Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 354 Good Brothers Team VS Red Devils Team

Chapter 354 Good Brothers Team VS Red Devils Team
Six o'clock in the evening.

Good Brothers Team VS Red Devils Team.

"Boss, you're nervous again." Before taking the stage, Wu Siyu said to Wang Yue.

Wang Yue stammered: "I, I, am I that obvious?"

Hearing this, Wu Siyu nodded: "It can't be more obvious."

For the Red Devils, Wu Siyu and others didn't study it carefully. The time interval between the matches was too short. What happened last night, there was still class during the day today, so there was no time to think about how to deal with the Red Devils.

Knowing the style of play of the Red Devils, just a few points.

First, the Red Devils team is not very strong online, and likes to play operations and delay the late stage.

Second, the Red Devils team is very strong in team play and cooperates very well, surpassing the average team.

This team is somewhat similar to the good brother team.

Before the two teams came on stage, the auditorium was already full of people.

Coincidentally, Tian Luoyi and Chu Qian, two rivals, sat together.

"What are you doing here? Is a bronze come to watch the game?" Tian Luoyi taunted Chu Qian.

Chu Qian smiled charmingly: "I'm bronze and I'm proud~ Besides, I'm not here to watch the game, I'm here to watch Lin Tian~"

"Look at Lin Tian?" Hearing this, Tian Luoyi became jealous.

What does this guy mean by how?Doesn't she know that Lin Tian is my boyfriend?
Tian Luoyi said angrily: "Lin Tian doesn't want you to see him! He likes to be seen by me!"

"Oh? Luo Yi~ Do you know? Lin Tian and I had dinner together last night, and Lin Tian's roommates like me very much~" Chu Qian deliberately said in an ambiguous tone.

"You!" Tian Luoyi became even more angry.

At this moment, the commentary is in place.

The commentator Liu Qing said: "Today is the match between the Good Brothers team and the Red Devils team. The Good Brothers team experienced the failure of the day before yesterday. I don't know what adjustments they will make."

The commentator Zhang Yaoyao said: "I think it's best for the good brother team to play in the bottom lane. Both resource competition and team battles are selected in the lower half. Today their opponent is the Red Devils team that ranked 14th in the last point match. In my opinion, the strength of the teams is not much different, and the good brother team has a certain chance to win."

"It seems that Yaoyao is predicting that the good brother team will win. I think the Red Devils have a better chance of winning. They have more experience than the good brother team, and the Red Devils like to play teams that are not strong enough in the middle and upper field."

"I didn't predict that Brother Hao's team would win." Zhang Yaoyao shook her head.

The reaction of the audience and the commentator was similar. They were not too optimistic about the Haogege team. Although the Haogege team was very strong in the bottom lane, Naka Ueno's performance the day before yesterday was too hip, like silver.

Both teams started to play.

When the five members of the Red Devils took the stage, they passed by Lin Tian and the others.

"We were so lucky to meet you." A member of the Red Devils team said with a smile.

Wu Siyu's face changed, but he couldn't refute.

"It seems that we can get our first victory today." Another member of the Red Devils team also nodded.

Soon, the members of the Red Devils team were sitting in the blue square.

"They treat us like meat on the chopping board!" Heizi gritted his teeth. He didn't like the contemptuous attitude of the members of the Red Devils just now.

Wu Siyu said: "We are the meat on the chopping board. I took a look at the forum today and said that our good brother team is the best team in the history of Blue Moon Academy..."


With both sides in position, the banpick begins.

Because they don't know the Red Devils, the good brother team can only selectively ban some heroes that they think are not easy to deal with.

Crocodile, Zoe, Olaf, Female Tank, Sword Girl.

Seeing the ban people like the good brother team, the Red Devils team laughed.

"Let's not talk about the dishes played by the good brother team, and they don't even know us." The top laner of the Red Devils team smiled happily. Among the heroes banned by the good brother team, none of them are heroes they are good at.

The bans of the Red Devils team targeted a lot.

Banted Sion, Xayah, Zed, Kai'Sa and Pig Girl.

It can be seen from the ban people that the Red Devils team has some understanding of the good brother team.

Seeing this ban, Lin Tian frowned slightly, he originally wanted to take Kai'Sa in this round.

Kai'Sa's early laning can't be said to be too strong, but it's not too weak. AQ can be cast instantly.

She has a certain combat power in the mid-term, and is very strong and agile in the later stage. She is suitable for playing against the relatively stable Red Devils team, but she was banned.

In taking people, Lin Tian chose another AD, Dazui.

In the end, the candidates of both parties were determined.

For the Red Devils, the top laner is Dashu, the mid laner is Clockwork Monster, the jungler is Rek'Sai, and the bottom lane is a combination of Lulu and Mouse.

The good brother team, the top laner Aoun, the mid laner male blade, the jungler Amumu, and the bottom lane is a combination of big mouth and Fengnv.

Seeing this selection, the two commentators analyzed it.

Liu Qing smiled a little during the explanation, and said: "The selection of the two sides is a bit retro, and the core concepts are similar, and we will fight in team battles later, but I don't understand the male blade in the good brother's hand."

"From the casting point of view, the male swords of the Haogege team are really nondescript. If you want to play in the late stage, you should choose an AP with explosive output in the late stage, or a functional mid laner. The male blade is a hero. You can't live without wandering. .” Zhang Yaoyao also expressed her opinion.

Both commentators felt that this male knife was not suitable.

Indeed, depending on the lineup, you can either play a team in the late stage, or play four guarantees and one. What can the hero of the male knife do in the late stage?The damage is not enough.

"Maybe they want to use the male sword to roam around to open up some situations in the early stage, but with this lineup, if the Good Brother team does not have an advantage in the early stage, it will have one less core than the Red Devils team in the later stage."

In fact, Zhou Peng also wants to choose a brush mid laner for this match, such as Bomberman, Vampire, etc., but the problem is... Zhou Peng can't!
Zhou Peng practiced some assassin heroes. Without these heroes, he would not be able to reach the platinum division~ In the passerby game, he has no problem picking at the moment, but at this moment in the game, this move conflicts with other positions.

Lin Tian also knows that this is a bad place, but Lin Tian's original intention before was just to let his roommate reach the platinum division, and he never thought about playing games, so he never asked Zhou Peng to expand the hero pool.

Both sides entered the game.

"This one, I'll try wandering around more." Now Zhou Peng talked a little more. After he and Zhao Chun ended, although his heart hurt, he could put more experience on the game.

Wang Yue said: "I just brushed it, this one, I don't really want to gank."

Wang Yue was afraid of making mistakes and being ridiculed, so he chose Amumu, even if he kept brushing, it would be useful to fight in groups.

"Bless the gods and Buddhas, I hope this one can win." When reading the interface, Wu Siyu began to worship.

(End of this chapter)

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