Alliance commentary system

Chapter 93 This wave, this wave is meat, eggs, green onion chicken! [Chapter [-]]

Chapter 93 This wave, this wave is meat, eggs, green onion chicken! 【Tenth update】

Yu Xiaohun, also known as Emperor C, has been in the ranks of masters all year round.

This person is a proficient monster, and only uses one hero, Hand of Noxus.

Although he is only a master, he has become popular in the live broadcast industry because of his reputation and technology.

Currently broadcasting live in Jusha, it can be regarded as a big anchor.

"Meet the new commentator?" Yu Xiaohun joked while looking at the barrage.

There was a lot of talk on the barrage.

"Hunk C, I met the big anchor! Hurry up to 20 o'clock!"

"But I see that the opponent is not very strong. It seems to be the top laner who has been filled. Usually, he mainly plays support and jungle. It seems that the top laner has not played much."

"Don't talk about it. It's the same with everyone you meet. If you help me, I won't be C. If you don't help me, you will be bombed. This one will be bombed!"

Yu Xiaohun looked at the barrage, his face turned red, and he said to the side: "Liangzi, what rank is this commentator at? Check, check, check!"

Ryoko is a friend of Yu Xiaohun's duo.

Yu Xiaohun heard that after Chen Xian entered the commentary industry, he became popular instantly.

There are even tens of millions of people in the live broadcast room tonight.

Such a big anchor must have both strength and excellent commentary skills.

So what Yu Xiao C thought was, if this statement is very powerful, then he can make friends when he has time.

After all, in the live broadcast industry, there are friends everywhere.

If you are good at it, you will bring a lot of benefits if you are popular.

"Master 32 o'clock!" Liang Zi said hurriedly after checking.

"Master, it turns out that we are in the same league! Hahaha..." Yu Xiaohun laughed out loud when he heard the words.

"Okay, audience friends, I met a big anchor in this round, and I'm going to be serious in a while!" Hearing this, Yu Xiaohun immediately became serious.


"Yu Xiaohun? Such a familiar name! Is it the one who was broadcasting live on the enemy station, playing Nuo Shou?!" Chen Xian looked at the barrage and murmured.

He has heard a little about this person, he heard that he is proficient in promise hands, the upper limit is the king if he gets the promise hand, if he can't get the promise hand, he might not even be able to beat the platinum.

Yes, this is the disadvantage of only proficient in one hero.

But it was also bad news for Chen Xian at this time.

Because on the screen, I really saw that Nuoshou was locked on the other side!

"This round is not easy!" Chen Xian murmured alone.

Although the opposite is only a master, but I am also a master!

Moreover, he is specialized in Nuoshu, so he is under a lot of pressure when it comes to the line.

Could it be that he was going to kneel in the first game?
At this time, the bullet screens were helping Chen Xian to make suggestions.

"Anchor, use Daomei, Daomei beats you casually!"

Chen Xian nodded slightly after looking at it.

Although Daomei cuts and cuts again and again, no matter how much she cuts, the mechanism is not cut off, and this hero is still very strong.

And the E skill can be called a great skill.

When the blood volume is more than that of the opponent, it is a deceleration.

When it is less than the opposite side, it is dizziness.

If this E skill is used well, then bloody anti-killing will not be a problem at all.

The second is the passive of the W skill.

The basic attack comes with real damage and restores blood volume.

Daomei's main point skills, main W and secondary E.

But looking back, although Daomei is good at playing Nuo, her early fault tolerance rate is very low.

Once you are targeted by the opposing jungler two or three times, you will basically be controlled to death by the opponent's wire control.

Therefore, Daomei is not a good choice.

"Anchor, play Sword Fairy, fight with the opposite party!"

This statement is true, if you work hard, Jian Ji can break through four times in one second, and the W skill can block Nuo's Q skill, which is very good for killing Nuo.

But Chen Xian didn't play Sword Fairy many times, and if he played hard, he might not be good at it.

"Then let's go to the stone man! This hero can mix C, compare with the opponent!"

As soon as this comment came out, the audience was dissatisfied on the spot.

"Competition? Can you compare to me, Yu Xiaohun? What a joke!"

Chen Xian watched the final countdown, but couldn't make up his mind.

Daomei is Chen Xian's signature hero, so this round will be Daomei? !

Chen Xian put the mouse on Daomei's body, but was still uncertain.

At this time, Chen Xian suddenly thought of a hero, and hurriedly moved the mouse to that hero, and selected it!

Gragas - Barrels!

"Friends in the audience, let's show off a wine barrel in this round!" Chen Xian said cheerfully to the live broadcast room.

[Ding, it’s detected that the host is using the gold medal lecturer’s signature hero. 】

[Ding, all the classic quotations of gold medal lecturers will be distributed automatically. 】

oh? ?Is the barrel still the signature hero of the gold medal lecturer? !

After entering the game.

The lineup of both sides has been determined.

Chen Xian's side, the blue side: top lane wine barrel, jungle blind monk, mid lane little murloc, bottom lane Hanbing, support female gun.

Red side: top laner Nuoshou, jungler Rek'Sai, mid laner Akali, bottom laner Jhin, and support Zyra.

Since the end of the World Championship, the routines of the Frost Girl Spear have been applied to passers-by.

I have to say that this black technology has also made everyone very popular.

The mid-laner assassin is still popular with passers-by.

The Little Fishman has always been tepid in the middle, but it was because of a professional player, Ximen Legend, who had been on the stage of the World Championship.

As for Akali...

Because all the assassins in S7 have been greatly changed, everyone still wants to play a few rounds of assassins to bid farewell to the ancient heroes.

Chen Xian also saw Akali's modification. The W skill is still invisible, but a certain displacement will be added during the invisible process.

Displacement can also pass through walls.

This is a great enhancement for Akali.

Back to the game.

Chen Xian used Thunder's talent in this round.

The purpose is to break out.

Although fighters are generally half-meat, the reason why Wine Barrel can play in the order is because of his good tank fighting ability.

W skill Drunken Rage comes with percentage damage.

The second is because of its strong consumption capacity.

The Q skill consumes less mana in the early stage, and the basic damage is very high. If it is used as a promise hand without displacement, it will make him very uncomfortable in the early stage.

And the most important thing is not only these two points, his Q skill also has a good ability to clear troops.

According to the fist designer, because of the strong online ability of the barrel, the next few versions will weaken the top lane barrel and let him return to the jungle.

In this regard, Chen Xian, as a commentator, is also very helpless.

This is the case with fists, whichever hero is strong will weaken it.

Whatever black technology you create, it will be cut off for you immediately.

For example, the female gun is already lying on the designer's weakened list...

However, the fist said to the outside world: Encourage summoners to create different new routines, so that the alliance can generate more ecology.

The fist has also been complained by the majority of players.

You let us create new routines, and then create them for you to cut?


The match begins.

Although the wine barrels in the early stage were vain, but in terms of consumption, wine barrels accounted for the majority.

After Wine Barrel's three consecutive Q skills hit Nuo's hand, Yu Xiaohun questioned, "Hey, the person on the other side is so good at controlling Q?"

"Ryoko, this guy is very powerful, every time he explodes on the edge of that barrel, and hits me! Do you think he is a coincidence?!"

Liangzi was well aware of Yu Xiaohun's strength and position, and said slowly: "Don't worry, I'll come and help you catch it later!"

After Liangzi finished speaking, she had finished playing the red buff, reached level three, and then went straight to the road!

At this time, Chen Xian was using his Q skill to roll the wine barrel to clear the line. Although he was full of health, Nuo Shou, who had only two-thirds of his health left, was about to move.

Chen Xian understood instantly, and was about to retreat in a hurry!

An E skill meatball impact hit the soldier!
And this meal, Nuo's hand approached the barrel, and the E skill pulled him back.

At the same time, Rexai also dug a hole and lifted the wine barrel!
At this time, Chen Xian stopped struggling and silently waited for death!

The mistake of the E skill was very embarrassing. At the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was full of question marks.

One of the viewers said: "Anchor, what is this wave?"

Chen Xian was suddenly inspired, and said awkwardly: "This wave, this wave is meat, eggs, green onion..."

(End of this chapter)

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