Chapter 160 One to Zero
Chen Xian: "Now EDG's ability to clear troops is very strong, and the defensive ability of Xiaopao and Snake Girl is already difficult for RNG to go to the high ground!"

Wawa: "Yes, there are no map resources to use now, but it has entered a very rigid period for RNG."

Chen Xian: "Maybe this big dragon can't make RNG expand its tactics."

Waffle: "It's hard because they can't handle splits, and they can't split."

"Those wind dragons... in fact, the attributes of the dragon are not strong. In fact, the earth dragon is the best for this kind of mid-to-early lineup."

"The development of Xiaopao is very good now."

Chen Xian: "Xiaopao's combat ability is no weaker than Ezreal's."

Doll: "Yes."

Chen Xian: "Because his hands are relatively long, he has a natural advantage in the ability to play in the front row, including the attack speed of the Q skill, which is very fast when combined with explosive sparks."

Wawa: "However, there is another point that RNG's double C has started to go downhill."

"What is he relying on now, relying on the bite of the big bug, can he kill a C position in a team battle?"

Chen Xian: "The main reason is that RNG's ability to form a group is still very strong. Because..."

Before Chen Xian finished speaking, the prince was arrested in his wild area.

The wine barrel's E skill was hit by a meat bullet impact, and the Q skill slowed down. The prince hurriedly EQed through the wall and went to the pit of three wolves.

At this time, the wine barrel made a big move, and did not predict the position of the prince, and did not blow it back.

But the prince was subjected to previous offers, and finally when the wine barrels surrounded him, the prince still chose to hand in his flash.

Wawa: "This wave of princes went to do vision and were arrested."

Chen Xian: "At this time, EDG must also make vision."

Wawa: "But after the wave of EDG, the second tower in the middle lane fell."

Chen Xian: "Now the economic gap has been maintained at around [-], and it has not widened further."

"It should be said that EDG's headwind situation is very top-notch, and RNG has not been pulled away."

Wawa: "There is another question, is there anyone in RNG who can impress Shen after Shen arrives at Liushenzhuang?!"

Chen Xian thought for a while and replied: "For RNG here, we can only rely on Syndra to defeat Shen."

Wawa: "That would be a hard hit."

Chen Xian: "Because both sides are 5v5 capable, both sides can fight."

Wawa: "However, RNG made full use of the duration of Dalong Bafu to increase its lead by a thousand."

"It is now maintained at around four thousand and five."

Chen Xian: "If RNG wants to win this game, they still have to wait for Ssangyong, and Shen can't play now."

At this time, Syndra, who was on the road, was shaded in the grass, and Ah Guang's Shen wanted to come to take up the line.

And the big bug came and wanted to surround Shen.

A Q, now knocks Shen into the air.

Then Syndra received EQ to stun Shen and played control.

At this time, Shen hurriedly released the E skill to move and escape, and did not mock Leitemi in the process!
Letemi has been leveling A after playing Q and W, and Shen hastily turned on W to resist the deceleration of leveling A.

After Syndra arrived, QR directly released full energy.

The energy outpouring fires all the dark tees out!

The deep blood volume instantly bottomed out!
At this time, Shen hurriedly flashed, and Ezreal on the other side chose to pull out a precise barrage.

The crescent-shaped shock wave hit Shendi precisely!
Fortunately, Shen pulled back his Q skill, added a thin layer of shield, and barely survived with a trace of blood!

Chen Xian: "This wave is a little bit close. If Ah Guang dies, RNG may go to the high ground."

Wawa: "Bo Shen has a big move, what do you think of EDG's counterattack?"

Chen Xian shook his head, "I can't fight, and now EDG just wants to delay, because their formation just now was not very good."

"This wave of Aguang is not dead, it is quite hurt for RNG, and there is no way to go to the high ground."

Wawa: "Actually, after Ah Guang was killed in battle just now, the bottom line of soldiers just arrived. I think they can win."

Chen Xian nodded and said, "This wave is very important!"

Baby: "And now the crystals on both sides have been broken, they have been resurrected, and they have entered a quiet period. The dragon still has 2 minutes to refresh."

Chen Xian: "It's frozen now. The two sides have always maintained my [-] advantage. If RNG wants to win, it must wait for the two dragons. If EDG wants to win, it must continue to delay."

"Drag to Ah Guang and Xiao Zhao with the equipment, Shen and Xiao Pao's late-stage abilities are very scary."

Wawa: "Xiaopao already has Mercury here. Now the more you delay EDG's lineup, the stronger it will be."

"They are still very strong when they are in a group, but it is difficult to deal with the small artillery in a team battle."

Chen Xian: "The initiative is still on RNG's side, but EDG's lineup does not mean that there is no need to play. If EDG wants to win, it has to use Ah Guang. Ah Guang has become the most critical core of EDG. He is now a single belt. Also, including the handling of team battles in the middle and late stages, and the timing of joining the team, the hero Shen is very powerful in the Six Gods outfit."

Baby: "Yes, there is only one last piece of the Tali Liushen costume. '

Chen Xian: "However, this formation has a shortcoming, that is, their AOE ability is not strong. Whether it is a small cannon or a snake girl, without the blessing of equipment, the AOE is not very strong."

Wawa: "But their lineup is a one-click break."

Chen Xian: "Yes, sometimes we say Snake Girl, the small cannon is strong in the late stage, but their damage is mainly single-point damage without equipment blessing."

"So in terms of RNG's three front row system, it's hard to say in the later stage. There is no way to measure which lineup is absolutely superior in the later stage. Now RNG still has the initiative."

"Mainly, I think that EDG's team start has the same set of two people as the factory director and Ah Guang, but their team start with Snake Girl and Xiaopao can't keep up with it in the first place."

Wawa: "Yes, it's impossible for Xiaopao to use the W skill to enter the field from the very beginning."

Chen Xian: "So most of them are still playing a backhand."

At this time, the two sides meet in the middle road.

The factory manager went to the grass to insert eyes and was opened.

Wrightmi Q hits the factory director, and at the same time receives W to be silent.

Syndra QE took over the skills and stunned the factory manager again.

Shen hurriedly gave a big move, and EDG wanted to fight back!

Hang the passive on the big bug, play Bron's passive, and stun the big bug in place!
But at this time, the big bug opened the gargoyle stone plate armor, carrying the damage!

The amount of blood is unshakable!
Moreover, the wine barrel gave a big move, blowing up everyone in EDG.

At this time, the two sides distanced themselves.

The positions of the two sides were reversed, and RNG forced EDG towards their own home.

After opening the distance, it became Ezreal's stage.

QWA with Bron and the Prince.

E up to hit the output!
Then continue to chase.

Barrel E went up and stunned the two to slow down Q.

Xiaohu's Syndra stunned the factory director again with QE.

Niutou kept up with the WQ Erlian, and the prince and Shen were knocked into the air.

After receiving a wave of skills on both sides, the prince's remaining blood was pulled away, and Shen Ye only had half of his blood left.

In the pursuit battle, Ezreal played an advantage.

EQ went up to play output, and directly hit the snake girl to half blood!
Snake Girl's big move, Ezreal takes it in seconds!
Then Snake and her teammates separated, Ezreal EAQ disabled Snake, flashed A!
Originally, the snake girl was about to die, so she suddenly opened the shield of the archangel, and then Q said Ezreal, and Ezreal was dropped in seconds with two E skills!
Before Ezreal died, he also used the last Q skill, and the two died together.

On the front, EDG was approaching the wild area.

Mala Xiangguo's E skill directly hit the prince and Shen.

At the moment of death, the prince released a big move.

But by then it was too late.

Aguang and Bron were left with blood, and Xiao Zhao tried to operate in front of the three big pieces of meat, but to no avail.

Syndra takes the big move and beats Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao directly W rocket jumps away, and at the same time pushes away the big bug and the wine barrel with a big move!

And Xiao Zhao wanted to come back and fight back.

Xiao Ming, who was hiding in the grass, directly flashed Q to Xiao Zhao, and the W skill came back!

Bite the big bug off in one bite!
This wave of RNG successfully won the team battle with one change for four!

Wawa: "This wave of team battles on both sides is great!"

Chen Xian: "Uh... It's a shame that Xiao Zhao was eaten by a big insect. It's really a shame..."

"I think it is profitable for Woods to replace the junior brother this time, because the junior brother, if there is no junior brother, Xiao Zhao needs to deal with three points alone."

Playback starts at this point.

Start with the face of E Ezreal and E Snake, and start by hitting the Snake to half blood.

Doll: "This wave of Ezreal E comes up with AQ and hits Snake Girl, Snake Girl zooms in, and Ezreal Mercury kills in seconds. '

"Then when E came down, Snake chose to counterattack. This counterattack was very beautiful."

Chen Xian: "The C position on both sides is calling, but at this time, in 4v4 without Snake Girl, RNG has an absolute advantage, because EDG has only one output point, while RNG has three meat."

Watching Xiao Zhao's big move push away the wave of counterattacks, Wawa said: "This big move, if I can tell you the truth, if Xiao Hu is killed instantly, Xiao Zhao will jump up."

Chen Xian: "Yes, I feel like I can show off a little bit, but it's also very difficult to fight."

Wawa: "This wave of RNG killed four people and took down the dragon. This wave of RNG can finally expand its advantage."

Chen Xian: "To be honest, EDG has suffered a bit in this wave."

Wawa: "And you see that the ancient dragon has been refreshed, and this ancient dragon can be said to be a numbness for RNG to turn from an advantage to a victory."

"After this wave went back, Xiao Zhao also updated his Da Qingyu, and on the other side, the puppy also has a mercury scimitar."

Chen Xian: "This wave of ancient dragons, both sides called people over, Shen still chose to go up the road and deal with the pawn line alone."

"In that case, the ancient dragon is still very important for RNG to stand in the formation directly."

Wawa: "And there are often fights between ancient dragons, and there is a situation where whoever owns the ancient dragon can win."

At this time, Shen activated his ultimate move and fell directly.

Want to approach RNG.

At this time, RNG retreated a short distance, but did not open the dragon pit of the ancient dragon.

At this time, Shen fell from the snake girl.

Seeing that the shield on the opposite side was gone, Xiangguo decided to dodge the group!
Then a big move hit the barrel and Bron.

Although it was blown crookedly, the big move of the wine barrel became the fuse of the team battle between the two sides.

The wine barrel and the big bug are in the front, and the gargoyle slate armor is opened, which is extremely fleshy!

Looking at the dense blood volume, Snake Girl has no desire to output.

The snake girl hit the incense pot with four E skills in a row, and the incense pot lost less than one-tenth of its HP...

At this time, the distance between the two sides was briefly opened.

RNG marches forward bravely, and the big insect opens the glory of justice.

EDG's prince and queen Shenjuan.

But the meat of two people is no match for the output of five people.

Syndra's ultimate move was given to Shen, and Shen was immediately dropped!
And Niutou seized the opportunity, and WQ played the prince and the snake girl in a row.

Ezreal decisively E-faced Snake Girl, Q received two hits to tie A, and dropped it in seconds!
And the factory manager EQ challenged the three of them, but it was useless, and finally let Syndra's dark serve kill them!

In front of EDG, only Bron is left.

The barrel of the wine barrel EQ slowed down, and the bulls headed one after another, directly dropping Bron in seconds!

And Xiao Zhao can only choose to cut off the pawn line in the middle.

Wawa: "Only Xiao Zhao is left here, stepping on the pawn line involving the middle road." '

Chen Xian: "But Laitemi has teleportation to go home."

"This wave may be a bit difficult to get involved."

"This wave of big dragon buffs may end the game directly."

At this time, RNG took advantage of the situation to push down the pawn line, and with the bonus of the big dragon Bafu, they quickly pushed down the high ground.

After Xiao Zhao returned home, the big bug had teleported to the front, and the five people were removing the front teeth.

Chen Xian: "Xiao Zhao alone can't stand it at all, and Xiaohu is a big move for the goddess to scatter flowers, ace!"

Wawa: 'Let's congratulate RNG for winning the game in the first game! '

"It is still very calm for RNG to win this game."

Chen Xian: "It can be regarded as stumbling! RNG also failed to handle a few waves in the mid-term, which led to the delay with EDG until the later stage. I feel that it can be more perfect."

Wawa: "Yes, the main problem in this game is that although EDG is powerful in the late stage, it only has a single-point output ability, and RNG has three big moves to provide control, so that EDG has no way to deal with the front row."

Chen Xian: "That's right, okay, let's congratulate RNG again for taking the next step. It's one to zero for the time being. Let's take a short break. The excitement will be back soon!"

After the game, RNG fans were very happy.

And EDG fans are annoying.

"Why don't you dare, why don't you call! After several dials, the factory manager just won't open. Every time I was chased and kicked out, I was really convinced!"

"Xiao Zhao is really alone, and the sister control is also playing very well. What the hell is going on in the middle and jungle?!"

"The snake girl on the road is out of touch. The factory manager only amplifies his moves when he is dead. Can you learn from Xiangguo!"

"I've never seen the factory manager start a group. Why did Bo Shen give Snake a big move so early in the last wave? Move into the battlefield? I don't think there is teleportation?"

"The problem is too big, the feeling is gone, let's be three to zero!"

There are a lot of comments, and black fans emerge in endlessly.

All the ghosts, snakes, bulls and gods have come out.

No way, as a national e-sports, this is the truth.

In e-sports, the winner is king.

They blow when they win, and spray when they lose.

You never know what his two sides look like.

Maybe he still sprayed you in the last wave, and when he played wonderful operations in the next wave, he would already have 666.

This kind of person may be a cloud player, or a newcomer to the pit. He obviously hasn't even figured out the game yet, and then starts to teach the players how to play. This kind of joke is simply ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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