Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 34 Training

Chapter 34 Training
Two hours passed quickly, but Wang Yue and the others felt very tired.

Lin Tian has been watching from behind, which puts a lot of pressure on them... and Lin Tian also has certain requirements for their last knife and performance in the laning phase. This feeling of being watched and playing games keeps everyone's spirits tense with.

After resting for 5 minutes, Lin Tian started the second round of training.

Play training mode.

Everyone chooses Han Bing and doesn't bring out A soldiers. Lin Tian's assessment is that within 10 minutes, he can't miss more than [-] knives.

It sounds very simple, but in reality it is not so easy to operate.

The initial attack power is relatively low, and Ice’s ballistics can’t be considered good. In League of Legends, heroes with good ballistics are heroes like Verus, and Ice’s attack looks soft. The minions are not that comfortable either, of course this is when their attack power and attack speed are very low.

"Is this useful?" At this time, Zhou Peng asked.

"It works, many professional players practice like this." Lin Tian explained.

Wu Siyu was also a little unconvinced: "Really? How do you know that professional players are like this..."

Wang Yue said: "That's needless to say, it must be what Lao Wu heard."

Lin Tian smiled wryly, I heard?He practiced like this a long time ago, and when he joined the TA team, the coach of the TA team would also ask for the same. Of course, this basic skill is useful, and Lin Tian's last knife is practiced little by little.

When he was playing the League of Legends game, he would set aside a period of time every day to practice. Up to now, Lin Tian has rarely missed a knife.

At this time, Heizi scratched his hair: "It's useless to me, isn't it?"

The auxiliary position that Heizi practiced does not need to make up the knife.

Lin Tian retorted: "No, Feng Nu, the ballistics of a hero like Lulu are not very good. The support needs to help the ADC in the early stage, and sometimes even when the ADC is dead, it needs to make up when pushing the line control line. Yes, if everyone can be compensated, the economy will have certain advantages."

Heizi doesn’t seem to care too much. It’s useful to help the ADC make up damage, but it’s not too difficult. As for making up damage when pushing the line control line when the ADC is dead, how much more economical can it be?

Lin Tian saw that Heizi didn't care, and he said: "Details determine success or failure, believe it or not."

"I didn't say I didn't believe it, fifth brother, don't be angry, I'll practice!" Heizi said hastily.

For Wang Yue and others, these three 10 minutes are like a year, and the three 10 minutes are only focused on practicing the last knife, which is a very boring and mechanized game.

At first they all thought it was easy, but after a long time, it was inevitable that they would relax. In addition, Han Bing's trajectory was not very good and the attack power of not buying equipment was too low, and several of them began to miss the knife one after another.

In the end, only Zhou Peng and Heizi, one missed 30 knives, the other missed [-] knives, and Wang Yue and others each exceeded [-] knives, and Wang Yue even missed more than [-] knives. But Wang Yue is a jungler, he thinks it doesn't matter, but Lin Tian said to Wang Yue: "There are too many situations where the jungler helps to make up the line, how can it be useless?"

When Wang Yue heard it, he couldn't say anything.

"The following is the attack frequency of the hero. After the equipment is equipped, how many times can be played with what attack speed. The time limit is one hour." Lin Tian continued with few people resting.

Everyone complained a little bit.

When the game becomes a work mode, it is not so easy. Playing games before was what I wanted to do, but now playing this game is what I want to do. The two are very different, and this kind of training is indeed a bit boring. .

Wu Siyu said coquettishly: "Lao Wu, give us some rest time~"

"Lights out at 11:30, no rest." Lin Tian shook his head. He calculated the time and could finish practicing what he said by 11:30. After finishing speaking, Lin Tian added: "I don't want to You don’t have to practice, it’s not me who can’t join the e-sports club anyway.”

"What if we can't get into the e-sports club after training like this?" Zhou Peng said. That's troublesome.

Lin Tian smiled: "That means you are stupid."

This answer almost made Zhou Peng choke to death.

An hour later, Lin Tian issued another command, this time for damage, but the damage also depends on what equipment the opponent has. How much damage, how much control time will be, how much control time will be in the case of the opponent's mercury shoes, and so on.

After this hour passed, it was almost 11:30. Those who hadn't reached 50.00% winning rate went to fight again. Lin Tian didn't force it if he didn't win. When it was time to go to bed, everyone looked tired.

Professional players have almost fifteen hours of training every day, and a lot of the time is boring and concentrated training. Professional players are often not as easy as ordinary people imagine. Even if they are not professional players, they are just boosters. When playing the game, it feels different from ordinary players.

Everyone thought it was over here, but before going to bed, Lin Tian found two more game videos for Wang Yue and others to watch.

What I showed them was not the LPL league video. The players in the LPL league are all top players, and their operation and awareness are far from ordinary players. Watching those games is good for improving themselves, but the effect may not be that great. Lin What Tian was looking for was a few city competitions, which looked more down-to-earth, and it was easier for Wang Yue and others to substitute themselves.

After tossing until one o'clock, everyone fell asleep.

The next day, Wang Yue and the others had dark circles under their eyes.

"Would you like a cup of coffee to refresh yourself?" Lin Tian, ​​who got up earlier than Wang Yue and others, suggested at this time.

Wang Yue yawned: "Old Wu, how can we have such high-end things in our dormitory? The coffee shop is still far away from us."

"Didn't we help run errands and serve us?" Lin Tian said.

Wang Yue and the others looked at each other and smiled wryly.

In fact, they are already very satisfied with getting back their place and regaining their dignity. If they really ordered Tian Xiaokang and the others, Wang Yue and others couldn’t do it well... One is a personality problem, and the other is that Tian Xiaokang is so powerful. They didn't want to cause too much trouble.

Wang Yue and others all expressed this idea. Lin Tian put on his black half-sleeves and said again: "Isn't that a gamble in vain? Who among you knows Tian Xiaokang's mobile phone number?"

Zhou Peng raised his hand: "I have."

Tian Xiaokang called them before when he was using them.

When Lin Tian got the number, he dialed it directly. He called twice before the other party answered.

"Who, don't kill me, disturb my rest!" Tian Xiaokang said angrily.

Lin Tian said bluntly: "Tian Xiaokang, right? I'll give you 10 minutes to buy five cups of coffee and send them to 403. Otherwise, I'll come to your dormitory and disturb you. Do you hear me?"

(End of this chapter)

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