Alliance commentary system

Chapter 177 A Regretful Year

Chapter 177 A Regretful Year

Chen Xian: "But they haven't given up on the equipment that is still waiting for the double C position."

Baby: "Here, Rambo directly chooses to teleport to the front, and this time he went home to replenish a wave of equipment."

Chen Xian: "One more wave, this is RNG's last barrier!"

At this time, EDG pushed down the highland tower on the road together.

Wawa: "It's a bit difficult. EDG has forcibly demolished the tower here."

Chen Xian: "Malaxianggu's E skill was shot, but it didn't flash!"

"At this time, the tower has fallen.",

"Uzi has always been A pig girl and wanted to fight, but pig girl used her Q skill to retreat and did not fight."

"This wave of factory managers is very fleshy!"

Doll: "Go back and make a comeback, and continue to grind the crystal."

Chen Xian: "Crystal in the last lane, EDG can wait for the pawn lines in the middle and upper lanes!"

Baby: "And the duration of the ancient dragon is still one-third. Now RNG's idea is to get rid of the ancient dragon Bafu."

Chen Xian: "However, RNG's tower defense ability is very strong. If you put it on other lineups, it will be G at this time."

Doll: "The road crystal has been revived!"

Chen Xian: "There is still a chance."

Wawa: "The little dog here went to the road to clear the pawn line, but EDG saw that the little dog was not there, and immediately forced him in."

Chen Xian: "As long as the puppy is not around, the bottom lane crystals will be removed, but this wave of pigskins will still be pulled after being clicked off."

Wawa: "There is some damage to RNG here, and this damage makes ENG afraid to fight rashly."

Chen Xian: "There is still one-fifth of the ancient dragon Bafu, and this one-fifth may have to hit this crystal."

At this time, the bull head suddenly flashed WQ Erlian, and the fan mother was instantly caught!

Rambo sprinkled his big moves, and the puppy has been turning on the Q output.

But the front row of EDG is very meaty, and Rambo directly red temperature Q will roast the remaining blood with ice.

The prince escaped with EQ, but in the end he would die with a trace of blood!

In the final wave of zero-for-two, EDG's pawn line has reached the front tooth tower!

Three-way super soldier, push it flat!

Wawa: "I can't stop it! I'm pushing the base! Let's congratulate EDG for making the second chasing the third! They have achieved an unprecedented achievement in LPL! Congratulations!"

Chen Xian: "And congratulations to Xiao Zhao, a young player who has made his debut at the pinnacle. In 57 days, they successfully stood on the podium of the LPL champion!"

Wawa: "At the same time, EDG will represent the No. 7 seed of LPL and enter the s[-] World Finals!"

Chen Xian: "That's right, if the curse of the second chasing the third is broken, I believe the puppy's curse will eventually be broken, and RNG can still enter the World Championship stage as the second seed!"

Baby: "And remind everyone that this year's World Championship will be held in China, so I hope EDG and RNG can achieve good results in the World Championship."

Chen Xian: "And the No. [-] seed will be determined tomorrow, so please look forward to it."

Wawa: "That's right, the third seed needs to be decided from WE and IG."

Chen Xian: "Okay, today's game is over, good night everyone!"


At the end of the game, many disappointed and sad people walked out of the stadium.

Since the establishment of the All-China Class, RNG has accumulated a lot of popularity and fans.

Generally speaking, this game is indeed a bit regrettable, but fortunately, they still have a chance to prove themselves in the World Championship.

The next day's bubbling match was decided quickly, with WE playing against IG.

For the same reason, IG is very strong, but their bot lane Xihuang is too good, which leads to their natural disadvantage in bot lane.

The brother-in-law is brave and continues to be Kerry.

Successfully helped WE get the third seed.

From then on, the expedition ceremony began.

Three teams came to the stage one after another, and the No. [-] seed EDG stood in the middle.

RNG and WE stood on both sides and held an expedition ceremony.

The commentary team such as Chen Nian also needs to follow to the World Championship.


A month passed quickly.

I have experienced too much bitterness and tears on the way.

EDG, which we had high hopes for, fell in the group stage.

The LPL No. [-] seed did not qualify, which became the biggest upset in history.

All EDG fans had their heads blown, they couldn't imagine that this kind of thing would happen to them.

Lucian was elected three times, and the economy of [-] was overturned, which is vividly remembered.

Every scene is a lesson in blood and pain.

The first round started 0-3, which made the fans desperate.

Win two games in the second round first, as long as they win the third game against SKT, they will have a chance to compete for the final chance.

But unfortunately, SKT in the third game educated them again.

Double-killed EDG, Brother Li clockwork saved the world, and successfully turned the tables.

Let EDG stop the group stage.

But there is good news as well as disappointing news.

WE and RNG joined hands to break into the quarterfinals.

In the quarterfinals, RNG defeated FNC 9-[-], and WE also successfully defeated C[-] [-]-[-].

Although the two teams did not score in the same hemisphere.

But the remaining two South Korean teams are equally terrifying.

One is SKT, a veteran team that has won the Triple Crown. Although it stumbled in the quarterfinals, it was almost eliminated by MSF's black technology.

But in the fifth game, SKT still showed its triple crown mentality and strength, and finally won MSF.

On the other side, Dragon Ball vs. Samsung.

A team like Samsung came up from the bubble tournament and entered the World Championship as the third seed.

The powerful Dragon Ball entered the World Championship with the dominance of the No. [-] seed.

And the 6-0 record in the Dragon Ball group stage became the third team in history to win the group stage.

But unfortunately, the Samsung team is full of legends.

The title of the king of the bubbling match made Samsung the weakest team in this world championship.

Everyone who thought so was severely slapped in the face.

Defeating Dragon Ball with three bars and zero proved that he is still a strong Korean team.

Since then, the top four teams have been determined.

WE played against Samsung, and SKT played against RNG.

Netizens rejoiced, "Brother, I have a bold idea, RNG joins hands with WE to enter the finals together and join hands with the Bird's Nest!"

Everyone yearned for this kind of beauty, but after two days of competition, they all broke the cold water.

RNG played against SKT, fought five rounds, and lost.

SKT is still that dynasty, and many people's dreams were shattered that night.

But they know that RNG tried their best.

SKT is already so strong, RNG tried its best and never fought, and has no regrets in their hearts.

Although RNG lost the game this time, everyone is more forgiving.

Brother Jiahang burst into tears at the commentary booth, not wanting to face all this.

After the game, Mala Xiangguo posted a sentence "I'm sorry" on Weibo, which caused an upsurge.

"Don't say sorry, without you, there would be no fifth game."

This is the first hot comment after Mala Xiangguo posted on Weibo.

"Come on, let's fight again next year!"

"That wave of flashes was five seconds away, and it was five seconds away from the championship."

At night, many people can't sleep day and night, feeling uncomfortable.

The LPL has not had a championship for seven years, and many people have lost the patience they should have.

However, they also want to look forward to WE.

The dream is still shattered, and WE is invincible.

Someone commented, "This year, RNG's style just restrained Samsung, while WE restrained SKT. How I wish we could switch teams!"

This sentence is full of bitterness and helplessness.

RNG double-killed Samsung in the group stage and played their own blood.

The classic 11-0, I can do it myself, so that Samsung has no power to fight back.

And WE is the originator of the Galio system, and it just restrains SKT in terms of style.

And in the intercontinental competition and MSI mid-season competition, they have a great winning rate against SKT.

But unfortunately, this game was lost.

The South Korean team joined forces at the Bird's Nest.

Faker is still the confident big devil. Before the game, he said harshly, "I like to face each other three to zero earlier, so that I can finish the meal faster."

Although he was crazy before the game, his confidence was there.

And he has crazy capital.

At s6, they easily defeated Samsung in the World Finals.

But this time, Faker is full of confidence.

If this championship is won, SKT will achieve an unprecedented three consecutive championships!
Three games are over quickly.

Verus flashed his big move and fixed Li Gedi's Karma.

Brother Li can only give the RE group shield to Xiaopao at the last moment, let the bang play output!
The bang didn't explode and pushed Chidi out.

As a result, Emperor Chi still had the last trace of blood left, and he sucked it back abruptly!
Faker made a mistake, and bang made a mistake.

Faker's mistake was not dodging to avoid Chidi's sudden big move.

At this moment, many players felt that Brother Li was too old to react.

And the judgment of bang's damage has also become worse, and some fans also directly ridiculed it as "pushing the stick".

"Without this push, Verus would be dead, and SKT would still have a chance."

However, Chen Xian knew very well after watching the game, because it was the Censer Monster version.

In fact, the judgment of bang's damage is not wrong, and the explosion sparks three times to increase the move are enough to kill Verus in seconds.

But there is also a censer on the opposite side, and the shield is thicker than the blood, which makes people helpless.

After the game, Faker burst into tears, making people feel distressed.

The audience all shouted Faker's name, hoping that he can cheer up.

Faker got up to shake hands, and when he returned to the training room, he looked back, and the look in his eyes eager for the championship will never be forgotten.

The English commentary also commented on Faker: "Faker has not tried the taste of failure for too long. I really hope to see how Faker will perform in S8 after failure."

After s7 withdrew from the arena, the audience chanted RNG's name, and that moment was touching.

As a commentator, Chen Xian is actually very regretful.

The first regret is RNG and WE, and the second regret is that SKT's three consecutive championships have not been realized.

The emergence of a new king made the World Championship more interesting.

No one could have imagined that a three-star player who came up in the bubbling match won the championship.

The s7 season is over, and many fans are full of expectations for RNG.

RNG also lived up to expectations and made urgent reinforcements.

Although he became the champion of the breath-holding competition, the new lineup is slowly looking forward to.

The top laner strengthens his posture and forms a competitive relationship with Letemi.

The jungler signed Casa, and the change of style can make RNG ready to change the style of play at any time.

Chen also analyzed the lineup of RNG's signings during the live broadcast.

"In terms of posture, I think I put a little pressure on Letemi. In fact, during the spring finals, Letemi still had problems. With this posture, Letemi will form a healthy competitive relationship with him."

"But Casa is more of a style change!"

"Mala Xiangguo belongs to the kind of violent hunger strike jungler. In fact, if this is the case, it is easy to expose its shortcomings, but of course it also has advantages."

"The advantage is that you can fight. No matter what the record is, you will fight the opponent to the end. It is a desperate jungler."

"The disadvantage is that it is easy to give opportunities, especially when playing against strong teams."

"Kasa's level is definitely a top jungler. He is mainly stable, has good map control, and can help the bottom lane."

"Spicy hot pot is usually played in the middle and wild."

"RNG really needs a jungler like Casa, after all, map control is very useful for RNG."

In the barrage, someone also asked a question: "Tell me about this year's IG!"

Chen Xian thought for a while and said: "I am still very optimistic about IG's complete composition today."

"Theshy, the top laner, is very strong. If he practices more, he can become the top laner in LPL, and even reach the world championship level. He has great potential."

"For the jungler, it seems that kid and Ning are in rotation, right?!"

"Ning is from YM. He's in the prostitution teacher's team. He's very strong. We can look forward to it."

"It goes without saying that broilers have always been the core of IG."

"You can look forward to Jack Lawu in the bottom lane, he is also a genius AD."

"Sapphire blue... the world is not bad, LPL assists the mid-level level."

"Overall, this year's IG is very strong, and I'm optimistic about it."

Another tricky question, asked Chen Xian: "Then which one do you like RNG or IG?"

Chen Xian is naturally very smart, he smiled and said, "I think both teams are promising."


There are great changes every season. After Chen Nian downloaded the live broadcast, he naturally wanted to check the changes to the s8 preseason version.

The first and biggest changes are runes and talents.

League of Legends has always had a headache for trumpets and novices are runes and talents.

In the past, runes and talents were separated, and they were all unlocked through levels, and runes also needed to be purchased with gold coins.

And s8 will combine runes and talents into one whole.
Players can adjust and customize according to their own gameplay when choosing a hero.

There are five different branches, namely Precision, Mastery, Sorcery, Resoluteness, and Inspiration.

Each branch has a main department and a sub-department.

The main department has one big talent and three small talents, and you can also order two small talents from the secondary department.

Chen Xian carefully read all the talents and runes, and after remembering each name and specific function, he continued to look at the next change.

The second change can be described as a bold innovation.

The top-level restriction of the [-]-level cap is removed, and corresponding rewards can be obtained for each level-up, which makes players look forward to it.

This is followed by the removal of gold coins, replaced by blue essence.

Compensation Veteran emoji and icon.

And the runes and rune pages have also been compensated for by the blue essence.

This change can be described as a big fist move.

At the same time, various forums such as Tieba are also posting, "Is the girl who said that the League of Legends will marry her when she reaches level 31 still exists?",

"This version is so complicated, it's not fun, just give up the game when it comes out!"

"I'm still looking forward to it. After all, the game is always going to be changed. There must be a sense of anticipation. Without changes, the game will be cold sooner or later."

"I think the enlightenment system is quite fun, and the burglary omen is almost a standard configuration for Ezreal!"

"The captain can do it too! It's very interesting!"

"Electrocution is the Thunder of the past, Swift Step is the Wind Rider of the past, Power Attack is the weakened War Zeal, Swift Step is the improved Bloodthirst, Immortal Grip is the Immortal Grip, and Aftershock is the courage of the Colossus."

(End of this chapter)

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