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Chapter 317 The Hesitant Teammate

Chapter 317 The Hesitant Teammate

"If this canyon herald is acquired, it will be over, and Quinn will continue to bring pressure."

"But now the barrel and the top laner are dead, and no one can stop them from playing Canyon Herald."

"Look at the next road, Xia who is on the bottom road is too pretending!" said the commentator Zhang Yaoyao.

At this moment, Nami is doing vision in the bot lane, and Xayah is pointing at the opponent's bot lane outer tower. The HP of the bot lane outer tower is not much, but Galen and Cat are still alive.

What Xayah did was to ignore the opponent's two-man lane and tie A with the enemy's bottom lane outer tower.

Galen was crushed miserably during the laning phase, and his temper was already on the rise. Seeing that Xia dared to ignore himself and the support, he immediately said to the cat: "Ultimate! Let's beat them!"

When the cat heard this, he immediately unleashed his ultimate move: "I am the most amazing cat!"

Waves of yellow light flew toward Kasumi and Nami like ocean waves.

At the same time, Galen turned on his Q skill and rushed towards him.

Galen and Cat, who both have big moves, don't have much counterattack ability like before. It's just that they couldn't find a suitable opportunity before. Now that Xia is standing so high, it can be said to be the most suitable opportunity.

The cat's ultimate move imprisoned Xia in place, and Xia seemed to be disconnected, recklessly tearing down the opponent's bottom lane outer tower.

Galen came up with a Q, coupled with the damage of the cat's Q skill and R skill, instantly knocked out one-third of Laixia's HP.

Afterwards, Galen circled around Xayah and gave ignition at the same time.

What the cat brings is ignition and weakness, and now it is also being ignited, and soon, there will be one-third of the blood left.

"Xia Xia feels stupid." Galen chuckled. Now Xia Xia's blood volume has reached the killing line!

Galen held the sword in his hands with both hands, and wanted to shout out the justice of Demacia, but at this moment, Xayah dismantled the opponent's bottom lane defense tower, and at the same time, the confinement effect brought by the cat also disappeared.

Flying feathers in the sky!

At the moment Galen wanted to stab Xayah with his sword, Xayah surrendered his big move and became unselectable, so that Galen's big sword didn't hit.

At the same time, Xia's position was a little further back.

When Xia fell to the ground, Xia turned on again to heal, which increased the blood volume.

One of Galen's big swords can't cut Xayah now!

After finally getting the opportunity, Galen didn't want Xia to run away.

Xia's feathers flew out and tried to return to their positions. Galen said disdainfully: "Can I still let you control it?"

So Galen instantly handed over his flash, trying to hide from Xia's barb.

Almost at the moment Galen flashed, Xayah also handed over the flash, and the position of the barb was adjusted instantly. Originally, after Galen flashed, Xayah could no longer control Galen, but because of this flash, Gai adjusted the position. Lun was charged again.

At this time, Nami, who went out to do vision, finally returned to the bottom lane.

Originally, Heizi thought Lin Tian was dead... Seeing that Xia had controlled the opponent, he quickly released his big move.

The huge waves surged, and Galen was imprisoned in place, unable to move, and was blown away by the huge waves. At the same time, Nami used a Q skill to soak Galen up.

Galen couldn't move, like a schoolboy who was punished to stand still.

The cat gave Xia a weakness, and when Xia's output became lower.

But by the time Galen was able to move, Galen's health had reached one-third, and the weakening effect on Xayah had disappeared.

There is only one plan for Galen now... that is to run, he can't hit Xia now...

However, Kasumi's distance was maintained quite well, and Nami gave Raixia an E skill. Galen was slowed down, and Kasumi followed with a flat A. After the next E skill was used, Galen died again.

In Galen's sea of ​​death, the cat fell down. The cat that didn't flash was weak and helpless, and was quickly killed by Xia!

"Xia got a double kill again! I think this wave of Galen is okay. Xia's position is not good, and Nami went out to do vision again, but she just didn't kill it." Zhang Yaoyao said.

Erqing nodded: "Not only is there no problem with the skill, but there is actually no problem with the operation. Another R can take over Xia, but Xia used the R skill to hide... If Xia opened R later, or if there was no follow-up The barb reaches Galen, and the one who can kill in this wave is Galen.”

"Tell me, is it possible that Xia planned it?" Zhang Yaoyao said.

The scene just now gave Zhang Yaoyao a feeling that Xia seemed to have calculated everything.

However, Liu Qing frowned and denied: "It's impossible... I think it was luck that Xia used R in the first wave to prevent Galen from releasing R. If you say it was Xia who figured it out... I don't think so. possible."

Liu Qing's tone was also full of uncertainty, because at a certain moment, he also felt that Xia did it on purpose.

Xia has a relatively large advantage. Galen and Cat usually don't come out. You can dismantle it as you like, and I will make up my pawns!

That kind of opportunity appeared just now, and Galen seized it, but Galen died...

Xia seems to be deliberately seducing, but isn't Xia afraid of accidents?If the R is played later, or the flash is not so timely, it will die.

After returning to rationality, Liu Qing felt that it was an accident, and he said: "I still think Xia Tuo is too big."

Both commentators were unsure, but the girls from Team Black Rose who were watching the match looked at each other and smiled.


Xia did it on purpose!

Everyone in the Black Rose team has encountered such a situation countless times during the training match with the good brother team.

When Lin Tian feels that he can't open the situation, or the opponent is too wretched to kill him, he will put himself in a dangerous situation, lure people out to beat him, and finally complete the counter-kill.

"I didn't expect Lin Tian would dare to do this in the game." said Fan Qian, the top laner of the Black Rose team.

The pressure of the game is different from the pressure of the training game... Some people dare to operate in the training game, but not in the game, but Lin Tian dares.

"His psychology is too terrifying. I have experienced it before." The assistant of the Black Rose team said.

"I kind of admire him."

When this was mentioned, several members of the Black Rose team were very touched.

I don't know why Tian Luoyi felt sweet in his heart when he heard the team members praised Lin Tian and said they admired Lin Tian.

But while feeling sweet in his heart, Tian Luoyi felt that he was a little bit disappointed!To be delighted by such a thing.

After the double kill, Kasumi and Nami went to Xiaolong, but the speed of beating Xiaolong was not fast.

After eating the buff of the canyon vanguard, Quinn of the Black Sword team turned into a big bird and rushed down the road.

"Xia and Nami want to move the Canyon Herald, but they are not in good condition. Quinn will be here soon!"

"How will the good brother team choose?" The two commentators asked quickly.

"Fight or leave?" Heizi wavered and asked Lin Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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