Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 266 Deduction

Chapter 266 Deduction
During the disconnection, several members of Team Fengyun started the deduction.

"Obviously we can win. Your E can immediately control the female policeman. The opponent's support has not yet released the crucible. Just give him a swipe back, and I will give the female policeman the ice stick effect with a Q, and the female policeman will not be able to leave." Tie said the man.

"It may not be possible to control it. The female policeman seems to have healing on her body. If he uses healing to speed up, what about E who is hiding from Thresh?" Verus expressed a different opinion.

Tie Nan said: "I still have a flash, if I can't control it, I will slow down the CD of Q to flash Q, and then the spider and the knife girl will force the policewoman's position together, and Thresh will find a chance to get the hook."

After saying this, several people were silent for a while, and then Daomei said: "I don't feel right, if the pendulum of Thresh's doom does not swing to the policewoman, the policewoman will shoot you twice. After you flash Q, the spider Although I can follow you, but I can't keep up with you, there is a possibility that I will be shot to death by the policewoman, and then 2V2 will lack output, and I may not be able to win, the policewoman is still trapped."

"Just kidding, as long as you stick to him, you can give him a second set." Tie Nan said.

But judging from the pictures on the screen, Team Fengyun has more advantages. After all, they still have four people left. As long as they can touch the policewoman and Fengnv, the two crispy skins of the policewoman and Fengnv are not a combination of these four at all. As a general, you can kill the policewoman and Fengnv with your hands. The only thing that makes the members of the Fengyun team unsure is whether you can touch it and control it.

Several people discussed for a long time, each said their own reasons, Daomei asked Cheng Feng: "Captain, you started the head, why don't you discuss it with us now? What do you think of the follow-up?"

Cheng Feng couldn't help touching his chin, and said: "It's hard to say, our chances of winning should be more than 70.00%, my skills are getting better soon, even if you miss one skill, your skills will basically cool down, as long as you hit a female The police are all bound to die, they are all bound to lose, and the policewoman doesn't have a lot of blood."

"I think you're too conservative, Captain~ How could this policewoman hide all our skills?" Tie Nan said disdainfully.

"That's not sure. Before Dalong Nabo, the policewoman hid a lot of our skills."

During the discussion of Team Fengyun, the three members of Team Guardian God also saw this wave of team battles in the president's room.

When seeing Ornn and Snowman Knight enter the field like that, Killing God immediately commented that this wave of team battles was lost, and the skills were not well connected at all!It can be seen that the policewoman solved the iron man's big move in seconds, and even flashed to confront Verus at the end. After killing Verus, Killing God immediately slapped the table and subconsciously called out: "Okay!"

Killer himself is also a player with a very fierce style of play. He is good at finding opportunities to knock out the opponent's key positions in team battles. He also likes to walk on a tightrope. Obviously, the policewoman's operation is very suitable for him.

Just when Killing God and the others wanted to watch the follow-up, the screen stopped.

"What's going on?" Killing God stretched out his thick hand and patted the computer screen.

President Chen Rucheng hastily pulled the monitor forward and said, "It's not serious, it's about to break the monitor for me."

"It's not so expensive~" Killing God withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

Bodhisattva took out his mobile phone to look at it, and then said: "There is a notice today. The Internet was disconnected at 03:30 in the afternoon. It is now four o'clock. It should be disconnected, and it will not be restored until early in the morning."

In fact, the e-sports club had made an announcement about the internet disconnection, but no one paid attention to it.

After hearing this, Killing God said unhappily: "It's really time to cut off the internet, it's annoying."

Seeing Shashen's unfinished expression, the Bodhisattva laughed and said, "Don't you disdain that Lin Tian? I remember that you didn't want to read any further."

Old Killing God blushed, but quickly argued: "The policewoman played like a melon skin before, do you want to see it? Besides, you didn't plan to watch it at the time. Gao Guang, he played well in this wave of team battles, I like it."

The Bodhisattva smiled and made fun of Shashen again. After a while, the president Chen Rucheng knocked on the table and said, "Okay, you have also seen Lin Tian's performance today, how do you feel?"

When the president spoke, Killing God and Bodhisattva also took it a little seriously, with serious faces.

Killing God said seriously: "It's hard to say, if the Fengyun team keeps fighting seriously, the 0-4 policewoman will have no chance to get up. Normally, the middle field of the Fengyun team will always come over the defense tower of the female police, and Weilu Si Dian Tana's wave was careless, and it underestimated the enemy, although there are C's in the back, and sometimes the female policemen will give away, if this wave continues, the chances of winning are still greater than Team Fengyun."

What Killing God said is indeed reasonable. In the high-end game, there is a 0-4 all the way, which is basically a rhythm that is not safe under the tower.

"However, his basic skills are relatively solid, his ability to supplement development is terrifying, and he often has some flashy ideas and operations, which are what most people lack." Sha Shen said.

This kind of flash of inspiration refers to the wave of the policewoman Dalong squatting on Verus. Many people would never do such an operation, and it's not that they can't do it, but they can't think of it.

Such a player may lose the game because of his own flash of inspiration, but it may also bring great benefits to the team because of such a flash of inspiration.

That is to say...

President Chen Rucheng said: "It's not very stable."

"Well, it's just that the hard power is not enough. I'm half-hearted now. His style of play has bright spots, but he needs to be taught. If the growth rate is fast, you can spend time on him. If the growth rate is not fast, there is no need. What we lack most now is time, after the points match, we will go to foreign battles, and we will graduate soon after the foreign battles." Killing God counted while pinching his fingers.

"One more thing, his team's strength is not good. Give him a team with all diamonds and experience, and the team's performance will be good, at least the strength in the central area." At this time, Bodhisattva added a little bit.

Chen Rucheng nodded slightly, and after pondering for a moment, he asked, "Where is the big pineapple?"

Big Pineapple is the AD player of the Guardian God team. He didn't come over today because of something.

"Wandering outside~" Bodhisattva took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat and handed it to Chen Rucheng. Chen Rucheng saw that Big Pineapple was having a great time playing outside.

"When he comes back, ask him if he wants to accept an apprentice, and then Bodhisattva, let your apprentice's team play more training games with your good brother's team."

"Okay." Bodhisattva nodded: "I will arrange these."

"Well, here are the training videos of other players with great potential. Xiao Wu downloaded them yesterday. Let's watch them together. By the way, bring me today's test sheet."

The three members of the Guardian God team took a day, not only to watch Lin Tian's performance, but to observe all potential people.

After Chen Rucheng finished reading the test sheet, he couldn't help rubbing his forehead, and said with a little disappointment: "The rookies in the past two years seem to be not as strong as the previous two years."

(End of this chapter)

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