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Chapter 291 Is this a gift?

Chapter 291 Is this a gift?

There are so many people in the queue, and there are not many people who surprise Lin Tian, ​​or can surprise Lin Tian.

But Chenchen really surprised Lin Tian.

The angle of the huge wave is very good. The female gun turned on W, and after finding that she couldn't dodge, she immediately added another healing technique.

This is not to make a fuss, but to really release it like this. Female gun knows that if she can't avoid Nami, she will definitely die.

Although healing is expensive, it is not as important as flash, so he chose to abandon healing and avoid it with high movement speed. Nicole also used W and the female gun to give her the healing acceleration effect to run back, but was lifted by a corner of the huge wave.

Chenchen flashes Q. At this time, Chenchen is very fierce. Lin Tian has four heads, and he has a relatively large lead in equipment. The opponent's level is still low. As long as he can drive, he will win.

The blisters went to Nicole, and Nicole instantly handed over the blisters to avoid Chenchen Nami's blisters.

"Since you are so fierce, then I will start too." Lin Tian secretly said in his heart, first walked forward in stealth, and then directly activated the big move.

"Hey!" Chenchen saw his own blisters being dodged by the other party. He originally wanted to retreat, but he saw that Lin Tian opened his mouth wider and did not retreat.

Almost without thinking, Chenchen immediately used an E skill on the mouse, and three water droplets surrounded the mouse.

The mouse threw out W, and then began to flatten A. Now he has an attack range of 850, which does not count the distance after mouse A arrives at the person and the bullet sputters!
Nicole, who was in the distance, was hurt immediately.

Because the first bullet has the effect of Nami's E skill, not to mention the high damage, it also puts a deceleration on Nicole, and then Mouse A fires the second and third shots.

After three shots, Nicole lost nearly half of her health. Nicole didn't even look back, and finally walked to the defense tower, but the mouse was still in the A defense tower.

The attack range of the defense tower is 800, and the attack range of the mouse's ultimate move is 850. Taking advantage of the [-] range, Lin Tian's mouse can still reach Nicole.

But the next moment, Nicole walked to the rear of the defense tower.

Because Nicole walks without looking back, mouse A needs to stop in place for a while, so the distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther. Just like now, even if the mouse has a range of [-], there is no way for A to reach Nicole. It's too late.

"Above, right? If you can't kill me, then you're going to die." Nicole sneered.

"3,2, [-]... the fire man is coming." Chen Chen said.

Chenchen's Nami is still by the mouse's side, seeing that the mouse has no way to reach Nicole, she is also a little anxious.

According to Chenchen's thinking, the best way at this time is to stop chasing Nicole. She uses Nami to cooperate with the mouse to turn around and look for Huo Nan.

But Lin Tian didn't think that way, the mouse he controlled continued to move forward.

"I can't kill Nicole..." Before Chenchen finished speaking, her eyes widened in vain.

Rat hits the tower twice...but it's not a mistake!
When the mouse kills A, the bullets will splash behind the enemy!Even if it is Tower A, this splash will still exist!
The mouse's attack distance is indeed not enough, but by using the splash behind Tower A, Nicole still suffers damage!

Nicole didn't expect that she could still be sprayed by rats after walking so far. At this moment, his blood volume had reached one-third...and his body was covered with passive toxins from rats.

The next moment, the mouse screamed on the spot, and a green light flew over!
That's the mouse's E skill, which has a range of 1200 yards.

Nicole's blood volume was instantly reduced again, leaving only a trace.

Nicole's controller knocked a blood bottle quickly, but the toxin hanging on Nicole's body tried her best to consume Nicole's blood volume, and finally took Nicole away directly.

Chenchen's mind went blank for a moment, and she used the enemy's defense tower as a medium... This is too cool!
The mouse got his fifth head.

Just when the mouse killed Nicole, the enemy's fire man also arrived, but seeing Nicole's death, the fire man without Yamato's flash did not dare to go up, so he had to go to the defensive tower in the bottom lane to help the female gun guard the wave line .

"You looked so embarrassed when you ran away just now." At this time, a line of text typed by the mouse was posted on the public screen.

When Nicole saw it, she was so angry that she almost smashed the keyboard.

Neither he nor the female gun had reached level six, and they were about to be double-killed if they dared to fight back, but judging from the screen, he and the female gun were indeed running away with each other.

If this is seen by other power levelers who are watching the battle, it will be really shameful...

But I think those people have seen it.

"What are you proud of?" Nicole typed.

"Don't forget, you were the first to be proud at the beginning." Lin Tian replied.

At this moment, female gun Qian Mo typed: "Let's talk about it after you win."

Lin Tian smiled faintly and stopped typing to ridicule. After pushing the line, he and Nami began to dismantle the Luyi tower.

The mouse is not afraid of the female gun and the fire man is under the defense tower, clicking the tower like a normal person.

"Isn't he afraid of us?" Female Gun almost laughed angrily.

"He's floating." Fireman's controller cast a W skill at the mouse, and at the same time, the female gun followed with a Q skill. This Q skill was not directly cast on the mouse, but the Q soldier wanted to eject the mouse.

But these two skills were all avoided by the mouse moving forward, but Nami was rubbed by Huo Nan's W.

Huo Nan put an E on the spot, the damage of W and E skills is very high, most of the minions under the defense tower were killed or injured.

At this time, the female gun reached six.

Chenchen saw that the female gun had reached the sixth level, and quickly marked a retreat signal, but Lin Tian's mouse was still there to demolish the tower.

The female gun released the E skill, and hundreds of bullets fell from the sky, slowing down the mouse and Nami.

"Hahahaha!" Female Gun let out a frenzied laugh, twisted her body, and the barrage formed by the ultimate move swept over.

Huo Nan throws his Q skill to Q Nami, Chenchen's Nami twists her body and avoids Huo Nan's Q, but this also wastes Chen Chen's time. .

Within three seconds, Female Spear's ultimate move dealt a lot of damage, killing Chenchen's Nami with almost no effort.

And the mouse hasn't retreated's still in Tower A!
"Idol, go away." Chenchen couldn't help shouting.

There is only one long-range soldier under the defense tower of the female gun and the fire man, and the blood volume is more than half, which means that the mouse has no way to dismantle the defense tower.

Even though Nami was dead, he didn't leave.


It wasn't until the mouse had eaten the second layer of coating that Lin Tiancai manipulated the mouse to go backwards.

Seeing the principal of the mouse, not to mention the female gun and the fire man, even the defense tower couldn't help it, and launched a red attack on the mouse.

The female gun quickly caught up with the mouse, and played an AQA on the mouse. The fire man's skills are now on CD, but his skills will improve immediately...

The mouse's situation immediately became dangerous.

Chenchen's brows were about to wrinkle.

What exactly is an idol going to do?Is this for delivery?

(End of this chapter)

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