Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 106 You are not worthy~

Chapter 106 You are not worthy~
Lucian played a strong attack, and Syndra couldn't match the level A, but up to now, Syndra's blood volume still has the advantage.

Ka Ka Ka!
In Lan Hao's first moment, Syndra surrendered her E skill!
Push it to another level A, everything is over!
But when Syndra's E skill weaker retreated and the light wave was about to hit Lucian, Lucian instantly handed over the flash, flashed behind Syndra, and dodged directly!

Wu Qing was completely stupid!He waited for a long time for the weak to retreat, and was just dodged by Lucian. He thought that Lucian would dodge back, and then he would be in a chasing state. The worst result would be that no one could kill anyone, but Lucian would go It flashed behind me!
The distance between the two is still close, and Lucian has been holding on to Syndra, and the two sides are in a posture of facing A.

But Wu Qing knew that even if his blood volume was superior, he might not be able to kill Lu Xian in the future. How could AP be so good against ADC.

Ka Ka Ka!
This time Wu Qing clicked Q instead of E.

He can only pin his hopes on his Q skill. The CD is short and the mana consumption is not very high. As long as he releases another Q, he will win this wave.

But no matter how fast Wu Qing clicked, if Lan was not well, it was still not well.

The blood volume of the two sides is getting lower and lower, and finally it is a confrontation of dozens of blood!
Lucian raised his hand and tied A directly. At this time, Syndra's blue finally recovered enough blue for a Q skill!

I saw a black ball appear at Lucian's feet!Lucian didn't move either!
"I still win..." Before Wu Qing finished speaking, Lu Xi'an's draw A directly killed Wu Qing's A, and the next moment, Lu Xi'an controlled by Lin Tian was also killed by Q.

The two were killed almost at the same time, but it can also be seen that Lucian died later than Syndra, and the late death was very limited, even less than 0.5 seconds.

Wu Qing's originally excited expression suddenly turned into... despair!
"Damn, this is too aggrieved!" The people watching couldn't help it!

Judging from the screen, Syndra has a great chance of winning, but Lucian is like a top card... Do you want to talk about operation?It is indeed possible to avoid Syndra's E skill at close range, but how good is the operation?I ate so many Qs in the early stage, and was hit by Syndra so many times!
Lucian didn't even dodge Syndra's last Q skill, but he just won.

Weird, weird!
"Wu Qing is a bit pitiful! Losing like this, alas." Another person also said.

The bystanders feel sorry for Wu Qing, let alone Wu Qing himself.

Bang!Wu Qing smashed the keyboard hard!His eyes were red and tears were oozing from his eyes!
Two hundred victory points... a total of three hundred victory points lost!
God knows how long it took him to accumulate these victory points...

This kind of feeling is like a migrant worker who saved 100 million step by step. After saving 100 million, he went to the bank today and saw that there was some interest left. Let the old blood flow out of anger.


"Come again! Come again, this time with [-] victory points!" Wu Qing was like a gambler, and all he could think about now was... to make money!
At least make money back!The rest will be discussed after earning back.

"Captain, you don't have that many victory points!" Wu Qing's team members said hastily.

"..." Wu Qing became even more aggrieved.

No, it can't just leave it like this!I can win!

"Lend me, fifty victory points per person." Wu Qing shouted.

Wu Qing's team members looked at each other... To be honest, they didn't even want to borrow it!
Victory points are hard-won!Fifty victory points are 500 yuan!And... their ranks are not as high as Wu Qing's, and their initial victory points are even less.

Can I borrow it?Wu Qing is the captain of their team, and they know Wu Qing's character, if they really don't borrow it, they will definitely wear shoes for themselves.

Now several people are a little regretful, especially the team member who called Wu Qing, he can't wait to slap himself!

I knew what the call was like this!
In the end, Wu Qing searched through it and got [-] victory points, and he made up another [-] victory points.

Three hundred victory points.

Naturally, Lin Tian didn't stop him, since Wu Qing wanted to gamble, then gamble, Wu Qing wouldn't dare to mess with him after the gamble.

So, they played the third game...

This time, Wu Qing took out another hero that he played very well, Jess!

These three heroes are his housekeeping skills!Facing Lin Tian, ​​who was playing with small cannons...

In the early stage, Wu Qing's Jess Q skill was very accurate. At the third level, Wu Qing first opened the W skill from a long distance, switched to the melee form, and added three ultra-fast leveling A and E on the Q, almost killing the small cannon, attracting Everyone cheered. Although they didn't know Wu Qing very well, they didn't want Wu Qing to lose all three games to the rookies and lose face to the e-sports club.

This one is still great!Jess can hit Xiaopao a lot of blood with a single QE, and even close combat, Xiaopao is almost out of hand!
Ten minutes later, Wu Qing crossed the tower again, so... the first blood broke out again.

Wu Qing was stunned, like a deflated ball, staring at the screen dully.

A little more.

This time, he crossed the tower at level [-], but was pushed to the pillar of the defensive tower by the flash R of the small cannon. When he flashed out of the tower, the E skill on his head just detonated. Originally, with another A, the small cannon died ...

Wu Qing's hands trembled!
Six hundred victory points are gone!

At the same time, Wu Qing's team members were also heartbroken to the point of being unable to breathe...

Their expressions are also extremely dull, and everyone's fifty points are gone!

"Come again!" Wu Qing's voice trembled.

"You have no victory points." Lin Tian replied calmly.

"Fifty bet... No, twenty." Wu Qing didn't have many victory points left, and he was very hesitant when speaking, he couldn't even get fifty victory points.

Lin Tian shook his head: "It's boring, don't fight."

Lin Tian just won [-] victory points, so he doesn't care about these [-] victory points. He is hungry and wants to eat.

"If not, let's bet [-] victory points. If I lose, I'll be your horse for a month." Wu Qing said tremblingly.

He really wanted to win back, even if he lost his dignity, he would not hesitate.

Lin Tian glanced at Wu Qing, and Wu Qing said: "You just came to the e-sports club, and there are many things you don't understand. I will bet with you myself."

It’s really a dog bet...

Lin Tian sighed.

"If you win, you are my big brother. If you lose, I just hope that the [-] victory points can be returned to me. It's a good deal, okay?" Wu Qing continued, strongly hoping that Lin Tian would agree .

So, Lin Tian replied.

He looked at Wu Qing, then stood up.

"You do not deserve."

(End of this chapter)

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