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Chapter 22 I hate it~

Chapter 22 I hate it~
"You're being bullied? It's good if you don't bully others~" Tian Luoyi knew what kind of virtue his younger brother was.

"Really, sister..." Tian Xiaokang cried out the matter, but he naturally would not say that he lost the bet and wanted to renege on the debt, but made it up. After he promised himself that he would keep his promise , Lin Tian slapped him, and then asked him to run around the playground shirtless.

Tian Luoyi's first reaction was disbelief, and she said in a contemptuous tone: "Just make it up, I won't be fooled."

"Really, sister, there were many witnesses to our bet. They came together, and I dare not resist at all." Tian Xiaokang made up.

Not to mention, Tian Xiaokang's ability to make up stories is really not bad, and he also knows that his sister doesn't believe him, so he brought out those witnesses.

Tian Xiaokang said again: "No matter how crazy I am, Tian Xiaokang, I dare not go against the whole dormitory."

Tian Luoyi believed three points, and immediately, she leaned against her and slapped her very sensual thigh, and Mai Se's seemingly healthy thigh immediately trembled a little, looking very beautiful, but unfortunately no one around her was watching Get: "You didn't mention my name?"

"I mentioned it." Tian Xiaokang replied.

Before Tian Luoyi could say anything else, Tian Xiaokang said in a tearful tone: "It's okay if I don't mention you. But if I mention you, I'll get beaten a few more times and my face will be swollen."

This cry made Tian Luoyi, who had only believed one point, suddenly believe it again.

His younger brother was crying. Tian Luoyi often beat his younger brother to tears, but this was the first time that his younger brother was beaten to tears by others!
"Damn, this newcomer is so arrogant?!" Hearing Tian Xiaokang cry, Tian Luoyi also became angry!

"Yeah! Your brother shamed you, I ran half a lap around the playground today shirtless, and the school broadcast said don't embarrass me..."

"Pfft!" Even Tian Luoyi, who was angry, couldn't help laughing when she heard this. Her voice was beautiful, and her laughter was loud, giving people a hearty feeling. There was a hint of smile in her eyes, Showing a pair of small canine teeth: "I see, I will settle it for you!"

"But sister, you just got a major demerit from the school a while ago, so you can't use violence, right? Or, I'll go find Brother Chen Long and the others..."

Chen Long is Tian Luoyi's suitor, whether he can fight or not, there are also people outside the school.

After hearing this, Tian Luoyi immediately raised eyebrows: "If you dare to find him, you will die! It's not that you don't know that I hate Chen Long."

"Then what should I do? I can't swallow this breath without him."

"Since you did this because of the League of Legends, then I think the League of Legends should be used to solve the problem. I'll make a bet with him. If he loses, I'll let you deal with it for three days!" Tian Luoyi said.

Tian Xiaokang was a little hesitant. After all, what he wanted was for his sister to go directly and beat Lin Tianpang to vent her anger.

But thinking that the old sister was recorded as a major demerit, and if she fought again, she might be fired, Tian Xiaokang didn't say much.

Tian Luoyi is different from herself. She is one of the four school beauties, and her every move is watched. If she gets into a fight, the school will definitely know.

Tian Luoyi's voice was slightly annoyed: "You don't believe me?"

Tian Xiaokang quickly hummed. He was very confident in his sister. Tian Xiaokang himself was not that strong. In fact, Tian Xiaokang was able to reach the top and enter the e-sports club thanks to Tian Luoyi's help.

Tian Luoyi's rank is a real diamond, and he is not a goalkeeper. His solo ability is even better, and he has received training in the e-sports club, which is not something ordinary people can handle.

"Of course, I also want to beat him up to vent your anger. I ask him out first, and then make a decision. If it doesn't work, beat him until he dares not mess with you again." Tian Luoyi said again.

"Listen to you!" Tian Xiaokang said.

After a while, the phone hung up.

Tian Xiaokang said: "My sister is going to stand up for me, that Lin Tian won't be proud for long!"

"Big sister must avenge us." Li Hao wailed, wiping away his tears.


After a nap, Lin Tian felt refreshed.

After he got up, he found that Wang Yue and others were staring at him. He rubbed his eyes: "Wouldn't you just keep staring at me when I was sleeping?"

In fact, it was true. When Lin Tian was sleeping, Wang Yue and others stared at him all afternoon. It wasn't that these four people had any special hobbies, but that Lin Tian was too mysterious.

It's fine if you play games well, but if you beat people well, that's too much!

Wang Yue and the others were particularly curious about this fifth child.

"Fifth, you're finally awake. I have a lot of questions I want to ask you." The dark-skinned Heizi stretched out his paws and grabbed Lin Tian's shoulders. Lin Tian raised his eyebrows slightly. What more.

Although he only had brief contact with his roommates, he knew that these roommates were not bad people.

"Why are you fighting so hard? You look thin."

"This thing doesn't rely on physique, but you just want to ask me this?" Lin Tian was a little speechless.

This roommate... so innocent!

Heizi said excitedly: "Of course I don't just want to ask this, we have many more questions!"

"I am skilled because my father is very strict with me and always beats me. In order not to be beaten to death, I have to learn something to defend myself." Lin Tian fell into memory, as if thinking of something in the past.

Every master is beaten out.

"Then why are you so good lol?"

"It was because of playing lol." Lin Tian said helplessly.

This answer is impeccable and perfect.

At this moment, Wu Siyu raised his hand: "I'll ask a question."

Lin Tian felt dizzy when he saw him.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Wu Siyu asked charmingly.

"No." Lin Tian said.

Whenever this is mentioned, Lin Tian gets angry. Lin Tian thinks that he is not bad looking, but he has never had a girlfriend since elementary school, and he has not even found someone who has a crush on him!But then Lin Tian was relieved, if he found his crush, how unprofessional he would be!

"Then do you have a boyfriend?" Wu Siyu's eyes obviously flashed a shy light!It made his already feminine face even more feminine.

Lin Tian: "..."

What the hell kind of problem is this Nima?

If Lin Tian had someone to be afraid of, Wu Siyu was definitely one of them. He never expected to meet such a person on the first day he came to Blue Moon Academy.

"I have one last question. If you don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend, can you see me?!" Wu Siyu said excitedly.

Lin Tianxun thought, why are you so fucking excited?
"Get out! From today on, I refuse to answer your questions!" Lin Tian got up.

"Then I have a problem!" Wang Yue said again.

Even though he knew that his roommate had no malicious intentions, Lin Tian was annoyed at this moment. He waved his hand and said, "It's not over? Think of me as the answer to one hundred thousand why!" Rubbing his stomach, Lin Tian slept all afternoon, Feeling a little hungry, he asked, "Is there anything to eat near the school?"

"You are blessed, fifth, the boss is happy today, and plans to treat you! Let's go for a skewer!"

Wang Yue had a bitter expression on his face. Although the food around was not expensive, five people could eat skewers, and they couldn't afford to spend two to three hundred each.

Lin Tian was silent for a moment, and then said: "Okay, give Wu Siyu two bunches of kidney to replenish Yang Qi."

"Hate~~" Wu Siyu said coquettishly, "I'm ignoring you!"

(End of this chapter)

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