Naruto mobile game touch head kill

Chapter 170 Hit Blindly?

Chapter 170 Hit Blindly?

With Bald Li's exclamation, the situation on the battlefield changed suddenly!
Only because the attack effect of Jieshu San was lost in an instant, Madaraji's skills had not been fully used, and the opponent made an on-the-spot response in time, manipulating Takazuo to immediately perform a combination skill of forced grabbing!

"Awesome! As for Madara's attack speed...I won't accept it!"

Bald Li cursed angrily, and frantically clicked the substitute button, as if he was going to substitute in seconds.

"Fuck, come on calmly! Takazuo's domineering state hasn't disappeared yet, and you can't fight back in seconds!" Seeing that the situation was wrong, Xu Piao hurriedly reminded him.


However, the bald Li seemed to have his own plan. He ignored Xu Piao's dissuasion at this moment, and still chose the second substitute firmly!
"Bang! Bang! [Ban Pu Gong]"

After Madara appeared, the bald Li still didn't have any hesitation, he directly pulled the joystick hard, waved a backhand general attack, and went straight to Takasa's Chrysanthemum heart!

"Crack! Crack!"

It is estimated that the opponent did not expect that the bald Li would choose to replace in seconds. At this moment, his Takasa was forced to retreat, so he had to take advantage of Madara's first two A basic attacks forcibly in his overlord state. In the next instant, he immediately Manipulate Takasa to start moving straight on the y-axis, trying to completely avoid Madara's basic attack and backhand!


"Wang Wang Wang Wang..."


At this moment, the bald Li turned into the Shaman King. On the premise that the opponent did not hand over the first wave of doubles, he turned directly to the fleeing Takazuo and released the psychic Ninja Dog!

"Cough~~ tui!"

Xu Piao was instantly disgusted by Bald Li's operation, but it seemed too early to step forward to seize control, so he could only spit out a mouthful of old phlegm to express his dissatisfaction with Bald Li's operation.


Sure enough, after being controlled by the group of ninja dogs, Takasa hurriedly handed over the substitute, without giving Madara any chance to continue to use it!

In short, this wave of psychic communication by Bald Li... is for nothing!

But... if you think about it, the bald Li just released the psychic so eagerly, it should be because he saw the situation was wrong, and used the psychic to prevent Eagle Zor from suddenly opening the big move after pulling away from the distance?

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

In the screen, after the flash, Takazuo immediately took advantage of the short-term invincibility state, and quickly pressed towards Madara's position. After predicting the range of the attack, he decisively swung the general attack, trying to forcibly backhand the bald Li's Madara !

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Faced with Takazuo's strong pressure and backhand general attack, the bald Li reacted fairly well. He first lifted the joystick up, and put the two fingers of his right hand close to the screen as if ready to go, urging him to attack. Spotted old waist flashed, moving straight on the y-axis to dodge Takazuo's basic attack, and then he was immediately turned into the master, using the first two A's of the spotted general attack, and quickly created a move around him Within the predicted range, Takasa's backhand operation was resolved within two seconds!



Three seconds later, the distance between the two of them opened up again. Taking advantage of Takazuo's skills cooling down, he once again planned to strike first. With a wave, a cyclone with strong adsorption force came out in response, and went straight to Takasa who was running!

"Huh~~[Cyclone Field Control]"


Since Bald Li's attack route predicted by this wave of skills is very accurate, it is aimed at Ying Zuo's next wave of running route to release, so the opponent's Ying Zuo has no time to dodge at this moment, so he has to stay within the attack range generated by the cyclone. The second before the adsorption, release the psychic in time to try to force each other!
"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

After the blue snake was released from the seal, it quickly staged a scene of a lazy donkey rolling or a wild snake dancing wildly, instantly turning the tense battlefield into a miasma!And the attack wave it created just rightly destroyed Madara's chance to step forward and continue to attack!

"Hehe..." Bald Li smiled contemptuously, and then slid his finger.

"Suona! Suona!"

"Bang! Bang!"

The blue giant Susano exploded into the ground, waving two chakra energy knives one after the other and smashed down wildly. Because the timing was just right, it almost seamlessly connected the attack of the field-controlling cyclone. Takasa once again ruthlessly continued to raise his hands until he was in the air!
"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Although the large-scale poisonous gas attack left by the blue snake is still continuing, Bald Li still manipulates Madara to go forward and catch up with the basic attack without any scruples. Takazuo's stand-in CD should have six seconds left, so there is no time to worry so much. Now is the opportunity to equalize the difference in blood volume between the two sides!
"Cut buttocks! Fire card baa key music fundraising!"

"Pfft! [Takasa Substitute]"

really!As expected by Xu Piao, after the bald Li manipulated Zhuo Madara to continue the full set of basic attacks, the opponent's Takazuo quickly handed over the second wave of stand-ins!

"Riding the dog Yigata!"

A chidori knife that directly attacked Juxin rushed in, and the bald Li's Madara was about to fall to Jubu!

"Drink~~[Madara gets backhanded]"

as expected!Although Bald Li predicted the route of Takasa's backhand advance in time, and made a y-axis movement response in advance, he still couldn't stand Takasa's rapid advance, and there was almost no sign or stop of the forward swing. Bald Li's Madara was easy After a scream, he immediately entered a state of backward stiffness!
"Hey! [Plover knife pierces the ground]"

"Zi~~~! [Takazuo Combo Skill]"

After succeeding, Takazuo immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack. Cooperating with the two-A rhythm of the general attack, he separated the damage of the second skill and the three forms to fully attack it!
In an instant, the difference in blood volume between the two sides was widened again. After Bald Li's Madara suffered enough damage from Takasa's two combo moves, his blood volume had dropped to about half!

"Fuck! Takasa is a plunging ninja, the opening and backhand mechanisms are so fucking not broken, your Madara is not suitable for a war of attrition with him at all, what the are so proficient at playing Takasa Now, you don’t even know this, do you?”

After these few waves of operations, Xu Piao frowned as he watched from the sidelines. Seeing that his opponent Takazuo's energy points were full again, and Bald Li's configuration was basically still in a cooling state, Xu Piao had no choice but to He reminded again.

"There's nothing I can do about it. This spot is a complete idiot. The skills are not instant, and the anti-reaction mechanism is also stupid. The only long-range attack advantage is not at all when it meets the more flexible Takazuo. I can't play it!"


While responding angrily, Bald Li seized the rhythm of Yingzuo's basic attack on the third A and quickly pressed the substitute button. At this time, Madara's two skills were in a cooling state, so he could only try to use his basic attack to backhand!

"Crack! Crack!"

After the flash, Madara also moved slightly synchronously along the escape movement route of Takasa's y-axis, and the next second Madara's fan slammed on Takasa's body, declaring the success of the backhand operation!

"Ha ha……"

I have to say that although Bald Li's mentality is a little impetuous at this time, he still keeps up with the rhythm consciously. Just now, Takazuo has actually made preparations for Madara Miao's substitute and general attack backhand, but what he may not have thought is that 0 In a few seconds of pre-judgment time, the bald Li unexpectedly bet right and blocked his y-axis downward movement!

"Butt jam! Fire card baa key music!"

"Hmph! Longyan Fire Cafe is raising funds!"

In the picture, the bald Li gritted his teeth immediately after the backhand was successful, and seized this wave of opportunities to give Yingzuo a full set of services, the burst damage of the basic attack plus the second skill of Longyan singing... Level the health bars of both sides to an equal state!
"Hey!! [Madara's complete body Susanoo]"

The next moment, seeing Takazuo's stand-in CD was about to cool down, Bald Li actually released a skill that should have been reserved for anti-retaliation, and it was a long-pressed skill!
It seems that he is eager to deal another wave of burst damage, so as to quickly widen the blood gap between him and his opponent Takazuo!


After the full body giant Susano exploded on the screen, his aura was fully opened, and the attack wave of the chakra giant sword that smashed Huashan directly penetrated the entire x-axis with the force of destroying the world, and Takasa's blood bar was also emptied Only a quarter of the state is left!

In the next second, facing Madara who was chasing fiercely and was about to continue to step forward to take the general attack on Takasa, the opponent immediately chose a substitute!
But... at the moment when Yingzuo's substitute flashed, Bald Li unexpectedly made another decision that, in Xu Piao's opinion, was really "rebellious"!

"Q ratio!!"


The screen is frozen in an instant!Madara consumed all the esoteric points, and stood near the midfield to use the ultimate skill!

"Damn it... are you crazy? You're going to go to college alone, and the whole family will watch a show! With Ying Zuo's current blood volume... plus the invincible time consumption after the stand-in, you just wait to cry for a while Bar!"

Xu Piao burst out this heart-piercing swearing almost in a petrified state!At this moment, he wished he could slap bald Li into the latrine!

(End of this chapter)

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