Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 379 Mysterious Tactics

Chapter 379 Mysterious Tactics
Lin Tian's indifference made Li Lingyun's expression even more ugly.

But Lin Tian is like this.

I think you are a friend, I will give you whatever you want, if you are not my friend, sorry, I will not give you whatever you want, no matter who you are.

Everyone returned to the dormitory by car one after another. The last two people left were Lin Tian and Tian Luoyi.

The two of them were not in a hurry, Tian Luoyi took a taxi, and Lin Tian waited behind.

"What happened to Zhang Leng?"

"Don't ask me, it's also the first day I know she is the coach of our good brother's team." Lin Tian spread his hands.

Tian Luoyi looked disbelieving, thinking that Lin Tian was lying to her: "That's not what I asked, what I asked was, why did she say she was interested in you? Did she say it twice?"

"Maybe it's because I'm handsome."

"Speak again?" Tian Luoyi stretched out his jade hand, feeling as if if you continue to speak, I will beat you to death with one fist.

Lin Tian was even more helpless, and replied: "When Zhang Leng was going to the bathroom today, I wanted to ask her, but there was a small sticky bag following her, so I couldn't ask her."

Tian Luoyi's face turned red.

Before meeting Lin Tian, ​​Tian Luoyi was a female devil, when was he ever called a little sticky bun?

Now hearing this address, Tian Luoyi felt uncomfortable and urgent: "You're just a sticky bag, I was going to the bathroom at the time."

"Do you believe it?" Lin Tian said lightly.

Tian Luoyi stretched out her jade hand, pinched the flesh on Lin Tianhou's waist, and twisted it hard: "Believe it or not, there are so many women around you, why should I follow you? Where are the people here?"

Lin Tian was in pain, and hurriedly shouted: "Let go! Just one of you is enough trouble, if there are more, it will be too much trouble."

"Okay, you, say I'm troublesome!"

Tian Luoyi didn't know the severity of the attack, Lin Tian cried out in pain after being beaten: "Hit me again! Hit me again!"


After Lin Tian returned to the dormitory, Wu Siyu and others were playing League of Legends.

At this time, the power has been cut off, and several people are playing League of Legends in power-saving mode.

Lin Tian also discovered that the training methods of Wu Siyu and others had changed, it was not taught by him, but by Zhang Leng.

Like Wu Siyu, who gave away two kills at the beginning, and then began to resist the pressure.

Wu Siyu's basic skills are now very strong, and he is also doing well in resisting pressure. This kind of training can further enhance his ability to resist stress.

Now staring at the 40 frame screen, Wu Siyu resisted the pressure of the enemy's top laner.

There is also Wang Yue's training method. Wang Yue used to play rankings, which was called a submissive, that kind of... If someone spat on him, he would never fight back. If he spat again, he would block it.

Now... Wang Yue basically clicked the keyboard quickly every time!Either spraying people, or on the way to spraying people again.

Wang Yue used to play in Ionia, but now he plays in Zaun. From the beginning of the selection to the end of the game, he protects his mother with both hands.

Lin Tian knew that Zhang Leng must be training Wang Yue's ability to resist pressure and temper his mentality.

"Old five, I will be on QQ later, and Zhang Leng said to have a meeting." Wang Yue said.

"What meeting?"

Wu Siyu didn't raise his head, and said, "She said she found a tactic to defeat Team Fengyun. If we can win Team Fengyun, we will make a lot of money."

Zhou Peng took a slice of bread and ate it: "Didn't we have a training match with Team Fengyun before? Policewoman Lin Tian steals people spiritually. If that match continues, we should be the ones to win."

"Fourth, haven't you figured it out yet? The training match is different from the official match. We can have a [-]-[-] match against Team Fengyun in the training match. In the real match, we may be bloody." Wu Siyu replied.

When Lin Tian heard it, he really recognized Wu Siyu's words.

This happens not only in the points competition, but even in the World Championship.

The North American team was invincible in the training matches the year before last, but they failed to make it out of the group stage.

What people come up with in training matches may not be the strongest. Coupled with the environmental and psychological effects of the main match, it is even harder to predict the outcome of the match.

The Fengyun team performed well in the training match. That team has no shortcomings, and the bottom lane and support are also very strong. If Lin Tian doesn't show his full strength, it will be difficult to beat the opponent.

If you really want to go to the main game, you may not win.

But what Lin Tian was curious about was what Zhang Leng said... the tactics that could win the Fengyun team?
Half an hour later, all of them logged on to QQ.

Wu Siyu pulled everyone into the discussion group.

"Coach Zhang, here we come." Wu Siyu sent a kissing expression while typing.

Wu Siyu was still the same, regardless of whether the other party was a man or a woman, he would always flirt.

"Well, let me talk about our tactical thinking when facing the Fengyun team."

"Develop at the fastest speed. In 25 minutes, let Lin Tian get at least a four-piece suit, and in 10 minutes, he can even reach the magic outfit."

"Three 10-minute magical costumes? This is impossible, isn't it?"

Generally, it is not so easy to explode kills in the game. When facing the NB team, Lin Tian's development is fast enough, but it is only a little more than three pieces in 25 minutes. This is because Kai'Sa's equipment is relatively cheap, Mozong, Yangdao, hurricane.

Generally, at about 25, an AD with more kills and more CS can reach a three-piece set, which makes him capable of fighting.

And the bottom lane of the Fengyun team is also quite strong, the support is Bodhisattva's apprentice, and the AD is also very strong.

"It's because it's hard to get, so we have to use tactics..."

Zhang Leng began to talk about it. At first, when everyone read the words Zhang Leng typed, they couldn't believe it, but as time went by, everyone's eyes became hotter!

This tactic can be said to be the absolute ultimate development of AD...

Time flies by.

During this period of time, everyone in the good brother team was training according to Zhang Leng's wishes.

At the same time, the game of the Black Rose team also came to an end... Tian Luoyi and others won.

But this victory is somewhat unwarranted!
Because Li Lingyun wasn't there when the game started!
Many people were looking forward to the strong confrontation between the Black Rose team and Li Lingyun's team, but Li Lingyun, the captain, did not come!

Someone got a gossip that Li Lingyun was educated by his father, and Yunyun won't be here for a while.

In fact, it was exactly the same, because Li Lingyun failed to pay the bill that day, which led to him being detained by Mingtang Restaurant. Li Lingyun's boss personally came to redeem him, and gave Li Lingyun a hard lesson...

And today is the day when Team Good Brothers faces Team Fengyun.

Before entering the arena, Cheng Feng walked over and said to Lin Tian and the others: "I hope there will be an interesting match today."

Before Lin Tian and others could reply, Team Fengyun's ADC stared at Lin Tian and said, "I won't underestimate you this time."

(End of this chapter)

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