Naruto mobile game touch head kill

Chapter 148 The one-in-a-million competitive genius!

Chapter 148 The one-in-a-million competitive genius!

"Grass mud horse... this... this is impossible!"

The next moment, Xu Piao opened his mouth wide enough to fit ten golf balls after watching Bald Li play two rounds!


At this moment, he only felt that the cool wind blowing in from the window was fake, the light rain falling in the sky was fake, and even the bald Li standing in front of him... was fake too!All are fake!


In the picture, the bald Li's Takazuo is basically in control of the movement position, the rhythm of the uphand and backhand... basically to the extreme!This product absolutely has the power of Super Shadow!
Not only that, Bald Li's combo moves are also so scalp-numbing, especially Takazuo's second skill, he has mastered the duration of each of the three attacks with incomparable precision, and the timing of all the starting operations is stuck. Couldn't be more ingenious!
This level combined with Takazuo's own "show" attribute, after this operation, Bald Li almost pierced through the opponent's two ninjas in a non-injured state, and he was about to successfully wear three ninjas. up!
This is not over, the most important thing is... the opponent is still the national team lineup like the first generation, the masked man, and Takasa!
And it also bears the title of movie class!
And in each round of confrontation... Bald Li almost quickly killed the opponent's ninja in less than 30 seconds!
What the hell happened when there was no psychic release, and the secret volume was rarely used!
So at this moment...Xu Piao's mind is full of classic three questions...

"who am I?"

"where am i"

"What am I doing?"


"Oh, Shino!"





In the screen at this time, the bald Li released Takasa's ultimate move with an extremely chic gesture of looking back at the moon, beheading the finale ninja of the opponent in an instant!

"Okay, you succeeded in wearing three, do you have any questions now?"

After finishing the operation, Bald Li turned his head and spoke to Xu Piao.

At this moment, his sharp eyes just now changed back to a wretched state.

"What about you... Forget it, how did you do it? You can do such an operation after only playing for three or four days?"

At this point, Xu Piao finally accepted the reality, but he still kept his expression of shock and fear!
Yes, he was terrified!If this is the legendary one-in-a-million gaming would be too frightening!

" you still remember the Little Overlord game console when you were a child? I smashed no less than ten Little Overlords. At that time, it was like SD Kombat, Double Dragon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Contra, etc. , I have reached the level of one-handed customs clearance!"

"When I was a teenager, I played King of Fighters in the game hall. I singled out solo players in the whole game hall with hundreds of game coins. Can you believe it? Give me a game coin of 5 cents, and I can play from the morning. In the afternoon! Even the owner of the game hall has to smoke me when he sees me, and promises that as long as I go to their game hall, all the game currency I consume will be free!"

"Actually, the King of Fighters is not a big deal. At that time, Journey to the West Shi'er and the War of the Three Kingdoms were the most popular. You should still have an impression of this? Take Journey to the West as an example. If I choose Monkey King, I can directly beat the final boss with one life." Go there, you can pass the level with two lives! How about it? The record of the buddy is quite brilliant, right?"


Speaking of which, the bald Li took out the cigarette case, lit another cigarette for himself, and handed another one to Xu Piao. From his eyes at the moment, Xu Piao interpreted a king-like spirit. mean.

If what he said just now was not bragging, I would really have to look up to him in the future.

That's right, Xu Piao was also obsessed with games such as King of Fighters, Journey to the West, and Double Dragon SD Kombat when he was a child, but he definitely doesn't have the talent to blow up games like Bald Li!Not to mention the glorious deed of blowing up the game hall by one person!

"So... you admit that you really have a certain talent in games?"

Xu Piao raised his hand to take a puff of cigarette, and said lightly.

At this moment, his mentality finally calmed down after some struggles, and he had completely accepted this reality.

"No, it should be said that he has a certain talent in action games... Didn't you notice that the games I just told you are not all action games?"

"Actually... I don't know when I got this habit. It's normal to shake the joystick with my left and right thumbs, but when I play games, I have the habit of operating my right thumb and index finger together. For this point, many people I still don’t understand it.” At this moment, the bald Li continued to sigh with emotion.

"Hehe... That's because they haven't seen such an operation, so they don't understand it. In fact, I was surprised by your two-finger operation just now. I thought you were just a bronze... I didn't expect you, he? It's a king!"


After finishing speaking, Xu Piao continued to take a puff of cigarette. Although his mentality had calmed down at the moment, deep down in his heart he still doubted life!

"It took me three or four years to play until I reached this level...You guy has already caught up with me after playing for three or four days?"

"Nimma...Maybe I'm playing fake Hokage?"


"Okay, you said that you would bring me the game Bai Nupiao in the future, don't break your promise. Recently, the work pressure is quite high, and it is good to have such a conscientious game to relieve stress... Think about it. Yes, hehehe..."

Bald Li was talking and laughing at this moment, it seemed that he was completely addicted to the competitive charm of this game.

"Don't worry, brother, what I say is never farting. From now on, I will give you a hard time with krypton gold. If you follow my strategy and gameplay, you will be right, unless you still can't control it." My own hands, recklessly filling money, so don't blame me when the time comes."

"Also, I think you have a very high talent limit for this game... Are you interested in voting with me? It just so happens that I have a bold idea right now."


"A ticket? Can you make money?" The bald Li Wenyan's eyes lit up instantly, and he hurriedly asked Xu Piao.

"Yes! Uh... it doesn't count as making money..." Xu Piao hesitated to speak.

"What the hell? It's ambiguous and you don't make it clear? Could it be that you want to trick me again?" At this moment, Bald Li immediately became on guard again.

"Counsel, no matter if I can make money or not, I'm just going to take you to the rhythm of flying with you... I don't know how to flatter you at all?"

"Then you should tell me clearly? What kind of flying method? What kind of surfing method?" Bald Li responded angrily.

"Do you... want to be famous in this game? The kind that can gain a lot of popularity and have a chance to be in the live broadcast? Hehehe..."

"You can also make money as an anchor in this game? Isn't it all about eating chickens and kings now?'s not so easy to be an anchor. Just my poor eloquence is enough to persuade myself It's gone." The bald-headed Li immediately died down after hearing Xu Piao's words, with his head downcast.

"Look at you, how do you know that you can't do it if you don't do it? And I just have the resources in my hand now, and I also have the confidence to praise you to the sky. Is it possible that you don't want to play games happily while earning money happily?" Extra money?"


"Hehehe... Brother, I really want to hear you say that! But... What exactly do you want me to do? Also, do you really have the ability to win me over in this game?

(End of this chapter)

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