Alliance commentary system

Chapter 39 One person, one sentence, tacit cooperation 【Please recommend! 】

Chapter 39 One sentence per person, tacit cooperation 【Please recommend! 】

Chen Xian: "This wave Jiela is a bit dangerous. Karma is acting, sticking to the periphery, walking along the edge of the river, and quickly getting close to the wall. At this time, Karma is very close to Jhin!"

Tongxi: "Karma accelerated herself, passed Jhin directly, and chose the W chain to get to Zyra. Zyra didn't have two moves. This wave of Zyra should not be able to escape."

Chen Xian: "But Karma walked in front of Jhin, and her blood volume was also low! Can you kill Karma?! Ah, Karma flashed! There is no way, this wave made ttb get [-] blood!"

Hitomi: "But now Rambo lights up teleportation!"

Chen Xian: "Does Rambo have a big move? Ah... the teleportation is only a level [-] Rambo, level [-]... this Poland Bo should not come down! After coming down, it will blow up on the route!"


At this time, the blind monk was in the triangular grass, and Olaf walked into the triangular grass and ran towards the blind monk.

Olaf is still following Karma, and the blind monk can only retreat!

At the same time, Rambo rose to level six and sprinkled his ult on Olaf, but because of Karma's shield, Olaf quickly got out of the range of Rambo's ult.

Then the two sides pulled apart, and this wave of team battles was over.

Chen Xian: "This Polish game is a huge loss, not only because of the pawn line, but because of the teleportation, the main reason is that the first big move was also cheated out."

Hitomi: "It really hurts, and Gnar has a teleportation to support his teammates."

Chen Xian: "Hey, wait, I'm going to give you some cold science knowledge again. Koi has a characteristic, that is, it will never teleport to support teammates, so this teleportation is at most a return line, let the loop's pawn line slightly Just a little bit of a loss."

Tong Xi: "Is this pawn line still at a loss? No matter how bad it is, it's not a problem with pawn line, but the level will be suppressed."

Chen Xian: "Hmm..."

Taking advantage of his brief hesitation, Chen Xian hurriedly looked at Tong Xi beside him, only to see Tong Xi gloating and mischievously smiling, as if saying, let you refute me, let you demolish me, hum!

But Chen Xian expressed his helplessness, big brother... no, big sister, I'm just seeking truth from facts...

Chen Xian's commentary has a characteristic, that is, no matter how reasonable your words are, he can give you back.

This is the test of a commentator's adaptability.

"Well... what you said is also reasonable, but Rambo is already in a state of being suppressed. In the mid-term, he will choose to fight with his teammates. In fact, it doesn't matter if he suppresses the first level. As long as the level is not too exaggerated, the impact of teamwork Not very big."

When Tongxi heard the words, she became anxious in an instant: "You!"

"And... Rambo is a hero who needs equipment. The level gap is not as high as the equipment requirement. That is to say, for Rambo, equipment is greater than level, so this Poland Bo seems to lose a lot. In fact, the most important thing is , Thanks to those two waves of troops." Chen Xian continued calmly.

Seeing Tongxi hesitate to speak, angry yet cute, Chen Xian also smiled.

I thought to myself: "Small sample! My brother is also a person who has experienced two worlds. In terms of understanding, the excellent commentary experience of the previous generation has been passed on to us. How can I be educated by a girl like you?"

And Tong Xi looked at Chen Xian's harmless smile, so angry that he forgot about the explanation.

"Tongxi, hurry up to answer Chen Xian's words, or you will be left alone!" At this moment, a notification sounded behind the scenes.

Chen Xian's smile remained the same. Although there was no sound, it could be seen that this smile was more harmless than humans and animals!

As for Tongxi, the angrier she became, the cuter she became, but in the end she compromised.

The whole process takes about two seconds.

Although the audience couldn't see or hear it, Tong Xi was tortured in these two seconds.

Not only in terms of language, but more importantly, neither of them obeyed the other.

Perhaps this is something unique to youth.


Hitomi reacted, and the audience didn't hear any heresy.

To put it simply, the audience just thought that the commentators insisted on their own opinions and were seriously explaining the game.

Back to the game.

8 minutes exactly.

Olaf came to the top road and started sprinting aggressively.

Chen Xian: "This wave of Olaf is sprinting!"

Hitomi: "Gnar becomes bigger."

Chen Xian: "Da Gnar directly jumped to Rambo with his E skill!"

Hitomi: "Rambo was slowed down and released his ultimate move."

Chen Xian: "The big move pushed Rambo back!"

Tong Xi: "Olav's ax was thrown at Rambo."

Chen Xian: "Lambo used his big move to know that he couldn't run away, so he decided to use his big move to clear the soldiers..."


"What's wrong with these two commentators, one person and one sentence are talking about cross talk here?!"

"Don't mention it, the cooperation between the two is very good, and it feels like a match made in heaven again, and the gods are married."

"No matter what, professional commentary is different. Everyone, please watch and come on, Dynasty!"

"Rambo is dead, and Loop's only thigh is gone, which is uncomfortable!"

"It was a bit broken to begin with, but as a result of this death... it should be gone again."

At this time, Chen Xian and Tong Xi were also amazed by their cooperation.

Originally, the two were fighting for the right to speak...

To be precise, Chen has been serving as the main player in the commentary, and Tong Xi is supporting and supplementing.

But this time, Tong Xi was clearly out of breath, so she wanted to grab Chen Xian's right to speak.

But the result turned out to be unexpectedly good, the two of them said a word and cooperated tacitly.

After this wave, Tong Xi's anger slowly dissipated, and the commentary returned to nature.


Dynasty and Tone also started to develop.

Among them, Dynasty also found a wave of opportunities in the bottom lane, and it turned out that the opportunities were opposite.

He was arrested instead of arresting people, and the forked chicken died.

After this wave of death, Olaf invaded the wild area, and the blue buff was given to Rind.

Tone's rhythm in the early stage came again.

Chen Xian: "The problem now is that Dynasty has to be stable first. Only when they are stable can they further consider the issue of winning the game. Now they are playing a bit too chaotically."

Tong Xi: "Well... At this time, Xiaohu needs to stabilize and delay development. After all, in a disadvantaged situation, the point of vampire becomes particularly important."

Chen Xian: "What I'm afraid of now is that Dynasty wants to regain the advantage by winning the team or fighting. If this is the case, Dynasty's game will become more and more difficult."


Sure enough, Dynasty became more and more anxious, and loop even started to be solo killed by Gnar.

The situation is getting worse and worse for the dynasty.

Chen Xian: "And Gnar's first key piece of equipment has already been released, the ice hammer. In this case, it will be difficult to catch the fork chicken."

Tongxi: "And in the middle lane, Rind has been overwhelming Xiaohu. Syndra, who has a blue buff, is not stingy with her skills."

Chen Xian: "Procrastinate! There is still a chance for this situation to be delayed until the later stage."


At this time, Tone invaded the jungle area unscrupulously and walked blatantly into the Chaji jungle area, but Chaji couldn't do anything when he saw Olaf coming in.

In the mid-term, if the blind monk does not have a relatively large advantage, facing Olaf is the existence of a "brother".

So the blind monk's first reaction when he saw Olaf was to run!
At the same time, at this point in time, Tone began to control various resources, and the way of operation seemed to be unfolding again...

 Please recommend!Ask for collection!Handsome guys and beautiful women give some recommendation tickets...


(End of this chapter)

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