Alliance commentary system

Chapter 17 ANX Has Hope

Chapter 17 ANX Has Hope

Chen Xian's last words undoubtedly aroused the emotions of the audience.

Although everyone thinks that tiger will win the game, but with ANX's strength and Chen Xian's exaggeration during the commentary, everyone began to feel that maybe ANX is really capable of defeating tiger.

At this time, the teams on both sides have already begun to ban heroes.

The blue side is ANX, and the red side is tiger.

ANX still chooses ban tiger more heroes, Sivir, Rambo and Kennen.

Tiger, on the other hand, removed the three-handed support heroes for ANX, Huo Nan, Bud and Tam.

Chen Xian: "We have seen that Tiger's three-ban support is indeed very face-saving, and ANX's recent one-handed fire male support has a high output of [-], and Tiger has to be vigilant!"

Hitomi: "What is more surprising is that neither side has banned any jungler, that is to say, all powerful heroes such as Excavator, Leopard, Spider, etc. have been released."

Chen Xian: "Sure enough, ANX locked Leopard Girl first-hand!"

Tong Xi: "Well, Leopard Girl just wants to suppress Peanut in the early stage."

Chen Xian: "And Tiger is not false. As the popular hero in the group stage, Syndra was directly locked down, and then he chose a bull-headed support."

Hitomi: "Syndra released it directly to Tiger... ANX may have released it on purpose."

Chen Xian: "I think ANX wants to use vampires to fight against this Syndra! After all, vampires are the first to produce the invigorating armor, and Syndra has nothing to do with vampires."

Tong Xi: "Hmm... makes sense."

At this time, it was ANX's turn to choose a hero. Lucian was locked in the second hand, and the vampire was locked in the third hand.

In this version, everyone uses vampires to fight Syndra.

No way, Syndra's early burst is high, but vampires not only have the blood-sucking ability of Q skill blood conversion, but also W skill blood red pool can avoid Syndra's ultimate move.

In this way, the vampire does not persuade Syndra in the lane.

Subsequently, tiger's third player chose Peanut's very confident hero, the blind monk!

The hero of the blind monk, after being used by the major teams in the first round, found that the early rhythm of this hero is very strong.

Moreover, the roundabout kick of the ultimate move has a good ability to start a group, which can be regarded as the rhythm point of a hero in the early stage.

The fourth hand continued to lock the policewoman.

This hero is originally the signature hero of the Rat King, and because the version is biased towards the later stage, the policewoman's hand length has a great advantage in the later stage, so Tiger has no hesitation in locking him down!

Then it was ANX's turn to choose a hero, and Bobby was locked in the fourth hand.

The fifth hand is to take out the next black technology hero besides the fire man, the gem!
Tong Xi: "This support player's hero pool is quite deep. After the fire boy Bud Tam is gone, he chose a hand of gems?"

Chen Xian: "Interesting... It's just that this lineup's team-starting point is too bad. You can only rely on Bobby's wall-dong and gem's E flash. Vampires, Leopards, and Lucian don't have any way to start a team!"

Hitomi: "Well, if the vampires start a group, they can only flash R into the field, and then sprint to the back row to deal damage, but it is obviously impossible to keep people."

Then, in the last move, tiger chose the hero of Conte Bobby, the king of trolls, for smell.

The lineup is confirmed.

ANX (blue side): top laner Bobby, jungler Leopard, mid laner vampire, bottom laner Lucian, support gem.

Tiger (red side): top lane troll, jungle blind monk, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane female policewoman, support bull head.

Chen Xian looked at the lineup and analyzed: "Just looking at the lineup, it is natural that Tiger is better. The blind monk and bull head are all team start points. Syndra's E skill can be regarded as a team start. On the other hand, ANX's team start methods are very harsh. Either it's Bobby finding a good position, or it's Gem E Flash, but it's really hard to start a team with these two moves."

Tongxi answered: "Well, there is also the problem of operation. Once Tiger is allowed to operate to the later stage, it will be difficult for ANX to win the game."

Chen Xian added: "The premise is that Tiger has an advantage."

Speaking of which, the game has begun.

Five people from both sides took positions in the river, and there was no conflict with each other.

The time came to one minute and 46 seconds.

The troll helps the blind monk beat the stone man.

This version of Golem has only one big and one small, easy to fight, and has high experience, and it is easier to go online on the road.

Therefore, if most junglers open in the upper half of the field, they will choose the stone man to open.

The same is true for Leopard Girl. After the camera cuts over, Bobby helps Leopard Girl beat the toad.

After the leopard girl was promoted to the second level, she directly chose to come to the river. Judging from the posture of the leopard girl, it should be to invade the wild area of ​​​​the blind monk.

But at this time, the experience of the veteran Korean team is revealed.

I saw a false eye on the wall behind the red buff. The leopard girl crossed the river and entered the dragon pit. After changing her animal form and jumping up with her W skill, she happened to be seen by the false eye.

Seeing the situation, Chen Xian said: "This eye position is enough to show the veteran of the tiger. This wave of blind monks directly found the leopard girl to invade, so they chose to distance themselves and no longer use the red buff!"

Tong Xi answered: "The Leopard girl then withdrew, but this wave of ANX is not a loss, at least it delayed Little Peanut's jungle clearing rhythm."

Leopard girl turned around and continued to farm blue buffs, and blind monk also continued to farm wild.

The camera returns to the middle lane, Kru's Syndra seems to be playing very fiercely, but the opposite is Dolan Shield and Q skill blood sucking.

In terms of endurance, as long as Syndra can't lose the vampire in a second, then the vampire has the ability to survive.

Then both sides continued to develop, and Syndra soon ran out of mana. The blind monk chose to give the first mana to Syndra directly, and then continued to develop.

Tongxi: "After Syndra came back, she played very aggressively with the blue buff."

Chen Xian answered: "The pressure line is too far ahead! The vampire immediately started sprinting! Seeing that the situation is not good, Syndra flashed directly! The vampire's E skill was charged, and then flashed, slowing down to Syndra!"

The leopard girl came from the small road at the red square F4, and a precise Q skill marked the decelerated Syndra.

"This mark reached Syndra, and then she transformed into a leopard and jumped on it! It was too late when Syndra's E skill was launched, and she was directly killed by Leopard Girl's skill and Vampire's level A. Under the tower! The first blood was successfully taken by Leopard Girl!"

Hitomi: "This wave of gank is very beautiful!"

Chen Xian: "The details of the vampire are done very well. Just now, the E flash must follow. Only when the speed is slowed down to Syndra, it will be easier to hit the target of Leopard Girl!"

Tong Xi: "And Syndra will die even if she turns around and dodges. After all, the vampire's Q skill will be ready soon."

Chen Xian: "That's right, this wave of first blood was won by ANX! I feel that ANX's momentum is very promising!"

Hitomi asked: "Well... what is there hope for?"

Chen Xian said with a smile: "Of course I won this match."

Chen Xian speaks with great momentum, and he always chooses the character Migli every time when explaining. The attributes attached to him make him more appealing, and subsequently arouse the emotions of the audience.

"Fuck, there is something about this jungler, the target is very accurate!"

"Little Peanut was really suppressed by the ANX jungler, and there was no rhythm at all in the early stage."

"Tiger can only rely on the late stage if he wants to win, play operations!"

 Please recommend!Ask for collection!Ask for a role comparison! !

(End of this chapter)

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