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Chapter 143 The Desperate Sun Mei

Chapter 143 The Desperate Sun Mei
When Yasuo faced Lucian, his damage was really good. A perfect combo of two winds made Lucian's blood volume drop instantly.

Level A again, another crit strike!
And this fire man has passed his skills, so he can't stun Yasuo, and he can't even deal too much damage.

After Sun Mei landed, she quickly pulled out her E skill, but Yasuo had already figured it out. After Lucian pulled out her E skill, Yasuo used her E skill E to follow up the minion, and directly followed up in the opponent's defensive tower. The next moment she stabbed over and struck again, the storm in her hand blew up Sun Mei's Lucian again.

At this moment, Yasuo's CD is very short, and looking carefully, Tian Luoyi's Yasuo belt's talent is cluster blade.

This pair of Feng Yasuo, no matter in control or damage, is full!

The attack from the defense tower fell, but Tian Luoyi ignored it. It was obvious that she must kill Lucian.

Sun Mei also expected it, but she didn't dare to fight back at the first time, so she quickly activated the healing technique to recover her blood volume, and pulled back quickly after landing again.

"You dare!" Sun Mei shouted angrily. She wanted to kill Tian Luoyi this time. If Tian Luoyi killed her, she would be very upset from the situation to the psychology!
Sun Mei walked backwards with all her strength, and at the same time played a set of explosions!
Lucian looked very agile, and the silver bullets came out quickly.

But if you look closely, Sun Mei's eight shots per second are not that fast, and the fluency is a little worse than that of ordinary players.

At the beginning, Sun Mei was negligent in training, and her strength has declined. Although she has been practicing hard recently, she still has not returned to the peak level. No, the other reason is that Sun Mei's current support is relatively strong, and her offensive power is stronger than Lier's!
At this moment, the fire man couldn't stun Yasuo after using his skills, so he had to find an angle and use the R skill to deal damage. The fire tongue came fiercely, but the explosive power of this R skill was slightly insufficient.

Yasuo has no teammates around him, no soldiers of his own, and the fire man's flame tongue can't be ejected!Sentimental.

Tian Luoyi doesn't care about this hot man, her goal is on Lu Xian, and by manipulation, Tian Luoyi thinks she can beat Sun Mei.

With another critical strike, Sun Mei made a big move, and hurriedly opened the distance with a flash while she was still bleeding.

But in Yasuo's hands, another light blue storm was pinched.

I don't remember how many storms it was, but this time, Tian Luoyi didn't stop.

Yasuo raised the sword in his hand, and the light blue storm blew away again, severely rolling up Lucian and hitting him again!
Almost an extreme damage, causing Lucian to die instantly.

Yasuo was hit with a lot of HP by the defensive tower. The fire man is now facing Yasuo and flat A, and the tiny flame does not hurt much. After the fire man's W skill recovers, he quickly releases it.

A pillar of fire erupted from the ground.

Tian Luoyi controls Yasuo and then the E soldier, avoiding the fire pillar that hurts and explodes, and then the E soldier comes to the side of the fire man, swings a knife, and the fire man loses some blood. There is no way to kill Huo Nan. Although he avoided Huo Nan's skills, his blood volume was hit very low by the defensive tower. The last EQ shot, this EQ hit Yasuo accurately, took off Yasuo's head, and completed a wave of one for one.

"What did you do just now! Skills are handed in so fast, after he touches me and you stun her, won't she die?" Sun Mei typed on the keyboard angrily.

Sun Mei wanted a perfect record, but now she was killed by Yasuo once.

"I didn't expect him to be R you." The assistant said helplessly.

Yasuo's cleverness in this wave is that he used a fake move. At the beginning, he felt that he wanted to fuck the fire man, but in the end he fucked Sun Mei's Lucian...

"However, her operation just now was indeed a bit powerful. Her Yasuo operation didn't seem to be so strong before..." the assistant sighed again at this time.

After all, he had fought against Tian Luoyi before, and this Yasuo was indeed stronger than before.

Seeing her assistant praising her opponent, Tian Luoyi, who had a grudge against her, Sun Mei, who was always petty, became jealous: "What are you talking about?"

"Say less." At this time, Zheng Yu also spoke.

Now Sun Mei is the leader of the Rose in the Rain team, and ordinary people can't provoke her.

Yasuo's equipment changed again, and then he came to the bottom lane again.

Mid laner Jace glanced at it and said, "You guys go to mid. Yasuo will definitely be taken down. I'll take it up with her."

Sun Mei was feeling uncomfortable at first. When she heard the mid laner's order, she thought to herself, what do you say to a loser who was killed by a single player?At that moment, he said angrily: "If you don't go, I will get into trouble with this Yasuo."

"Don't, you guys go."

"What the hell! What if you go to the bottom lane and get killed by Yasuo again?" Sun Mei asked dissatisfied.

When Zhongdan heard this, he was somewhat angry: "Didn't you also die just now?"

"The assistant didn't protect me just now, otherwise I wouldn't have died. The assistant and I went to the lower zone and waited until I killed Yasuo once before we hit the target." Sun Mei said in a commanding tone.

Jess, the mid laner, felt a little uncomfortable, Zheng Yu said: "Everyone must understand, Meimei wants revenge, and I will help Meimei once in a while."

Out of respect for Zheng Yu, several people stopped arguing with Sun Mei. Zheng Yu had always been known as a kind person and didn't want to make it difficult for him.

After Tian Luoyi controlled Yasuo to the bottom lane, he was overjoyed to find that Lucian and Huo Nan hadn't switched lanes.

It was exactly what she wanted.

If she and Jess were facing each other, it would be hard to say who would kill who, and Jess might not be willing to fight her, but it would be different if it was Sun Mei.

Now Tian Luoyi's mind is much clearer, he didn't go out rashly without R, and made two visions near the bottom road.

Her electric knife endless will come out in a while.

At this moment, Jiu Tong, who didn't do much work in the early stage, also found out about the situation in the bottom lane, and Jiu Tong said: "Captain, I will go to the bottom lane to help you."

"Okay, keep your vision in check and wait for my ultimate move to cool down." Tian Luoyi replied.

"No problem." Jiugong brought two real eyes and changed the scan to ensure that this wave of gank would be effective.

Yasuo led the bottom lane for a while, calculating the time of his ultimate move.

In the middle lane, Wheel Mom and Nanny are still facing off against Jess. After Xiaotong pushed the line, he didn't dare to hit Jess's mid lane defense tower.

"You click, don't be afraid!" Assistant Li'er has a good personality, but at this moment, seeing Xiao Tong's obstinate appearance and not daring to click on the defense tower, she is also a little anxious.

"I, I'm afraid of being gank by the blind monk." Xiao Tong's voice was full of tears.

"I have a good vision, the blind monk won't come." The assistant marked the opponent's defense tower while comforting: "Two against one, don't be afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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