Alliance commentary system

Chapter 84 A scene of deja vu 【First order】

Chapter 84 A familiar scene [please order first]

"The spider's cocoon is very tricky. It was hard to predict the blind monk in the grass, but he was caught by Peanut." Chen Xian couldn't help but sigh.

Fortunately, after this wave of stupid chickens died, the impact was not too great.

Without dragons, there is no way to push the tower.

But Tiger recovered some financial losses.

This is followed by the developmental stages of both sides.

The duo on Tone's side chose to go up the road and push the tower. The health of the top tower was at risk, and they were quickly pushed away.

On the contrary, tiger's two-person lane is in the middle, and the defense tower in the middle lane has a very healthy blood volume.

But the economic difference is not big, it is evenly matched.

Hitomi looked at the situation and analyzed: "This period of time is Jess's advantage period. Tone needs to find ways to deal with Jess at this point."

"After all, Jess in the mid-term is the time to exert his strength."

Chen Xian nodded and said, "That's right. Looking back, the cooperation between Rind and Stupid Chicken to kill a wave of spiders had a great impact."

"Because after that wave of spiders died, not only did Little Peanut's rhythm break, but Tone's bot lane was liberated."

"In this way, the whole rhythm of Tone comes alive."

"Tiger needs to find its own rhythm again."

Tongxi looked at the small map and said, "And this second little dragon is a wind dragon..."

"Hey, wait a minute, here Zyra came out of the river, Rind made a decisive QR shot, W tied A and immediately dropped Zyra!"

"Tiger still wanted to continue chasing, but the Tone team quickly withdrew. In this case... Rind's ult is too critical. It was Zyra who wanted to attack first, but it didn't work. Instead, he gave Brother Li a chance." Chen Seeing this wave of Zyra's death now, he couldn't help but speak.

Tong Xi answered: "Well...Actually, it makes sense. From a positive point of view, Tiger can win."

"But in this wave, the tiger chose to continue advancing in the first tower, and the spider's wings cocooned to the clockwork! Then set up! Send out the flash of the clockwork! The blind monk kicked the spider away, and there were residual blood on both sides and no casualties !"

"In this wave, although Tiger died, but he pushed a tower in the middle, no one died, Tiger is not at a loss." Tong Xi waited for Chen Xian to finish explaining, and said hurriedly.

And Chen Xian expressed doubts, "After this wave of stupid chickens kicked away, I didn't receive the sky sound wave. Did I make a mistake? I feel that if I received a damage from the sky sound wave, the spider would be instantly killed."

"Just now I saw that the blind monk should have Q to the minion." Tongxi explained.

Hearing the words, Chen Xian immediately relieved and said: "Then there is no other way, we could have killed another one, in this case... It is not a loss if two heads are exchanged for one to hit the first tower, but if the stupid chicken made a mistake, then Tone is still at a slight loss."

After this wave, Bobby was still pushing the tower on the road.

Zyra and Jace pushed out of the middle and turned up, trying to catch Poppy.

But Bobby is fleshy enough, two people alone can't kill him.

Seeing this, Chen Xian said, "Hey, Bobby ran away, these two people can't kill such a fleshy Bobby, unless you add a spider, there may be a chance to catch him to death, but with only Jess and Zyra, The output is not very sufficient, just forced out a flash"

"Well... We saw that we were caught on the road, and Tone decisively chose to take down the second dragon."

Although this wave of Tone took away Xiaolong, Jess also successfully used his single-lane advantage to push down the second tower.

But Jess led the line too deep.

Tone chose four to double-team.

The blind monk arrives first.

"We saw the blind monk coming over, and touched the Q skill. The Q reached Jess, and then an R flash successfully kicked Jess back!"

"Even if Karma teleports, after landing, RE wants to save Jess! But Tone has three people, and Jess is second!"

"But this wave of stupid chickens is dangerous! The spider rushed over and killed the stupid chickens in seconds! Then continue to chase the bloody Bobby!"

"The flanking Jhin made his own perfect curtain call! But Rind on the side interrupted Jhin and forced the Mouse King to flash!"

"Ah—then this wave is one wave after another. Although the two sides fought fiercely, in the end it was just an exchange of junglers and top laners."

Hitomi was quite surprised when she saw this, "And the support from both sides was very fast, and a 5v5 team battle was formed in an instant."

"It is indeed a contest between the top teams."


It is indeed the support that only the top teams will show up.

It can instantly become a 5v5 battle situation, which shows that everyone's thinking is on one plane, and this plane is still very high, and everyone's level is very close.

After this wave was over, everyone returned to the starting line.

developmental stage.

On the way to defend the tower, Tiger wants to continue to advance the next tower.

However, Tone's defense is very strong, and it is unrealistic for Tiger to forcefully push the tower directly.

Therefore, tiger can only choose to retreat!

But in the process of retreating, ttb seemed to lose his soul, and inherited the mantle of the mouse king from the previous round, and then shot an arrow from a distance, predicting the position of the mouse king!

"This arrow! The Rat King was hit by an arrow! He was hit by arrows so many times in the previous two games, but this game finally got the taste of arrows!"

Hearing this, Tong Xi smiled and said, "The way of heaven is reincarnation. You shot me in the last round, and I'll shoot you in this round. Let's shoot arrows at each other!"

"That's right, after this wave of Rat King's death, the mid lane should be gone. In 21 minutes, Tone successfully knocked down Tiger's mid lane tower!"

Then Tone started his own push.

During this time period, everyone is mainly pushing towers.

So Tone gathered in the bottom lane, ready to push down the second tower of the bottom lane.

But on the way, when Rind was walking, three people were hidden in the grass.

The spider first used the E skill to form a cocoon, and Clockwork was directly controlled!

And this wave of deaths, although it didn't bring too much loss to Tone.

But Tiger made an amazing decision!

After everyone in Tone returned home, tiger decisively opened the dragon again!

And this wave, there is also no Rind!

At this time, the stupid chicken arrived at the battlefield first.

Insert a real eye first, and see the tiger fighting the dragon.

"This scene seems familiar! Tiger once again repeats the scene where Rind is not fighting the dragon!"

"The stupid chicken came first! Insert a real eye and see the tiger fighting the dragon!"

"The dragon's blood volume is only about three thousand!"

"Stupid Chicken Q arrived at the dragon, and went in! The spider's health is low, trying to stop the stupid chicken!"

"Oh!!! The stupid chicken killed the spider in seconds! But the stupid chicken used the W skill to get out of the dragon pit!"

"At this time, the big dragon is over! Jess got the big dragon, but this wave of Tone can win the team battle!"

At this time, although Jess took down the big dragon, when Tone and the others arrived, he couldn't escape!
The final result of the team battle was that Tone had no casualties, while only one tiger survived!
In the scene that seemed familiar, in the previous scene, because Xiao Hei wanted to enter the field hastily, he lost the team battle and the game.

And in this scene, the stupid chicken used flexible thinking, although he lost the big dragon, he made the team battle a success.

(End of this chapter)

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