Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 295 Chapter Zou was beaten

Chapter 295 The rhythm was beaten back

There is a detail of the stone man, that is, he waited for the sword girl's big move on his body to disappear before he ran over to the sword girl. Cut out the blood formation.

Seeing that the stone man was making a big move, Jian Ji immediately turned around and W.

The stone man's big move looks very fast, but the starting move is also relatively obvious. In the high-score game, it is difficult to hit if it is not in the blind vision, and Jian Ji has reacted now.

This W skill immediately made the Golem's ultimate move look stupid, and the Golem's body froze in place, unable to move.

The stone man didn't expect Jian Ji to have time to pay attention to him when he was running for his life. After being fainted, he knew that he was bound to die.

Jian Ji made two openings in an instant, and the stone man's blood volume dropped a lot in an instant.

Nami stepped forward and threw water bubbles to soak up Jian Ji, but at this time Jian Ji moved very fast because of a flaw. With such a moving speed, she easily avoided Nami's somewhat slow water bubbles.

The mouse played output against Jian Ji, because he was playing with a big sword, and it hurts to level A.

When the stone man recovered from being countered, there was only a trace of blood left.

Jian Ji slashed again and successfully took the stone man's head.

After the stone man was killed, Jian Ji quickly walked back, intending to escape for her life.

"As long as my father mouse is here, you can still leave!" Although the stone man is dead, he has great confidence in the mouse.

Lin Tian watched Jian Ji flee wildly, and activated the Q skill. At the same time, Nami gave an E skill, and the mouse's movement speed was greatly increased.

After leveling A, Jian Ji was put up to slow down, but Jian Ji's Q skill was better again, and she moved back and forth to open some distance.

"It's pretty good at running."

Lin Tian continued to chase, and tied A twice, but Jian Ji's mobility is really high, and Jian Ji has a level advantage, she really can't die for a while.

On the small map, teammates sent several signals, and the opponent's support and jungler Qiyana were all leaning on it.

"Titan is also supporting us, there is no need to withdraw." Chenchen said appropriately.

Lin Tian nodded. Although Lin Tian didn't think about withdrawing at all, if... it was a passerby or another AD and Chen Chen's double row, Chen Chen's message would make his teammates make up their minds in an instant.

Titan didn't come as fast as Qiyana, but his displacement was very far. He hooked the wall with Q skill, made a super long distance displacement, and directly hit Sword Princess with R skill.

Jian Ji, who was still running for her life, seemed to encounter a traffic policeman suddenly. Tai Tan's R skill followed Jian Ji, and then emerged from the soil, with fierce water, pushing Jian Ji up hard.

Lin Tian's mouse kept up with the damage, and finally took Jian Ji's head.

"No money..." Lin Tian frowned.

This wave is a 1 for 1, but our side released two big moves.

After a while, it will be the little dragon group. After losing two big moves, it will be difficult to compete with the opponent for the little dragon.

However, even if the Titans and Golems are big, this small dragon group is not easy to fight, because the opponent has already settled down first and has laid out the vision for the small dragons.

Whether it is a small dragon group or a large dragon group, it is crucial to maintain your vision first.

And in this wave, even though Sword Fairy was captured to death, the hidden dangers still exist, that is, the stone man can't compete with Sword Fairy at all, and when Sword Fairy's equipment is better, I'm afraid they will be brought up.

There is a certain gap between the two sides in hero selection and strength.

After killing Jian Ji, his teammates marked Xiaolong, but Lin Tian knew that he had lost the right to fight for Xiaolong.

"I'll go grab it and try it out." Pig Girl volunteered and typed.

"Let's push Jian Ji's defense tower." Lin Tian made a decision.

Give up the dragon.

In the early stage, the defense tower is more important than the little dragon, but in the later stage, the role of the little dragon will be highlighted. This kind of exchange is only an emergency response.

After the fire dragon was refreshed, the female gun, Nicole, and the fire man went to Xiaolong.

Qiyana is near the top road.

"There is no jungle on the other side, go ahead and punish the little dragon!" the stone man typed.

"Okay, look at me." Pig girl also looked very confident.

As a result, as soon as Zhumei came near Xiaolong, she was discovered by three people.

The enemy's vision is so good that there is almost no dead angle near the dragon.

"Or give up." Lin Tian typed at this time.

Zhumei also knew that she couldn't grab the dragon. When the other party found her, the success rate of grabbing the dragon was very low.

First, I used the passive of the pig girl to slow down the female gun's E skill, and then used the big move to block Nicole who wanted to chase her. After that, the pig girl kept one. I'm going to grab the dragon. You have to guard against me. But for a while, you have no way to come and play my position and put pressure on the opponent.

This is a psychological game, and Lin Tian knew at a glance that this pig girl is not even a little bit stronger than Wang Yue, and this kind of pulling will slow down the enemy's speed of attacking Xiaolong.

If I had known that Miss Zhu was so spiritual, I should have gone to the bottom lane to fight with the opponent.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Pig Girl's spiritual harassment had the effect of causing the opponent to fight the dragon for 20 seconds longer, but the fire dragon was finally accepted by Nvqiang and others firmly.

After the female gun, Nicole, and the fire man took down Xiaolong, they immediately began to attack the defense tower in the middle.

However, Lin Tian and others have just demolished half of the second tower on the local road.

When Lin Tian's mouse demolished the enemy's second top tower, our defense tower in the middle lost less than half of its blood.

Judging from the scene, Lin Tian still has an advantage, with more heads, but judging from the rhythm, Lin Tian's rhythm has begun to lose.

Originally, Lin Tian's mouse had been leading the other party by the nose, and the other party's reaction was always a bit slow, but now, it was the female gun and others who did the work first, and Lin Tian and the others took emergency measures. This priority can be seen at a glance .

In the high-end game, the rhythm is played.

"The stone man will become a breakthrough on our side." Chenchen said.

Chenchen also discovered that even though the mouse had such a huge advantage and the early rhythm was good, the opponent still fought back bit by bit.

This is a situation caused by teammates not playing against each other.

It's normal to think about it carefully. The opponent has four power levelers, and the only one is the passer-by Sword Fairy. This game is still very good. With the superiority in the middle and the jungler, it is really easy to find the rhythm.

"It's okay." Lin Tian replied.

"Hmm..." Chenchen nodded, seeing that Lin Tian was so calm, she was not too worried.

"Or, break their high ground." At this time, Tai Tan typed.

"If you break it hard, you will be caught. Come back quickly, and I will try to push them back." Zhu Mei typed.

(End of this chapter)

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