Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 114 Do you know?

Chapter 114 Do you know?

Even Lucian handed over the treatment but failed to save Morgana.

Tang Ru opened her mouth wide.

Never seen anything like this...

Generally, it is the support to find opportunities, especially Lin Tian's support is a first-hand support.

In this wave, it was obvious that Xia went up to cripple the opponent's blood volume and control the opponent. One person did the work of two people. The female tank only needs to add another control, and there is no need to do anything else!

Female tanks don't have to be afraid that they won't be able to E, the opponent is imprisoned, female tanks can easily E.

After this, Tang Ru knew that Lin Tian was not a liar anymore, but this is really strange, a guy who is so good at playing League of Legends is actually pulling people there for ten yuan...

Strange really is.

After killing people, Lin Tian had no expression on his face, and confronted Lu Xian twice, because Lin Tian was in the front position, and he didn't have any skills at the moment, and the female tank EQ was turned on, so there was no chance at this time, Lin Tian controlled Zhuo Xia withdrew.

Although the blind monk said 15, he didn't hang up the phone and was still playing, but he was already quite collapsed and it was difficult to perform.

Gnar, the top laner on Lin Tian's side, saw the blind monk coming out, and typed: "Didn't you say fifteen? What are you doing here?"

"You care about me?" The blind monk replied impatiently.

Gnar in the top lane really hoped that the blind monk would not come out. In fact, he is really an actor hired by the opposite party. If the blind monk can hang up, then even if he gets points, no one will doubt him.

But obviously, the blind monk cherishes his account very much. Although his mentality is a bit broken, he is still playing. There are not many things in the wild area. Invaded Lee Sin's jungle.

Lin Tian sent a signal that he was on the way, and at the same time tapped the keyboard with his fingers quickly: "Help the blind monk."

If this is invaded again, the blind monk will not be able to play even if he wants to. At this time, the jungler must rely on his teammates.

The consciousness of the female tank is also good. After going to protect the blind monk, the mentality of the blind monk has improved a little bit.

Lin Tian actually saw the situation on the road just now in the cut screen. Narnabo’s problem is indeed relatively big, but Lin Tian doesn’t care too much. He was able to abuse professional players in LDL, but now he plays a suburban drill 3, no matter in terms of technology. Still have an absolute advantage in mentality.

After the female tank left, he and Lu Xian were left to face each other. The blood volume of Xia controlled by Lin Tian was much lower than that of Lucian. The summoner skill had fewer flashes than Lucian, but one more healer.

Lu Xi'an held onto the little soldier, waiting for the opportunity. After all, Xia's blood volume is not high, so if he deals damage by himself, he might be able to kill Xia.

And Lin Tian didn't seem to notice Lu Xian's eagerness to move. After the female tank left, the position of Xia he controlled was not too far from Lucian.

The next moment, Lucian reached level three with a flash of light. He had always had the right to push the lane before, and he was the first to reach level two before. Although Xia killed his support, after Morgana died, he had to eat experience alone. When reaching the third level, Xia has not yet reached the third level!

Starting with W is the fastest way for Lucian to start with eight shots per second. Eight shots per second requires not only hand speed, but also rhythm. Cancel the back shake. At this moment, W hits Xia's body, and Lucian instantly plays passive and releases E skill at the same time. , WAAEAAQAA This is the order in which all damage is done the fastest.

Lucian E went to Xia's face, and then Q. At this time, Xia controlled by Lin Tian hit A twice, and cooperated with the feather that fell from A's soldier before, and directly fired E, and the feather folded back!
Lucian handed over his flash, dodging Xia's barb handsomely!

This wave of Lucian is actually quite anxious, thinking to kill Xia quickly and leave, he knows that Xia's jungler and support are nearby.

When the set broke out, Lu Xian turned back coolly. He thought Xia was dead, but Xia still had a trace of blood left. It wasn't that Lu Xian's damage was not counted correctly, but that Lucian's experience was not counted correctly... Xia has reached level three.

It used to be very chic when looking back, but now it has become unrestrained!It was even a little embarrassing, and he immediately came over to make up for a flat A, thinking that you are dead this time!As a result, a green light appeared on Xia's body, and she directly raised her relatively low blood volume with a mouthful of healing.

At this time, it would be very difficult for Lucian to kill Xia. Xia had already distanced himself from him, and Xia's support female tank and blind monk also started to go down.

But for Lucian, the good news is that their jungler Xin Zhao is also going this way.

The female tank and the blind monk arrived first. At this time, Lucian did not have any skills. The female tank made an E from a long distance, and Lucian moved, but did not escape. The female tank came directly to Lucian, and knocked Lucian unconscious with a Q. , Lu Xian in the blind monk Q, the second stage Q came up, hit damage, Lucian's blood volume dropped rapidly, when there was not much blood left, his teammate Xin Zhao also arrived, but Zhao Xin didn't want to come, because it was obvious that Lu Xian was doomed that's it.

Two feathers flew from a distance and hit Lucian. Lucian was killed immediately. Xia lost the head to K, but Xin Zhao didn't come again.

If Lucian can dodge the female tank's E skill, Xin Zhao has a chance to cooperate with Lucian to fight back, but if he is charged to the second, there is nothing he can do.

Lu Xi'an felt bitter. If he knew it earlier, he wouldn't be confident enough to turn back. In that case, even if he would die, Xia should also die, but how could he know that Xia would not die no matter what. Lin Tian had already calculated his damage And how much blood can be recovered by upgrading plus treatment.

In a short period of time, Lin Tian had already obtained two heads, and Xia holding two heads made his teammates feel very at ease... except for Gnar, who was the top laner.

When Gnar saw Xia's two heads, he felt uncomfortable.

And the blind monk followed the bottom lane for a while, the jungler who was originally Tianbeng, now slowly getting better, this is difficult.

After pushing the line, Lin Tian's controller Xia chose to return.

On the way back, he said to Tang Ru, "Look, I told you I'm not a liar."

"Don't be complacent, you haven't won yet." When Tang Ru heard Lin Tian's words at this time, she felt a little embarrassed. She had spoken to Lin Tian so arrogantly before, but now Lin Tian's operation has slapped her in the face. ah.

"It's not difficult to win." Lin Tian bought the equipment, and as soon as the equipment came out, he promised that the opposite bot lane would experience hell mode.

Looking at Lin Tian who was so confident and even a little swollen, Tang Ru pointed to Nuoshou on the screen: "This Nuoshou is a director, you should have actors here."

"I know, after watching Gnar's wave, I feel something is wrong." Lin Tian said.

"Knowing that you are still so calm?" Tang Ru was a little puzzled.

Lin Tian coughed, and said solemnly: "You know what? If the difference in strength is too large, it is not difficult to win 4 against 5."

(End of this chapter)

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