Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 272 Madman, this is a madman!

Chapter 272 Madman, this is a madman!
"Why are you everywhere? Why are you still haunting me?" Li Lingyun was both angry and frightened.

He really couldn't figure out how on earth this guy found him?
One more minute... No, I can succeed in another ten seconds, why this time?
"Hidden spirits? This is not a good word." Lin Tian's tone was indifferent, and the violence in his eyes was undisguised.

As for Li Lingyun, Lin Tian just hated him at first, thinking that Li Lingyun was a hypocrite, but being a hypocrite is not an unforgivable character, and most people have some flaws to some extent.

But now, it is obviously not something that can be explained by the words hypocrite.

This matter has already touched Lin Tian's bottom line.

Li Lingyun clutched his chest. Up to now, he still felt pain in his chest, which made him unable to get up for a while: "How did you find this place?"

Lin Tian's expression became colder.

Finding Li Lingyun was also a coincidence. At first, he found this street based on the address sent by Chu Qian. At the farthest distance, he saw the figures of Li Lingyun and Tian Luoyi. Because the distance was too far, Lin Tian also He just looked vaguely, not sure, but he remembered the direction.

Then he searched the buildings near the street with his mobile phone, and found that there was a high-end hotel here.

He ran after him all the way, and after entering the hotel, he asked the front desk.

Because of Li Lingyun's handsome appearance, the front desk had a deep impression of Li Lingyun. Lin Tian knew Li Lingyun's room number without any effort.

After that, things will be logical.

After kicking Li Lingyun down, Lin Tian glanced at Tian Luoyi lying on the bed... Seeing that Tian Luoyi was safe and sound, Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Never mind how I found you, what do you want to do?" Lin Tian asked.

After hearing this, Li Lingyun argued strongly: "I just want to find a place for her to rest."

"Funny, there are at least twenty vacant rooms in this hotel. You opened one room to let Tian Luoyi rest?"

"If you're drunk, you need someone to take care of you."

"The kettle is not plugged in, and the towels are not ready. Are you sure you want to take care of her? Your phone is still on, so you have turned on the camera function?" Lin Tian asked Li Lingyun with bright eyes.

Listening to Lin Tian's words, Li Lingyun was a little dumbfounded.

Although this Lin Tian is asking himself, how does it feel...he knows everything?

Li Lingyun knew that he couldn't tell the truth at this moment, so he struggled to stand up: "A gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is a gentleman. Classmate Lin, you have misunderstood me."

"Hypocrite." Lin Tian smiled coldly: "Get out now."

"What if I don't leave?"

"I will give you a hard fix, and then call the police." Lin Tian replied.

Call the police?Li Lingyun's heart skipped a beat.

He didn't have time to do anything, and logically speaking, he wasn't afraid of Lin Tian calling the police, but people who do wrong things often have more ghosts in their hearts. Although Li Lingyun has a dark heart, he cares about his reputation very much. To what extent?On the road, he obviously had the opportunity to profit, but in order to take care of his gentleman image, he did nothing on the road...

While Li Lingyun was vacillating, Lin Tian had already walked to Tian Luoyi's side. Tian Luoyi's breathing was relatively steady, and it seemed that there was nothing serious. At that moment, Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

Tian Luoyi seemed to have gained a little bit of consciousness, stretched out his hand and slammed Lin Tian lightly, and then fell asleep again.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingyun suddenly became jealous, and gritted his teeth: "I won't leave, what if you do something to Tian Luoyi here? I will keep an eye on you here."

"You are challenging my patience, I am very angry now." Lin Tian said lightly, but there was a trace of murderous intent in his plain voice.

Anyone who is familiar with Lin Tian knows that this is an expression of his extreme anger, not only is he not hysterical, but he is indeed calmer than usual.

"What are you going to do?" Li Lingyun was suddenly terrified.

This guy's fighting ability is so amazing. The gangsters or people in the Sanda Club that he knows are not at the same level.

Li Lingyun had also sparred with people from the Sanda club before, but he wouldn't be kicked like this. His chest still hurts now!
"You'll know right away!" Lin Tian walked over quickly, and just as Li Lingyun was about to take a defensive stance, he felt a pain in his stomach, which almost made Li Lingyun vomit out the last night's meal.

It hurts so much!
Just like this, Li Lingyun has no power to fight back. He subconsciously wants to squat down. This is a subconscious action. When a person is hurt, he will squat down or lie down to protect himself, but he has not waited for him to do anything. , he felt his feet dangling in the air.

Lin Tian lifted him up.

"Are you a monster?" Li Lingyun asked in horror, how much strength would it take to lift him up like this?

No matter how Li Lingyun struggled, he just couldn't let his feet return to the ground.

That kind of strange force made him unable to get down.

There was no trace of emotion in Lin Tian's eyes: "Monster? Many people call me that!" After speaking, he carried Li Lingyun to the window.

This is the fourth floor, the windows are wide open, and the wind outside carries a hint of coolness. This coolness directly penetrates into the depths of Li Lingyun's heart. His face is facing the window. As soon as he looks down, he feels a sense of dizziness. come over.

If you fall from here, I'm afraid you will lose your skin even if you don't die!If he broke his hands and feet, for Li Lingyun, he might as well be dead!
"What are you doing! Let me down, let me down!" Li Lingyun yelled wildly.

The wind outside was blowing on Li Lingyun's face, and when he opened his mouth, the wind gushed in from his mouth. As a good family and good-looking Li Lingyun, when his life was threatened, his fear reached the extreme.

"Of course I'll throw you down." Lin Tian's voice seemed to come from hell.

"Damn it, it's against the law. If you kill me, you won't get better."

"I'm not afraid, I'll give you five seconds to consider whether to go or not." Lin Tian's voice sounded again.

"How dare you..." Until now, Li Lingyun still couldn't believe that Lin Tian dared to throw him from here.





When the count reached two, Lin Tian pushed half of Li Lingyun out of the window.

Feeling the weightlessness, Li Lingyun almost went crazy.

Madman, this kid is a madman, he really intends to push himself down!

Li Lingyun gave the answer at the last second: "I'll go, I'll go!"

"You are obedient." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he pulled Li Lingyun up.

Li Lingyun panted heavily, and glanced at the window with lingering fear.

Damn, this guy feels delirious!
(End of this chapter)

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