Alliance commentary system

Chapter 75 Koi is a bastard?

Chapter 75 Koi is a bastard?
Chen Xian was extremely confident in his own analysis, but a cold voice made him doubtful.

[Ding, poisonous milk index +1]

? ? ? ?
At this moment, Chen Xian's heart was full of question marks.

Is this poisonous milk?
I'm clearly analyzing the situation seriously, how did I become poisonous milk?

At this time, Chen Xian was puzzled and puzzled.

"This commentary is really interesting. With this 'send the wolf to death', you still think Tone has a chance? You did it on purpose!"

"Little wolf is also very helpless, okay, there is no movement at all, is it normal to be driven?"

"The Rat King's arrows are more accurate. With these arrows, how can Tone be delayed until the later stage?"

"I think it is to explain the poisonous milk Tone wave, and I want tiger to win."

"It makes sense. The commentator must be a fan of Tiger, so the crazy milk Tone."

But Chen Xian was lucky not to read the comments at this time, otherwise 1 idiots would rush through his heart.


There is nothing wrong with my analysis. Tone is sure to win. Why is the funny index +1?

At this moment, Chen Xian didn't quite understand, and this wave of team battles wasn't over yet.

Tiger chose to return to the middle after beating the dragon, while Tone pulled back.

But Peanut's sudden Q skill, Q reached the policewoman.

Although the policewoman is full of blood, once she is approached, she is likely to be kicked by R Flash and die.

So after the blind monk came over, the policewoman resolutely opened the distance!
The two sides have been involved, trying to test each other through small skills.

And this wave of Peanuts is another Q skill dispatched!
The line of action passed through Olaf's body, and landed perfectly on the policewoman's body again!
"Hey, Little Peanut's Tianyin Wave has been hit again! Is he going to kick it over this time?!!" Chen Xian shouted.

Sure enough, the blind monk touched his eyes, followed the second paragraph, and wanted to R flash the policewoman, but the policewoman's E skill just pulled away, causing the blind monk to kick the wrong angle and kicked the policewoman to the wall!
The female policeman didn't kick back, which meant that the blind monk who was alone in deep would be in danger.

"The blind monk chose to kick over again! R flashed! Ah--the kick was crooked! Then this wave of little peanuts has to be explained here!" Chen Xian said regretfully.

"Haha--this wave of Little Peanut has split the battlefield with his teammates again. Even if he kicks over, the rest of Tiger's team members can't keep up..."

"So, this wave of peanuts was given away, and the whole wave of team battles took a long time. The two sides can be regarded as a one-for-one exchange. Tiger earned a small dragon, and Tone can accept it. After all, it is bound to lose, and the little peanut brother , chose to join Tone and send them a head."


"Another ghost? There won't be such a plot where you can't beat it and just join in? No, no?"

"I think it should be Tone who can't beat it, and next year Brother Li will join Tiger to form a Galaxy Battleship, aiming at s7!"

"Damn it! If Brother Li added tiger, how invincible would this team be?"

"Although Kuo is not weak, how can I see that when facing Brother Li, he has a buff that weakens his strength by 30.00%?"

"One thing to say, even if I join, it should be Tone's little wolf who joins. The old mole has been a mole in these two games, hahaha..."

"Being bullied, my wolf treasure, give me the whole Zyra, the little wolf wonders if I am weaker than the opponent?"

"Brother upstairs must have traveled through time! This version of TO's support is Zyra! That side is weak! It's a non-ban option!"

"Okay, the appraisal is complete, the female gun is a T-1 auxiliary, is there anything wrong with it?! Hahaha——"

After this wave of Peanuts made mistakes, Tone chose to continue pushing the tower.

Zyra beat the female gun in one set!

Ice uses the time period when Zyra releases the skill, and the R skill hits Rind!

But Rind turned on sprinting and added his E skill shield to save his life, while Zyra on the other side was in danger.

Ice uses the Q skill, with deceleration, flashes A to Zyra, and the damage of beeping all around
Ike teleports the minions to the middle...

"Hey, this wave is coming again! Ike teleported down, first used the phase dive to collect the remaining blood of the female gun, and then Han Bing kept using the Q skill to chase the koi!"

"Koi has a big move here!"

As soon as Chen Xian finished shouting, the time and space of the koi broke and returned to the position it was four seconds ago.

And four seconds ago, it was the position where the E skill killed Zyra after tp came down.

At this time, when Han Bing was chasing Ike, he also came to this position.

R skill - space-time break!

"The big move is back! When R reaches the ice, it's another phase dive, tying the A, and the third ring drops the ice in seconds!"

"Wow! This wave of koi did a great job!" Tong Xi interjected.

"Rambo came over, cast his ult, and Victor flashed E! Then... Ike shouldn't be able to run away, but his ult is gone, his skills are gone, and his flash is gone. He did what he should do before he dies." Do everything!"

"I have to say that Koi performed really well this time. Not only does it serve as a front row, but the most important thing is that its output is also very high, which is lethal to the back row."

What is the most exciting part of the game, when both sides have the highest level of competition, they played back and forth.

This game is undoubtedly the most exciting.

That's the case with these two teams.

At this time, the audience off the court was already boiling.

This wave of koi undoubtedly ignited the flames of the entire audience.

"You all say that Koi is a bastard. I don't agree with it now. He is obviously very strong, but it's just that Tone tactics mainly focus on the middle and bottom."

"Being able to serve as the starter in the s5 world champion team, do you really think he is weak?"

"Going on the road is not just the focus, otherwise I, Koi, can also be the big brother!"

After this wave ended, Chen Xian and Tong Xi continued to discuss the two teams.

"It feels like from now on, the strength of the two sides is really evenly divided." Chen Xian spoke first.

Hitomi: "Well... Both sides have their focus, and the way of leading is different. I think Tiger is mainly motivated, because Tone has won many championships after all."

"As a defending champion, the two are equivalent to the mentality of a challenger and a defending champion."

"Well... the strength of the two sides is comparable, and they are both the posture of the strong."

"That's right, we saw that Han Bing shot another arrow! This time it hit Rind!!!! The female gun took the big shot! Rind was shot!!!"

"Wow!! This mouse king..."

Chen Xian praised the Shu King so much that he had nothing to say.

This icy arrow is like a sharp archer, and Rind just happened to be at a corner, so it is impossible to imagine how Rind's arrow hit it!

Seeing this, Tong Xi was also deeply moved: "This Shu King's big move is really amazing, it can hit people every time, which shows that the Shu King's mastery of precision is perfect!"

"And in this wave, tiger chose to directly activate the dragon!"

"It's a four-on-five situation!"

"The blood volume of the dragon drops very fast!"

"Xiao Hei couldn't bear it anymore, and activated his big move again and chose to enter the Dragon Pit!"

"Hey, this scene seems familiar. When I entered the dragon pit, I was stunned again!"

"Then this wave should be over, Tiger has taken the big dragon steadily!"

When Chen Xian was explaining, he mentioned deja vu, which directly amused everyone.

I still remember that in the last wave of the dragon group in the last round, it was also Xiao Heiman who crashed into the dragon pit, and it was also in the same position, which caused Tone to lose the game four-on-five in the last round.

And this round is also the same, Xiaohei rushed in and was killed, and tiger took down Dalong again.

(End of this chapter)

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