Chapter 67
Tong Xi saw that Chen Xian stopped explaining, and said slowly: "This wave of Rind was second-handed, Tone was too hurt, and the opportunity for the appearance of this Portland Expo is also very good, there is no vision of Tone at the river intersection, after coming out I just met Victor from Rind!"

"And this wave of tones exploded, four people died, plus a fire dragon, it was a bloody explosion!" Looking at this wave of tiger's perfect team battle, Chen Xian was filled with emotion.

Hitomi nodded, with a gentle voice, accompanied by a little crispness, "The main reason is that Rind, who has the strongest combat ability in Tone, was seconded, and if I remember correctly, Ezreal is not at the scene. After this wave, Tone should It's been a lot of bad luck."

After tiger got this wave of advantages, he chose to push the middle.

Ezreal, who is only alive, wants to use his big move-Precise Barrage to defend the defense tower.

ttb seized the opportunity and shot an arrow!
Because of the last wave, Han Bing's ult was not good, but he still won the team battle. In this wave of tower pushing, after the ult cools down, he wants to take this opportunity to kill Ezreal again!
Fortunately, Ezreal's distance is a bit far, and the big move is placed on the edge of the range of the second tower, and there is enough time to use the displacement of the E skill-arcane leap to avoid it!
Of course, ttb's reaction is also the reason why it survived.

Then Tone took advantage of the wave of returning home from the opposite side, and chose to come to the upper half of the field to take the canyon pioneer.

But tiger's sense of smell is very keen, and he soon noticed Tone's movements!
After Chen Xian saw Tiger coming, he said slowly: "Hey, Little Peanut came over, Tian Yinbo kicked Olaf, and the second echo shot followed directly."

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and Chen Xian's tone became urgent, "Here! Ice Arrow! Missed! Olaf activated his ultimate move, avoiding the range of the female spear's ultimate move! Olaf is bleeding!"

At this time, the tone was urgent and at the same time full of fighting spirit, "Little Peanut followed up! Flash! Hey, Flash didn't move at the first time, and then Q came to Zyra, but Zyra's counter-accusation was seconds away..."

Chen Xian couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahaha... Little Peanut's operations this time, gave away a wave, you look at the lower left corner."

I saw the camera in the lower left corner, and Xiao Peanut was laughing wildly.

It may be because I feel that the operation is a bit deformed, and I can't stand it anymore.

"Hahahaha, Xiaohua is so angry that she is in a daze!"

"Little Peanut must feel that he is too good at this wave, and the time for the Q skill is not calculated well."

"This is a flash of dignity, hahaha..."

After it was over, Tong Xi also smiled and said: "Little Peanut may have felt that his teammates have been magnified this time. It's not a problem if he doesn't do something, but he got into a dilemma when he got anxious."

"This wave of Little Peanuts wants to keep people, but the teammates are too far away. Think about the distance of the second Q, add touch eyes, add flash, and add the second Q skill, abruptly from above the dragon pit, When we came to the intersection of blue buff, it was a bit blunt, but Little Peanut must have realized that he had made some mistakes this time..." Chen Xian put away his smile and began to analyze seriously.

Tong Xi looked at the screen, and there were waves of ups and downs.

"Hey, let's get on the road! Tiger made three packs and one, but Ike ran very fast! The E skill hit three rings! Beautiful! Ike escaped successfully!"

"The two passive rings attached to Ike's Q skill are very important. Of course, the ones who come to catch Ike are two supports. The damage of Karma and Bounty is not enough to kill Ike." Chen Xian analyzed.

Tongxi: "But this wave of towers can't be defended anymore. The koi and coyotes still want to try to defend it. When the time is released in a staggered manner, E went up! Ah?! How did this wave of koi go up!"

After Ike went up, the time stagger did not fix anyone, but he fell into a desperate situation.

Bounty's E skill deceleration and Rambo's high-temperature baking killed Ike abruptly!

And because of the last wave, Ike's blood volume was not high, which caused E to be unable to support and fell under the defensive tower the first time he went up.

Chen Xian pondered for a while, and said, "I think, the purpose of this wave of Ike is actually to figure out the last three soldiers, but for some reason, the E skill got on someone, causing him to follow up too. .”

"And Meat Ike's damage isn't very high. The Q skill just now didn't clear up the minions in the back row. The main thing was that he was caught by the opportunity. This is a bit inappropriate."

"Yes, the purpose of the koi is to guard the tower, but it lost its way halfway and sent a wave away." Tong Xi smiled, revealing two cute dimples, and also analyzed.

Chen Xian played with taste: "Brother Wen is unstable!"


The two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled, and Chen Xian's heart was suddenly moved.

"Huh? What's the matter..." Chen Xian's heart throbbed, and even he fell into the category of not understanding.

But because of concentrating on explaining, Chen Xian had to suppress his inexplicable emotions and chose to continue explaining.

After this point in time, Chen Xian never looked in Tong Xi's direction during this match.

After about half a minute, he finally stabilized his heart and continued to explain.

Go back to the game.

The camera came to the bottom road.

The blind monk is going down the road to put the line in and eat the tower line, but the perspective suddenly shifts to the wild area, and I see Olaf and Victor are sprinting, ready to surround the blind monk!

Seeing this, Chen Xian hurriedly shouted: "Little Peanut chose to deal with Ezreal head-on! He didn't let the soldiers enter the tower. At this time, Ezreal beat the blind monk to the brim!"

At the same time, the blind monk kept running, without any hesitation, heading towards the triangular grass. When there was only a trace of blood left, he finally approached the triangular grass, and there happened to be an eye in it for the blind monk to touch!
At this time, Rind came around from the flank. Although the first part of the E skill hit, it was not enough to kill the blind monk.

Han Bing also supported Little Peanut with an arrow, slowing down the pace of pursuit.

Ezreal let the blind monk run away because he didn't have the blue arc arcane jump!

Tong Xi: "This wave of Ezreal has no mana! Otherwise, I feel that I can eat the little peanuts in the first place."

"That's right, but Little Peanut should have thought of this too, so he chose to escape from behind with Ezreal's output!" Chen Xian couldn't help but praise Little Peanut.

I have to say that although the wave just now was a gamble, it was also the only way to escape.

If the blind monk chose to walk back just now, with Victor and Olaf sprinting behind him, the blind monk would definitely not be able to survive.

But this route of overcoming difficulties has become the key magic weapon of the blind monk.

At the same time, this wave of escaping caused constant shouts from the audience.

After all, the smile in the first game gained a lot of little fans, and this wave of escape operations naturally made the fans excited and screaming.

After this wave, Tone was already 10 gold behind tiger by [-] minutes.

This economic gap is quite obvious for both parties.

Judging from the number of defensive towers destroyed, Tone was pushed four, while tiger was only the top two replaced by Tone at the beginning.

Tone obviously fell into a relatively large disadvantage in this round.

 Please recommend...


(End of this chapter)

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