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Chapter 282 Demon King Level

Chapter 282 Demon King Level

Start up and log in, all in one go.

Lin Tian took a look and found that the account Chenchen gave him was pretty good, almost all heroes.

And there are a lot of skins. After Chenchen signed up, the two pulled each other, entered the room, and started queuing up.

"I don't know if this game will be sniped. They can snipe me no matter when I get on the number." Chenchen said at this time.

It is true that people who are power leveling are very busy, but full-time power leveling is generally relatively leisurely, and they spend most of their time online.

This list is a promotion for the suburbs. There are fewer people with high scores in the suburbs, and it is easier to snipe.

"Should be." Lin Tian replied.

When Lin Tian was doing power leveling, he was often attacked by people, and those people could always find him.

As long as you have the heart to snipe, you can meet people who snipe you in almost every game.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After Chenchen went online, several power levelers discovered it.

Seeing that Chenchen had entered the queuing mode, they immediately looked for a number and started queuing.

At least twenty people entered queue mode at the same time.

Due to the small number of people in the district, it was difficult to line up in the diamond section. After waiting for about ten minutes, Lin Tian and Chenchen got in line and entered the banpick interface.

Among the ban people, everyone clicked on the hero they wanted to use.

Lin Tian looked at the heroes shown by his teammates.

Golem on the road, Titans in the mid lane, and Wild Boar Girl...

These three heroes have a lot of control, but almost no damage.

Chenchen's hands were even faster, and she directly searched for the IDs of her teammates... She confirmed two things.

These three teammates probably didn't come to snipe me, because the ranking records show that these three people basically played for a day in ranking, and the people who sniped me would only go online when they went online. Play a set or two.

Another thing is... the styles of these three people are very similar, and they basically use some bastard heroes.

It is the kind of hero who is not too C, can withstand pressure online, and is useful in team fights.

Some people score well because they operate well, some people can score because they have good consciousness, some can score C, and some can mix. Almost no player has his own style. These three people obviously have their styles together.

When Lin Tian saw his teammates selecting people like this, Lin Tian thought that this group of people belonged to Wang Yue and the others, and this hero pool was too similar.

Clicking it out gives people a feeling that they are going to mess around.

Lin Tian hesitated for a moment, and finally turned on the mouse.

If there is no hero with explosive output, their lineup will have insufficient output, and the mouse is obviously the most suitable.

Soon, it came to the ban stage, Lin Tian banned Yasuo, and Tian Luoyi, the assistant, banned Braum. These two heroes are the most restrained mice, and they both have the skills like security doors, which can Block most of the mouse's output.

After she finished banning, Chenchen quickly typed again: "You ban Morgana."

The teammates chose three tanks and big controllers. The one who can restrain and control them is Morgana, the hero.

After a while, the banpick between the two sides was over.

Lin Tian's side has been banned: Morgana, Yasuo, Bron, the evil little mage, and Galio.

And the other party has banned: crocodile, enchantress, female tank, Thresh, and the hero Syndra.

The two sides selected candidates very quickly. In the end, Lin Tian's lineup was the stone man in the top lane, the Titan in the mid lane, and the wild boar girl, and the mouse and Nami's hero pairing in the bottom lane.

Nami can make up for the lack of mice in the line, and it is also a very common combination.

The opponents are the picks: the top laner Jian Ji, the mid laner Huo Nan, the wild Qiyana, and the bottom lane is a combination of a female gun and Nicole.

This combination is very strong, a bit similar to the very popular Xuanming Erlao at that time...the combination of ice and female spear.

Neeko's support, long hands, simple control, high damage, single-wheel laning, is also a T1-level support.

"The bottom lane on the other side must be here to snipe me. There was someone who liked to snipe me before and was very good at supporting Neeko." Seeing the opponent's selection, Chenchen couldn't help but tighten her expression and said.

Lin Tiandao: "It doesn't matter, it's interesting to face up to the line."

As soon as Lin Tian spoke, Chenchen remembered that the person sitting next to her was a man known as the God of Power Leveling. With him around, she didn't need to worry at all.

During the conversation, the two parties entered the game. After entering the game, Chen Chen, who was originally looking relaxed, became serious again.

"Four, there are four people who came to attack us!" Chen Chen panicked.

She is very familiar with the opponent's ID. The mid laner, jungler, and bottom lane duo are all relatively familiar IDs.

Chenchen had failed several times in the promotion competition of this list before, and it was not the first day that the opponent attacked her. After a long time, she got to know the ID.

Normally, I would meet one or two people who sniped me, but this time I met four directly!Everyone has been working with us for a long time.

Chenchen knew that this bottom lane would be difficult to play, and the midfielder would definitely help like crazy!

Lin Tian didn't react that much, but he was a little surprised to hear that four people came to snipe, he said: "Does that boy hate you so much~ Four people sniped you at the same time, it really cost money."

"I didn't agree to just chase me." Chenchen sighed.

When encountering this kind of thing, she, the client, is the saddest. Originally, she thought she could become friends with them, but now, a lot of power leveling can't see it, and they regard Chenchen as an enemy.

"Idol, these people are very strong, we have to be careful." Chenchen said.

This Lin Tian is a single-core lineup. Once the mouse is killed, it is impossible to beat the opponent, but obviously, the opponent will try their best to target the mouse, not only because it is easy to win against the mouse, but also because Chen Chen Also down the road.


"Well, I don't know if you don't do power leveling now as an idol. Now there is a new level division for power leveling. The person chasing me belongs to one of the devil level. If I guessed correctly, the female gun on the opposite side is he."

Power leveling is graded, some can only accept orders that match the winning rate, some are orders for low ranks, and high ranks are also graded.

Lin Tian would be the king of power leveling at that time, but now, there are several levels. The devil level is equivalent to Lin Tian's power leveling king at that time.

In terms of strength, this kind of power leveling can take the high-level list from Diamond 1 to Grandmaster.

On the Internet, it is possible to accept orders from the strongest kings, but this kind of power leveling is rare, and generally requires the help of actors.

"The devil king..."


"Then if the Demon King is tortured, will the Demon King cry?"

(End of this chapter)

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