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Chapter 328 3 Seconds

Chapter 328 Three Seconds
After Daomei killed solo, she dealt with a wave of soldiers and chose to return to the city.

"Why are you single-handedly killed?" Sun Mei glanced at the middle road and said.

The last thing Sun Mei wants to see is for Tian Luoyi to take the head. On the one hand, it is because Sun Mei has enmity with Tian Luoyi, and the other reason is... Tian Luoyi's operation is too good.

At the beginning of the game in the e-sports club, Tian Luoyi also manipulated a few waves with his own strength in the later stage. Although the Black Rose team did not win in the end, the impact on the Rose in the Rain team was still relatively large.

"I want to seduce her." The fox's controller said.

He and Tian Luoyi's operations are actually not much different, and the two are also old rivals.

Based on his understanding of Tian Luoyi, Tian Luoyi with his remaining blood will definitely go, but Tian Luoyi will definitely be afraid of Zheng Yu, so he won't be so resolute at the beginning. Taking advantage of this lack of resoluteness, Zheng Yu will also arrive.

But what he didn't expect was that Botian Luoyi was very determined just now, as if he had decided that as long as he was killed within a certain amount of time, the prince would be too late.

"Be careful, the Black Rose team gave me a very different feeling today." Zheng Yu said.

"Hmph, what's the big deal, I'm still pushing them down." At this moment, Sun Mei said.

Now Sun Mei and her assistant Xerath are online again, and after they are online, they are really fighting against Chenchen and Lier...

Commentator Liu Qing said proudly: "Let me tell you, although Lucian died once, it will not have much impact on the lane. Kai'Sa and Titan are still suppressed."

Zhang Yaoyao once again had a different opinion: "Although Kai'Sa and Titan were suppressed, Kai'Sa's last attack did not fall, and there was still a head on her body. If Lucian and Xerath can only have such a suppressing effect, then this I think the two candidates are pretty average."

"The Rose in the Rain team must have a strategy. I guess, their strategy is that when Lucian's damage is insufficient in the later stage, Xerath will make up for the damage. Even if the suppression effect on the line is not achieved, it will not be too bad. .” Liu Qing retorted.

Just when the two were still thinking about the bottom road, the blind monk started to go up the road.

It took less than ten seconds for the blind monk to hit the road. After a short wait, at No. 12 seconds, the blind monk entered the grass!
Chenchen exploded the disappearance time of this eye before!In ten seconds!
Moreover, players who play League of Legends generally will not have any precautions within a few seconds after the eye position disappears.

After all, you didn't come to gank me when the ward was on, and you came just a few seconds after my vision disappeared. How could it be such a coincidence.

At this moment, the top lane troll of the Rose in the Rain team thinks like this.

After the ward is gone, the troll is still consuming blood with the vampire.

Although the troll is not a hero with long hands, he is not too afraid to counteract vampires because of his passiveness. In the early stage, when the vampire CDs are not piled up, it is not difficult for trolls to fight vampires.

The troll released the E skill, and a blue pillar like an iceberg emerged from the ground.

"I! The king of trolls!" The troll shouted, while using the W skill, sprayed at the vampire, and quickly typed an AQA.

The vampire Q'd the troll to restore some blood, and then used the E skill to deal some damage. At this time, the two damage skills have entered a vacuum period, and the vampire only has one life-saving W skill, but at this time, the vampire did not pay blood pool.

"Then you're dead, aren't you?" The troll's controller felt a little bored, he didn't take any chance at all, this vampire was given such a big by himself!

If this wave of vampires died, the vampires would lose blood, and if they survived and escaped back to the city, it would still be a loss.

The top laner of the Rose in the Rain team didn't feel any hostility towards the Black Rose team. Instead, he was a little dissatisfied with his teammate Sun Mei. He only played as a normal game.

Just when the troll felt bored, a sound wave from the grass attacked the troll.

The blind monk kicked over and came to the troll.

"How did this blind monk get here? Doesn't that grass of mine have vision?" The troll's controller was startled, and quickly looked at the grass.

Three seconds ago, there was still vision there, but the blind monk arrived three seconds after the vision disappeared, which surprised the troll.

The blind monk leveled A twice, followed by an E skill, and the troll's blood volume became low.

But at this moment, the troll didn't panic, and directly handed over his flash, and opened a distance, and at this time, the vampire also handed over his flash.

Because the troll is slowed down, the vampire is moving faster than the troll. After catching up with the troll, the vampire sucked a Q skill. The blind monk W landed on the vampire, approached the troll again, and shot at the troll. Flat A.

The deceleration effect of the troll was about to disappear, and the vampire handed over the blood pool directly after seeing it.

Generally, the vampire's W is used in conjunction with the E skill, but the CD of the vampire's E skill has not been healed. At this moment, it is directly used in the blood pool, which is to cause a small amount of damage and at the same time slow down the troll again.

In this way, the blind monk followed the troll effortlessly. After waiting for his Q skill, another QAQ dealt damage. The vampire stood up and dealt A damage.

The troll knew that he had no way to go, so he immediately took a big stick to vampire A!
"The troll wants to change, and the blood volume of the vampire is not much now..."

"It hasn't been replaced! This wave of trolls was a bit too careless. His position was too far ahead, and he happened to be caught by the blind monk." Liu Qing said regretfully.

Zhang Yaoyao also said: "It's a bit of a coincidence that the blind monk came at this time, it happened to be the time when the troll's eye position disappeared."

"Yes, this head was also taken by a vampire, and the troll suppressed it for nothing in the early stage."

Vampires are not strong in the laning phase, and they are absolute late-stage heroes.

This wave of vampires got their heads, which is not good news for the Rose in the Rain team.

The two commentators were analyzing the situation, while in the auditorium, the members of the Guardian God team who hadn't left were talking about it.

The members of the Guardian God team are all top players in the e-sports club, because today is the first day of the scoring competition, and all of them will stay here to watch the game. If it is normal, they will not come here at all.

The five originally thought that the game would not have too many ups and downs, and that the Rose in the Rain team had a higher winning percentage, but now, their views are different.

"The Black Rose team surprised me a bit. Their time was very good, which caused the Rose in the Rain team to fall behind a lot." Bodhisattva said.

Bodhisattva is the deputy commander of the Guardian God team. He knows that the Black Rose team can achieve such an effect not because of their personal ability, but because of tactics.

(End of this chapter)

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