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Chapter 371 Standing with Teammates as Shields

Chapter 371 Standing with Teammates as Shields

The EZ of the NB team in the distance is enlarged, this is to prevent the damage of the enchantress from killing Kai'Sa in seconds.

Everyone in the NB team thought that Yao Ji's unexpected attack would hit Kai'Sa and kill Kai'Sa, who had been performing very well in the early stage, but...

The moment the enchantress who crossed the wall with W was about to step on Kai'Sa, Kai'Sa handed over her flash.

"He flashed?" Enchantress asked in disbelief.

Enchantress was sure that the place where she was standing just now had no vision, that is to say, Kai'Sa shouldn't be too mentally prepared, but even so, Kai'Sa still used flash to hide!

It wasn't until the enchantress' controller saw EZ's ultimate move that he thought of the reason. He said to EZ: "It must be your ultimate move that gave Kai'Sa a psychological warning!"

Yao Ji thinks that Kai'Sa's flash should be handed in to avoid EZ's ultimate move, and hiding her own W skill is just a incidental thing!
Not only Yaoji thinks this way, but even Liu Qing, who is commentating the game, thinks so. Liu Qing said: "Ka'Sa dodged her EZ big move, but unfortunately, Yaoji released her W skill at this time, Kai'Sa By the way, I avoided the fatal skill of the enchantress! I am so lucky!"

"It's not necessarily luck, Yao Ji is in danger, Kai'Sa AQ, Yao Ji has only a little HP left!" Zhang Yaoyao said.

"W! Kai'Sa's W skill predicts the location where the demon girl will return, and the demon girl is killed! Kai'Sa's perfect operation!"

"Sword Demon and Blind Monk are coming to the frontal battle soon. It's a 4V4 now, but Kai'Sa is in a bad state. Team NB wants to win!"

On the screen, the Sword Demon and the Blind Monk came to the rear of the four members of the Good Brother team!

EZ and Karma didn't rush forward. They didn't move forward until the Sword Demon and the blind monk took their positions.

The four members of the good brother team were stuck in the middle position.

"Lin Tian is not in good condition, don't fight, run down." Said Wu Siyu, who had already been killed.

"I can't run away, Lin Tian is also hanging." Heizi said quickly.

In terms of being able to run, Zhou Peng's Clown and Wang Yue are easier to run. Kai'Sa who has not flashed in this position is almost certain to die, and Heizi's short legs are not easy to escape.

"Hit!" Lin Tian said bluntly.

Upon hearing this, Heizi asked, "Who did you hit?"

"Whoever fights." Lin Tian's words were unreasonable.

First, Sword Demon EQ launched an offensive against Heizi's ice.

This Q skill is very tricky, and it is difficult to dodge by moving. Heizi directly handed in his own flash. Once he is Q by Sword Demon, he will definitely be caught in seconds.

The blind monk used the W skill to touch the sword demon, but he didn't choose to Q Kai'Sa at the moment. Seeing the flash of ice, he directly Q'd towards the ice.

Q skill hit!
The blind monk's second-stage Q kicked over and added an E. It was only the QQE damage of the blind monk alone, which knocked out a lot of Han Bing's blood.

EZ uses E skill to come up, and WQ attacks Han Bing. At this time, EZ's damage also comes up.

Kai'Sa hit the output against Sword Demon.

Heizi controlled the ice and also went to Sword Demon A.

Zhou Peng's clown released the R skill and output it to the Sword Demon.

The only person who didn't hit the output right away was Wang Yue.

At this juncture, Wang Yue was still a little scared and didn't dare to fight!

Sword Demon wanted to throw the W skill at Kai'Sa, but Kai'Sa shrank behind the clown clone, causing Sword Demon's W skill W to hit the clown clone.

The sword demon swung the second Q skill, and the Q skill took on the shape of a fan!

At the same time, Karma from the rear forced him to use RQ to slow down Kai'Sa, but Kai'Sa's position was a sign that Karma had a feeling that Kai'Sa couldn't Q at all!
That's a very standard position, using teammates as a shield!
Kai'Sa used the clone of the clown to prevent the sword demon's W skill from reaching her, and at the same time used the ice and male gun behind her to resist Karma's RQ for herself!

Even Heizi and the others didn't realize the importance of Lin Tian's position. They only saw that Lin Tian's Kai'Sa almost missed every skill!

"I'm going to die!" Heizi roared!
It's best to help teammates kite opponents in Han Bing's team, but this wave of sunspots has nothing to do, this kind of double-team, sunspots can't kite at all!
Before dying, Heizi manipulated the ice to inflict a weakness on the Sword Demon.

However, the weakened Sword Demon still appeared braver.

At this time, Zhou Peng said: "I may have to withdraw."

The clown controlled by Zhou Peng was awkward in group fights, his control was unstable, and his body was very fragile. The sword demon saw through the clown's real body.

After placing a box on the ground, Zhou Peng used Q to enter invisibility and left the battlefield.

"I'm going to withdraw too." At this moment, Wang Yue's male spear's blood volume has also dropped a lot...

He is more OB when playing in a team!In the process of OB, the damage of Karma plus EZ consumes part of the blood volume.

Wang Yue didn't dare to fight because he was nervous, and it was even more difficult to fight when he saw that he was bleeding.

Hearing this, Lin Tian frowned slightly.

If Wang Yue did nothing in this wave, it would be difficult to win. With his current equipment, it was not enough to really take away a few people.

Wu Siyu, who was watching the team battle, commanded: "Boss, you kill EZ and Karma, they can't beat you."

"I can't beat it!" Wang Yue ate EZ again and sent a Q.

However, EZ's position was a little forward at this time. Wang Yue's male gun raised his hand and hit EZ.

Wang Yue swears to the lamp, he didn't think about A!But he turned on automatic attack, this time it was automatic A!
Visible to the naked eye, EZ's blood volume dropped a piece!
Just one shot knocked out a lot of EZ's HP!

Wang Yue, who was not confident, was also surprised when he saw the damage of this shot. The heroes he played before were all pig girls. It's because he's used to playing with meat!

Seeing that the damage of this shot is so high now, Wang Yue is confident that he has returned a lot!
Another A shot to EZ, a Q skill... Hey, EZ is half blooded!
Seeing the EZ that was as crisp as a piece of paper, Wang Yue continued to unleash his skills!Then EZ was disabled, flashing back.

Wang Yue released the big move, but because Wang Yue was nervous, he made some mistakes in the operation, and the R skill was reversed!

The big move that was supposed to kill EZ was put on the sword demon and the blind monk on the other side!

Sword Demon's blood volume was already knocked out by Kai'Sa Clown and Han Bing. Although the male gun's R didn't kill him directly, it reduced his blood volume by a quarter.

Kasha leveled the sword demon, and the blood volume of the sword demon was getting lower and lower.

"I'm close to Kai'Sa! My Q is almost ready, he's finished!" the blind monk shouted happily!

The unskilled blind monk faced Kasha to level A, forcing Kaisha's position.

Sword Demon's Q skill CD turned better again. The first Q cuts at Kai'Sa. As long as Kai'Sa is smashed up, Sword Demon can cooperate with the blind monk to kill Kai'Sa easily.

But at this moment, a green light appeared on Kai'Sa...

At the same time, Kai'Sa handed over her E skill, and the acceleration of the two skills allowed Kai'Sa to get away from the blind monk quickly and move forward!
Kai'Sa still got the Q, but what she got was not the external Q of Sword Demon, but the internal Q.

Not being knocked into the air!
Sword Demon beat Kai'Sa to level A, but was taken away by Kai'Sa AQ.

The moment Kaisha kills the sword demon, she turns back to A blind monk.

The blood volume of the blind monk is dropping quickly, but his skills are already good.

To be on the safe side, the blind monk W Moyan approached Kai'Sa again to ensure that the distance between the two sides was relatively close!
But at this time, a demon box appeared on the ground!
Kaisha deliberately walked near the devil box that the clown placed.

While the blind monk was being feared, Kai'Sa tried her best to deal damage to the blind monk.

The recovered blind monk used Q and hit Kai'Sa!
"Let's see who dies first!" The blind monk sneered. At this time, the blind monk was half-blood, and Kai'Sa was also half-blood because he had prescribed treatment before.

The blind monk's damage will come faster than Kai'Sa, even if Kai'Sa activates the passive A again, the damage will not be enough to kill the blind monk!

"I won!" The blind monk kicked Kai'Sa!

It's just that the blind monk, who was immersed in his complacency, didn't see the blue light that suddenly appeared in Kai'Sa's hand...

(End of this chapter)

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