown's Q skill CD was not recovered, he was about to die. But during the pursuit, Quinn stepped on a Teemo mushroom.

This Teemo's mushroom greatly slows down Quinn's movement speed, coupled with the deceleration of an E skill of the clown, which makes it difficult for Quinn to chase.

This time it was even more impossible to catch up, and the clown fled away shaking his body.

"It's a pity that the clown has less than 200 health left. If Quinn could have more A or Q, the clown would be dead..."

"Look at the bot lane, the Brilliant Girl Q from the bot lane has arrived under the defense tower!"

In Quinn and the opponent's Annie roaming each other, the bottom lane is a 1V1, the brilliance of the arm length is more advantageous in handling the pawn line, and now our pawn line is pushed under the enemy's defensive tower, and Nuo's hand is filling the tower with a knife.

After the glorious Q hits Nuoshou, he uses an E skill and then an R skill!
Nuo's hands are all armor and HP equipment, and he doesn't have any magic resistance. After all, for him, AD damage is the main damage when he hits the bottom lane!But Guanghui's damage is not weak!
Originally, Nuoshou had two-thirds of his blood volume, but after this practice, Nuoshou's blood volume became less than half.

Now Quinn activated the R skill again, went down from the triangular grass of the Black Sword team, and circled behind Nuo Shou!

The next moment, Quinn came to Nuoshou's side, and after kicking Nuoshou, the scattered feathers when the R skill was released also hit Nuoshou's blood volume, and with two flat A's, Nuoshou's HP was only Down a trace!
Nuoshou had a Q skill on the spot, and wanted to use the outer circle Q to scrape Quinn to restore his blood, but Quinn's distance control was quite perfect, and Nuoshou didn't give him a chance to QQ at all.

After leveling A again, the majestic Nuo fell to the ground.

"Quinn got a head again. It was too miserable for Nuo Shou to be overtaken by the tower. However, the good brother team also made a mistake. Quinn was a little anxious. Instead of letting Guanghui carry the defensive tower, he carried it by himself. Twice the defense tower, now Quinn has a little HP left!"

"The clown...the invisible clown is coming. All it takes is an E or a flat A to kill Quinn..." Commentator Liu Qing lowered his voice.

The clown originally planned to go back to the city, but after seeing Quinn jumping the tower, now that Quinn's health is not much, he activated the Q skill and came back!

Now Quinn is quite dangerous!

"The clown is here... this?" Originally, Liu Qing thought that the clown could take Quinn away with one knife, but what happened on the screen made both Liu Qing and Zhang Yaoyao's eyes widen!

Just when the invisible clown was about to show his fangs and finish off Quinn, he saw Quinn release a Q!

This Q skill happened to hit the invisible clown. The clown himself had less than 200 HP. After eating one of Quinn's Q skills, he died instantly!
Quinn thus gained the sixth head!
"This Q skill should be used to guess the clown's position. It turns out that I guessed it. It was a matter of luck, but it looks... a bit cool!" Zhang Yaoyao said with a look of infatuation.

Seeing Zhang Yaoyao praise this AD so much, Liu Qing was a little upset. He has liked Zhang Yaoyao for a long time.

"Luck factor accounts for 80.00%. If the clown gets this head, then he can make up for the economic loss in the previous period. What a pity!" Liu Qing said.

But is it really luck?
No one noticed the curvature of Lin Tian's mouth.

His position just now was very tricky, and he firmly believed that the clown could only come from the side.

Six people got their heads, and the clown died again...

The Black Sword team, the rhythm is completely out of order, and has entered a situation of collapse!

(End of this chapter)

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