Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 314 Lin Tian's Decision

Chapter 314 Lin Tian's Decision

"That E flash is too handsome, if it is 0.1 second slower, Galen will be able to run!"

"The reaction is really fast. If it were me, I would never be able to do it. I don't even have the idea of ​​​​E flash."

"The ADC of this good brother's team is Lin Tian, ​​right? Don't be cruel, but he is still so strong in League of Legends."

"If only he were my boyfriend."

For a while, the audience also discussed.

Tian Luoyi saw a few female audiences being nympho, and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"This wave of double kills in the bottom lane, the team's bottom lane combination can even get a layer of plating! It's too profitable." commentator Zhang Yaoyao said.

Liu Qing said: "After this wave, Galen and the cat have to be more careful. Galen and the cat match are very strong, but because of the range in the early stage, it is difficult for Galen to touch Xia and Nami, so we still have to pay attention. Give it a go."

"It seems that the good brother team will not be black sword so easily..." Originally, the commentary wanted to say that the good brother team was very strong, but it turned out that it was a coincidence that something happened to the top laner of the good brother team.

The top laner Sion has almost no parry power when facing Quinn. Quin consumes Sion without taking damage several times and has already consumed Sion to a very crippled level. Later, Sion directly kills Sion with a set of skills, and Wu Siyu can't even flash. Did not press it out!
This road is almost a bloodbath. Quinn's current record is 1-0-1, and his economy is much better than Thain's.

At the same time, Kassadin in the middle was pushed off the line by the dragon girl, and Zhou Peng was also very uncomfortable playing.

Zhou Peng's state is very average recently, and in the average rank, it is rare to see the dragon girl hit, and now when he encounters it, he will be hit hard immediately!

Dragon Girl's blood is relatively thick, E skill has a long range, and Zhou Peng is often consumed, and W skill pushing speed is not enough, Zhou Peng actually feels helpless with this Dragon Girl.

After eating the coating, Lin Tian saw the situation in the upper middle.

Both middle and upper field have certain disadvantages. The most difficult thing is actually the top lane. It is difficult for Wu Siyu to mix up. Quinn is not a hero to fight against him.

Lin Tian bought equipment and continued to go out. He knew that Quinn, who was on the road, should not be too comfortable, otherwise it would be difficult to fight later. However, Lin Tian is an ADC, and currently there is no good way.

At this moment, the members of the Black Sword team are also watching the situation.

"Don't have any problems with your bot lane mentality. We have a big advantage in the top and field this time, and we also have the right to push the lane in the middle. Just don't die. I'll rush in the middle of Xia Xia." Said Nightmare of the Black Sword team.

"Okay, if I don't want to die, this Xia can't kill me!" Galen replied confidently.

For the next period of time, Galen was really timid. He had a cat that could milk blood on his body. Galen would eat soldiers as soon as he could. Once Xia’s feathers grew, Galen would leave. Anyway, he would not kill Xia. own chance.

However, after Xia saw that Galen gave up, she had no choice but to let it go. Instead, she had to be reasonable and not forgive others.

Galen couldn't help but said: "Xia's suppressing power is really strong. When we played the training match, I didn't lose a few layers of plating. Now this Xia has eaten me twice!"

"When Dragon Girl and I reach level six, I'll help you, and I'll be back after a wave," Meng Meng said.

As he said that, Nightmare began to move towards the middle, and at this time Quinn also started to come.

"Three guarantees, one, this is the signature of the Black Sword team!" said the commentator Liu Qing.

In the last points match, Hei Jian liked to use the three-in-one routine, either in the bag or in the bag.

"The good brother team should be able to prevent it." Zhang Yaoyao analyzed it. In Zhang Yaoyao's opinion, the good brother team fights the strong with the weak, and will definitely study the black sword team well.


Zhou Peng in the middle lane was completely unaware of this situation, and even Wu Siyu in the top lane didn't signal.

Wu Siyu felt that since Quinn hadn't reached level six, it was impossible to gank, and he had been under the tower all the time, so he lost Quinn's vision.

Zhou Peng's Kassadin in the middle lane is still making up the knife. Kassadin's Q hits the dragon girl, but at the same time he also ate an E of the dragon girl. Soon Kassadin realized something and started to pull back, but at this time, It's getting late!

Quinn came from the top of the rectangular grass in the middle lane, and at this time went around behind Kassadin, Nightmare came from the grass above the middle lane, and Dragon Girl turned on the W skill to chase Kassadin from the front.

Quinn called with a Q skill, but Kassadin didn't dodge. As soon as he was hit, his field of vision began to decrease.

Randomly, Kassadin was kicked by Quinn. Quinn was flexible and tapped Kassadin like a bird, and Kassadin's movement speed began to be impaired.

Nightmare and Dragon Girl followed, and Zhou Peng handed over the flash. He used the example to return to the defense tower for a short time, and Quinn chased him now. Nightmare also used the Q skill to release a dark passage, and Kasa Ding hasn't had any hard control yet, but his blood volume has dropped by one-third.

According to this progress, when Kassadin walked to the defense tower, he would still be killed by the opponent.

Sure enough, before Kassadin returned, Dragon Girl used an E skill to make up for the damage and took Kassadin's head.

Wang Yue's wine barrel came late, and after throwing a Q skill, he didn't dare to come over, and ran away with his stomach full!

"Why do you feel that the good brother team did not study the Black Sword team well? These three guarantees are beyond Kassadin's expectations." Zhang Yaoyao frowned.

She thought that the good brother team knew Heijian very well, but she didn't expect that she didn't understand Heijian team herself.

"The match lasted less than 5 minutes, and the two sides had a total of 5 kills. This match is still very bloody." Liu Qing said with great interest.

"This is also the most commonly used style of play for Black Sword. Support and fast break. Team Black Sword's games rarely exceed 10 minutes. It's the kind of team that either you have trouble in the early stage or I explode."

At this moment, Lin Tian was still on the way down, he was about to push the line and eat the third layer of plating, but in the end, both the middle and the upper field died.

There is too little AD can do during this period of time, and it is not even good for support...

"We have to hold on, it's only been a few minutes, and we've all died once." Wang Yue said.

Wu Siyu hurriedly said: "I tried my best, and now I have integrated with the defense tower."

Lin Tian glanced, this situation is not stable at all, even if Wu Siyu's Thain can't come out under the tower, Quinn can still consume Thain, even if he doesn't consume Thain, he can swim away.

In this kind of situation, it is useless to be blindly steady. We need to find a way to delay the opponent's development... However, Wu Siyu and others seem to have no other ideas at all, and only put Bao on Lin Tian who is in the bottom lane.

"This habit needs to be changed." Lin Tian looked at the screen and made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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