Sorry, my AD is invincible

Chapter 104 Cut at 2 degrees!

Chapter 104 Cut twice in seconds!

Looking at the card that was being aced by the little murloc, everyone except Tian Luoyi couldn't help feeling that something was going to happen to this card.

With the remaining health of this card, as long as the little murloc makes a move, Q goes up, and deals damage, the chance of the card dying is very high.

Everyone could see it, and Wu Qing, who was playing the game, could also see it. Looking at the little HP remaining on the card, Wu Qing easily became murderous!
The two sides are already at the third level, and the cards are getting closer to themselves!
Wu Qing smiled coldly, thinking that you will die for me!
The next moment, he directly controlled the little murloc Q, and the two of them were very close, and the little murloc suddenly launched an attack. Wu Qing only needed to hit Q, and then hit E. Once the card flashed, he would dodge it, and everything would be fine. Yes, but the moment the little murloc handed over Q, the card flashed.

The little murloc still made a displacement, but the Q skill did not deal any damage.

Wu Qing's first reaction was to follow, this wave will kill Lin Tian, ​​he wants to get the one hundred victory points, and also wants this guy who doesn't know how to flatter him to know how strong he is!He hoped to see Lin Tian regretting and annoyed.

Under such circumstances, Wu Qing couldn't help being a little anxious, and opened E on the spot, then flashed an E, and hit the card's body heavily in the second paragraph, leveling A and igniting it!
Wu Qing knew that he only needed to follow A and wait for the CD of the next Q skill. In this wave, he didn't keep E to hide the card W, but it didn't matter anymore, after all, he had an absolute advantage.

When Wu Qing wanted A to come out again, a yellow card flashed over Kaka's head, and it took almost a tenth of a second to make up for it. The yellow card landed on the little murloc, and he heard a ding...

That wasn't the sound of the golden body, but the sound of the yellow card hitting the little murloc.

"Luck!" Wu Qing thought to himself.

Cards do have a method of cutting yellow cards in seconds, but when a yellow card pops out of the head, it is cut instantly, which means that the operator of the card directly and quickly pressed W twice. The chance of this kind of cutting in seconds is relatively high. One of the strong cards, you can't lock it up immediately every time the first yellow card is shown, instead you will wait for the second round.

The card AQA pulled back, and this AQA hit the small fish a lot of damage.

Wu Qing followed unhurriedly.

Because Wu Qing has been laying the line, the card is far away from the defense tower, and now the flash card has been handed over, and there is no movement skill.

Looking at the card with a quarter of its health remaining, Wu Qing looked at the CD of his Q skill, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Lin Tian didn't keep running, but walked A!

Although the card has AD equipment, its attack speed is not very fast at this time, but on the screen, the card's A move is also very smooth. After the E skill appears, there is a snap, and some of the little fish man's health is knocked out.

Soon... Wu Qing looked at his CD, the Q he played before, and the talent of the Olympiad Comet, the single target skill will reduce the CD by 20.00%, and the Q cooldown of the first level of the little murloc The time is ten seconds, so the little murloc's Q is only less than eight seconds.

The cooling time of the card's W skill is six seconds, because the little murloc handed in the skill first, and the skills of the two should basically be at the same time.

Two seconds, one second... Wu Qing's eyes became more and more cruel, and the next moment, the little murloc yelled cheerfully, about to go up with Q, but at the moment when the screen of his starting hand appeared, the card on the head Another yellow card flashed, and it was locked instantly!
Before the little murloc reached the card body, he was stopped by a yellow card.

"This?" Wu Qing was dumbfounded.

He thought it would take time to cut the cards. When the cards were cut, he would Q to the cards and add some output, and the cards would be gone. As a result, the cards were cut in seconds!The first yellow card again!
This is a very deadly situation!

This Q didn't touch the card, so he didn't have the ability to move, and there was still a distance between the two sides, that is to say, no matter what, Wu Qing couldn't A to get the card.

This is the most embarrassing!But who would have thought it would be like this?

When Wu Qing's little murloc recovered from the dizziness, he quickly rushed to the card, but the card walked backwards while attacking him, and once Wu Qing turned around and wanted to leave, the card would turn around again. Catch up and face him A.

With the card of Dolan's sword, the blood volume of the little murloc was lowered one after another, very simple and unpretentious... Finally, until he was killed!

The first blood is born, and the victory is already divided.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous~ thanks to good luck." Lin Tian let out a long breath, his voice was loud, but some people could hear it clearly.

Everyone looked at this scene, saying they were shocked and shocked, but more, it was a sense of humor.

Because this solo is too accidental!

"Can you win with such a card? The first one to dodge and dodge Q is understandable. You can say it was premeditated, or you can say that the blind cat ran into a dead mouse, but the little fish man was stunned as soon as he started his second Q... ..."

It's like... The little murloc had bad luck twice, every time he played Q, something would happen!It's the same as buying groceries.

"Is that okay? I feel like the little murloc is aggrieved." Another person also said.

"Luck, didn't you hear what the newcomer said?"

Li Lingyun shook his head in disappointment. At the moment when the murloc played Q, he thought that Lin Tian's card was dead. He and Wu Qing are not very familiar. It would be great if Wu Qing could solve his thorn in the flesh. But, unfortunately, it's only a little bit short!

Wu Siyu and others were very excited watching this scene, Wu Siyu let out a long sigh of relief: "It's too dangerous, the fifth child almost died, luck has filled it."

"Yeah, but this feels weird, but I just can't tell." Heizi frowned.

luck?Tian Luoyi didn't believe it. She looked at Lin Tian tightly. When Lin Tian was consumed a lot, she knew that Lin Tian was setting up a trap. That is to say, the next two yellow cards made the little fish man's Both Q failures were premeditated!

The first dodge Q, although very eye-catching, is not too unusual, after all, Tian Luoyi has seen Lin Tian's reaction, but the second Q of the little murloc, how can Lin Tian be sure, he will not Eat hurt?

If the card Chapter 1 just now was not a yellow card but a red card, and it took a while to cut it out, wouldn't Lin Tian die?

Is this a calculation error?Or... can Lin Tian calculate to milliseconds?
Lin Tian is definitely confident, otherwise he wouldn't bet one hundred victory points, but I couldn't see it, Tian Luoyi's expression changed from bright to dark, and he secretly made a decision in his heart.

Such a person can't let him be a salted fish.

She left everyone behind, ran out secretly, and made a call.

"President, I want to introduce someone to you, and I'll send you his video."


At this time, the person who couldn't believe it the most was Wu Qing.

Veins popped out on his forehead, one hundred victory points!Just like that, I lost even though I had the advantage!
Looking at the happy Lin Tian, ​​Wu Qing gritted his teeth and said: "Two hundred victory points, come again!"

(End of this chapter)

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