Chapter 80

After the fourth game, the audience was even more excited than the players on both sides.

The game was fantastic.

And some viewers are saying that the tickets are too valuable, and such words are not in vain.

This is enough to prove how exciting this game is.


"Brother, who do you think will win this game!" Liu Xian blinked his big eyes and looked at Liu Feng.

Liu Feng smiled helplessly, and said: "Both sides are both top-notch, with a winning rate of 50.00%. It's hard to say who can win!"

Brother, after watching this game, I suddenly had an urge. "

Liu Feng was stunned when he heard the words, "??? Do you want to play professionally?"

Liu Feng was ecstatic, looking at his younger brother, he almost jumped up excitedly.

"No..." Liu Xian shook his head, "But I want to do the same commentary as that brother!"

Liu Feng looked in the direction Liu Xian was pointing at.

The place he was pointing at was the commentary booth for Chen Xian and Tong Xi.

Although this commentary stage is on site, it is separated by soundproof glass and is far away from the real competition stage.

But you can still see the LPL commentary booth at the scene.

The reason why they came to the scene is because their commentary must be carried out in real time, and the commentary without delay can make the audience experience better.

While Liu Xian and Liu Feng were watching the game, they took out their earphones and listened to the Chinese commentary to watch the game.

Liu Feng shook his head, and said: "There is no future for commentators, you play professionally honestly, and after you win honors, you will be the most beautiful boy!"

"And I'm already optimistic about several teams. The Pirates team is pretty good. They can compete with A Guang for the starting spot. They have a bright future."

"The Dynasty team is not very suitable for you. They need to give up their line to protect the bottom lane, so I researched it and it is not suitable for you."

"The Everlasting Team..."

Liu Feng began to introduce each team to Liu Xian, but at this time Liu Xian's mind was already out of place, and he looked towards the commentary booth...

Back to the commentary booth.

At this time, Chen, who was the commentator, was now explaining that Xi Gan was bored while sitting.

The two didn't chat either.

They kept commenting for the next game, so they didn't waste their tongues.

At this time, Chen Xian took out another golden voice, this time Tong Xi did not refuse.

The two spent 5 minutes eating the Golden Throat.

"Welcome back, the 5-minute break is like a year!" Chen Xian finally said to the screen.

Tong Xi also smiled widely and said: "Well... I have to say that both teams have shown themselves to be the top teams in the world."

At this time, the BP link will start soon.

Chen Xian joked: "It seems that the director is more eager than us. Originally, we need to chat for a while before the game will start, but this time..."

"Just chatted for a while." Tong Xi answered cutely.

"Okay, BP starts, let's enter today's tiebreaker!"

Tiger came to the blue side, and Tone came to the red side.

Tiger's first two bans are still unchanged, Ritz Garcindra, and the third ban is to choose to ban Olaf.

"The fixed ban positions in the first two hands are still these two heroes. I have to say that now the big devil Rind is indeed the demon of every team." Chen Xian said slowly.

Tong Xi corrected Chen Xian's words: "I think it should be the inner demon of each team's mid laner."

"That's right, and as long as you dare to play, I dare to choose... So this is one of the reasons why everyone admires Rind." Chen Xian nodded and continued: "The first is the hero sea, and the second is the strong laner. , the state is bursting."

The ban position of Tone has been determined.

Girl Gun, Leopard Girl and Dragon King.

This time, Jess was released.

Tongxi wondered: "Jess let go, Tone must have thought about going on the road to resist the pressure, for example, take a hero like Bobby, resist in the early stage, and be very messy in the mid-term."

"Actually, Tone may have set Tiger up. I found that the coaches on both sides like to start competing at the BP. This is a very interesting point."

In the first choice, Tiger grabbed Karma.

And Tone got the ice and the blind monk.

None of the previous choices are problematic.

Tiger snatched Karma, the purpose is to prevent Tone from taking it.

And Tone also felt that the priority of this hero was relatively high after seeing Shu Wang's ice in three consecutive games.

Without Olaf and Leopard Girl, there are two choices.

The blind monk and the spider.

And he took a more confident blind monk for Stupid Chicken.

And tiger's second and third moves were quickly revealed.

Zyra Gadges!
"Hey, Jess is finally here! And if Zyra is locked, it means that Tiger will fight up and down, and Kuo will start his own team mode again." Chen Xian said with a glow in his eyes.

I have to say that it is indeed a good choice to give Korma Kalma.

Their system is what they are best at, so there is nothing wrong with taking what they are best at.

Moreover, give Kuo a fan, so that the pressure on the mid lane will be relatively less, and it will be more team-oriented, so there is no problem with the mid laner Karma!
Then Tone hit Malzaha and Nami with three or four moves.

But judging from the screen, Rind has been discussing with the coach of the buckle horse, and finally changed to the clockwork monster!
"Flower and Nami, choosing to use Nami to deal with Zyra is a good choice, and if you choose Clockwork, it is also a hero that Rind is very confident in."

The tiger in the back directly locked Spider and Jhin, and Tone took Poppy in the fifth hand to fight against Jess.

Both teams are confirmed.

Tiger (blue side): Top laner Jess, jungler Spider, mid laner Karma, bottom laner Jhin, support Zyra.

Tone (red side): top lane Poppy, jungler Blind Monk, mid lane Clockwork Demon, bottom lane Ashe, support Nami.

"Okay, the lineups of both sides are determined. First, let's briefly analyze the lineups of both sides. I think both sides should have got what they want, such as Jess from smell, blind monk from stupid chicken, or (laughs) Karma from Kuo. Including the confrontation between Nami and Zyra, these are the places where the two sides have no regrets after getting the lineup."

"So this game is definitely more exciting than the previous games!"

Tong Xi nodded and said: "Well... If you just look at the lineup, I think Tiger is very aggressive in the early stage, Jess and Spider, this is a classic Ueno combination with strong suppression ability, Bobby and Blind Sin In 2v2, it is basically impossible to fight, unless you handle it very well, you have a chance to win."

"Yes, Tone's upper and wilderness is indeed weak, but you have misplaced the focus. Tone is not a system for playing upper and wilderness, so it is impossible to have a 2v2 on the top lane, but Bobby is in a 1v2 on the top lane..." Chen Xian couldn't help laughing road.

The coaches on both sides shook hands.

They looked at each other and smiled.

It has to be said that the reason why the two sides played so wonderfully is also due to the coach.

The fighting on stage also impressed everyone.

Then the camera showed the audience at the scene, cheering for the final decisive game!

(End of this chapter)

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