Alliance commentary system

Chapter 153 The key battle

Chapter 153 The Crucial Battle

"After all, brother leg is a player who is too team-oriented. After he may get the advantage in laning, others think about the big advantage in laning, but brother leg thinks how I can help my teammates as much as possible..."

on the screen.

Han Bing shot out with an arrow suddenly, and Xi Ye moved consciously, much more easily.

And Bron in the defensive tower behind was hit by an arrow!
"This arrow, Xiye twisted away!"

"But Ben is lying behind, so it doesn't matter if the arrow hits him."

Chen Xian: "Yes, as long as Xiye doesn't hit this wave, there will be no problem. Xiye's game has healing, not purification."

At this time, the pig girl came to the Grand Canyon Pioneer.

After seeing it, the baby said: "This wave of RNG is going to guard the canyon vanguard!"

"This canyon pioneer can't stand it anymore, because Mala Xiangguo chose to go home, and there is no view here." Chen Xian looked at the prince who was returning home on the mini-map, and said.

"For RNG, the loss of the Canyon Pioneer is a lot of pressure for them, and it is an offensive lineup. If the Canyon Pioneer can't stand it, it will really hurt."

"When this canyon pioneer hits, the middle tower may be gone."

"Yes, just now I have been emphasizing that the Canyon Herald is the most important map resource now."

Chen Xian: "Now the middle tower is the pillar of RNG's entire defense line. If the middle tower is broken, the entire defense line will be torn apart."

"This middle tower is considered to be the most important hub of RNG. Once this hub is broken, the entire battle line can only shrink back. Shrinking means that Ashe's arrows are more difficult to find opportunities, and the development of Xiaohu in this round is not good enough. good."

At this time, RNG learned that WE had just finished fighting the canyon pioneer, and the plane and the prince went down from the jumping fruit, and they were stuck in the vision of the river crab to fight Xiaolong.

"Here RNG wants to fight a wind dragon, but what about the middle tower? No one is guarding the middle tower!"

WE saw that RNG didn't have many people to guard the middle tower, so we decisively let go of the Rift Herald.

Cooperate with Bron, Dazui, Snake Girl and Pig Girl, and directly push down the first tower in the middle!
But at this time, after the spicy pot beat the little dragon, it directly grabbed the crocodile in the next lane.

After the crocodile saw the prince, the transmission of the plane lighted up behind him.

Using the strength of three people to catch the crocodile, the prince's EQ is great, and the skill of Shen E is taunted, and Xiaohu who cooperates with him kills it!

At the same time, everyone from WE came.

"Can RNG go here? Kalmar put a shield on the plane, pig girl Q came up, but the W skill didn't hit, so let's go."

"In this case, without a crocodile, WE is still relatively calm and has no choice to fight back."

Wawa: "But mainly in the exchange of resources, RNG is still at a loss, because you ordered TP to go down and just killed the crocodile, and this dragon is just a wind dragon. If the dragon is an earth dragon or a fire dragon, it feels okay. acceptable."

"But after all, it is a wind dragon. If it is exchanged like this, WE will still make a lot of money."

"Now every magic crystal arrow must be placed very carefully, because if it takes a while, Ashe's positive ability will not be as good as Big Mouth."

"As long as Dazui has a two-piece suit, he can play a team."

"Da Zui is still waiting for his second piece of equipment."

"Xiaohu takes another explosive bag here."

Chen Xian: "And the most important thing now is that Xiaohu can't get a kill, which is also very hurt for RNG's early and mid-term."

"If Xiaohu had kills, the second output would be done first, but he doesn't have kills now. Instead, WE defended very well in the early waves, and it is indeed an advantage of WE."

At this time, my brother-in-law guarded the tower alone, and was consumed by the plane with R for several waves.

And this wave of little tigers just got the explosive package, and they are on the way to the first tower, so they are not afraid of being caught.

When Bron came over, he could only choose to resist the damage for Dazui.

But at this time, on the side of the triangular grass, Han Bing and Karma chose to remove the eye, and the pig girl came over and threw the R skill decisively, and the follow-up snake girl flashed and connected to the R!

Han Bing was directly charged to death!

At the same time, the victim is also Xiao Ming.

"This is the first attack of the pig girl and the snake girl. It took 19 minutes and 20 seconds. Fortunately, the big dragon did not refresh. If the big dragon refreshes in this wave, the big dragon will be gone."

Wawa: "But this wave is still very hurtful, and the bottom lane is directly missed."

Chen Xian: "When RNG was in the bottom lane to explore the field of vision, he was directly controlled to death by Kangdi's QR and Snake Girl's flashing ult, and Shen's ult was not given."

Wawa: "Even if this wave is given out, it won't come down."

At this time, WE is gathering on the road, and the drop line is pushed over, pushing the second tower on the road.

Chen Xian: "The second tower is going to drop! And RNG has interrupted another offensive rhythm. Originally, RNG was going to push the first tower on the road, and this wave fell. Turn around and directly clear the field of view of the dragon area, and the rhythm of WE is here. .”

A replay followed.

After watching the replay, Chen Xian said: "This is the double crispy skin. Although the double crispy skin is very powerful in laning, but in this situation, one set is seconded, especially when doing vision, it is very passive. "

Wawa: "At this time, the banshee of the snake girl came out, and I feel that RNG's side is no longer easy to fight."

Chen Xian: "For WE, they just need to stabilize the situation, and don't make mistakes like they did in the last game. As long as the economy is stable, the situation has become clear."

At this time, the economic gap between the two sides has reached 3500.

WE's lineup began to slowly take shape, while RNG was on the decline.

Chen Xian: "However, RNG still has another change, that is, it needs to change the split-push trend, and then let Xiaohu equip it."

"If Xiaohu and UZI are both rich, or if Letemi has split push value, in fact, RNG's lineup can still win in the later stage."

Wawa: "Because of WE's late lineup, there is no suitable means of protecting Dazui."

Chen Xian: "Actually, we have seen a lot of big-mouthed lineups before. Their advantage lies in team battles, but for RNG's lineup, their advantage is flexibility."

"At this time, RNG needs to change its thinking. It can't continue to be reckless. It needs to give full play to the advantages of Letemi."

"If Letemi played in the late stage, in fact, Shen played a lot in this game. Now it is a big deal to play a team head-on."

"Because we see that the three C positions on WE's side are all two-piece suits, while on RNG's side they are all one-and-a-half pieces."

Wawa: "Also, the pig girl's lunatic armor is out, I think for the brother-in-law, you can choose to be more stable, and the third one can be directly used as a watermark."

Chen Xian nodded and agreed: "Yes, it can be done, because the protection ability of this WE side is not strong."

Doll: "The third piece of mercury is a very high tolerance."

Chen Xian: "For RNG, there is still no rush. They need to give full play to Shen's advantages."

"As for WE, it's obvious that it's very confident to play a team head-on. Look at the three small groups here. Come and see Dalong."

"RNG has to change its defensive position, because the offensive side in the early stage is RNG's side, but now, it is different from the past, and now they need to lead the line to fight."

At this time, WE chose to crouch at the dragon.

Han Bing used her E skill to detect WE's location.

Wawa: "In the card's field of view, fortunately, Han Bing's unmanned reconnaissance drone saw the four people squatting. This wave of WE chose to pull it out, but now the price for WE to do this is very small, because time is on WE's side Yes, WE can have enough time to squat, and when they squat, they can open the dragon, and it doesn't matter if they can't squat."

"At this position, if Mala Xiangguo is opened, then RNG will be very, very difficult to deal with."

As soon as the baby finished speaking, WE started to fight the dragon.

Although I have no vision, I know that the eyes of Longkeng have been photographed, and I know that there are people in Longkeng.

Foresight transformation took another photo and found everyone in WE.

WE decisively opened the distance.

Dazui discovered the spicy hotpot on the triangular eye position in the follow-up blue jewelry photo.

Mala Xiangguo decisively EQed through the wall and walked over the dragon pit.

Go to the grass behind the red buff and encounter the crocodile.

Pig girl came up from the dragon pit.

Hit the spicy pot!
At this time, the spicy hot pot was resolutely covered, and Zhumei and the prince were covered inside, and then they left by themselves.

"The fragrant pot flashes!! This wave of choices is not bad. Pig Girl's ultimate move is still in hand and has not been lost."

At this time, the camera is on the middle road.

RNG's upper and middle two will tear down the middle tower!
Wawa: "WE side, the defensive towers in the middle lane lost. If they are replaced like this, WE won't make a profit in this wave."

Chen Xian: "This wave of RNG turned a crisis into an opportunity. They used the more flexible characteristics of the prince to sell a wave."

Wawa: "But at this time, WE can command and take this big dragon!!"

At this time, the three RNG players chose to go down and take the dragon.

And WE chose to continue to line up the vision of the dragon.

In the end, I chose to be more stable and did not open the dragon.

Wawa: "Wow! This wave of RNG's decision-making is very smart!"

Chen Xian: "I think RNG is more decisive. WE just drove RNG to the second half of the jungle, but the second half of the jungle has no vision. They can't be sure whether RNG will fight Xiaolong. This wave can't be the same!"

Wawa: "But at this time, you need to be careful with the spicy hot pot. At this time, the spicy hot pot will not flash. If you are caught, it will be very dangerous..."

But at this time, Han Bing was looking into the field of vision of the unmanned reconnaissance machine again, and found the four of WE crouching in the grass.

Xiangguo survived by chance.

"This wave of uzi's reconnaissance aircraft has made great achievements. At this time, I saw that RNG has stabilized the rhythm, because just like what I said just now, you can choose to lead the line and play around the middle and late stages."

"Give the little tiger room to develop and let Laetmi control it."

"If Xiaohu and Laitemi can play Liushen, in fact, Dazui and Snake Girl may not be invincible in the later stage."

Wawa: "Yes, it is possible to play a dozen, because the advantage of his lineup is flexibility, because the role of crocodiles on their side is getting smaller and smaller."

Chen Xian: "Yes, because the advantage of the WE lineup is actually a 5v5 team. Now I think RNG can avoid its edge and play."

At this time, Xiaohu came to the road with a pack of explosives.

Just arrived at WE's empty venue.

Dazui wants to come and guard.

Xiaohu RA triggers Yaoguang's passive and forcibly pushes down the tower.

Dazui came over and turned on the W skill until the A plane. After the plane A finished the last tower, it decisively released the explosive package and fled.

"This wave of WE's defense is not as compact as before, and it is a bit involved by RNG."

"I feel that the situation on both sides is a bit confusing now, because now WE is not snowballing them, but RNG has been chasing the economy."

Wawa: "But I still feel that time is on WE's side."

At this time, Zhumei blindly sees QR, and the puppy reacts very quickly, and directly dodges!
"Wow! There is no watermark in this wave of uzi. Now Puppy should make quicksilver as soon as possible. If he can't make quicksilver, WE will choose to open him every wave."

Chen Xian: "That's right... We saw that Brother Leg has a two-piece suit now, and now this crocodile is very fierce."

At this time, WE chose to open the baron.

Although the prince discovered the trace, the purpose of this wave of WE was very clear, which was to lure people from RNG over.

Sure enough, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hu had just entered the river.

WE resolutely gave up fighting the dragon, and the leg brother flashed after him!

Immediately freeze Xiao Ming and drop him in seconds.

Zhumei kept following, but was pulled by Han Bing.

An arrow hit Kangti, but Kangti's pigskin was very meaty, so he chose to pull it back.

In the end there was no death.

the other side.

Shen came over, and after squirting twice wildly with Big Mouth, Shen used his W skill to resist the follow-up normal damage.

Finally, Shen Ji used the displacement of the taunt skill to escape through the wall.

"The amount of blood donation on Kandi's side is a bit low. Han Bing fired a thousand arrows, and then one arrow hit Kandi! Kandi hasn't fallen to the ground yet! Xiaohu and Laitemi are pulling at each other, and Bron's passive is almost triggered! "

"Here, RNG chose to retreat, but Kangde's blood volume is a bit low."

Wawa: "But there are lunatics in this wave, and the blood volume will be full soon!"

Chen Xian: "Then this wave has to fight the big dragon. The crocodile is still waiting for the opportunity of TP's home guard. WE is still very calm in this wave, so let's take care of it first."

Wawa: "If you continue like this, you may lose your record!"

Chen Xian: "It's big, but the speed is not bad, Wuqianxue!"

"Brother Leg's teleportation position is okay, but Xiaohu and Uzi have been beating Brother Leg and Bron all the time!"

"Bron and Leg Brother were beaten to pieces very quickly! At this time, WE's big dragon has finished fighting and came to support."

"Uzi has no healing or flash in this wave, so he can only struggle to the death."

"On the other side, Brother Leg was killed by Xiaohu A, and with the help of Crocodile and Braun, he took down the Baron!"

"In this wave, RNG really has no choice, because Ben and Leg Brother are involved in RNG's large force, and their main force is to fight the Baron."

Wawa: "This wave is blocked too much, RNG can't make it through!"

Chen Xian: "This wave of taking down the big dragon is safe and sound."

Wawa: "Also, I have always felt that Xiaoxiao's disadvantage in the early stage made the dragon area's vision difficult to set up."

Chen Xian: "There's really no way around it. This wave was also done beautifully by the involvement of two people, Leg Brother and Ben."

Wawa: "In this case, the reason why WE is not optimistic about RNG's situation after defeating Baron is that all the key equipment is no longer available."

"The gargoyle slate armor of the top lane crocodile, the gargoyle slate armor of the pig girl, the quicksilver of the big mouth, and the seraphim of the mid lane snake girl are all made."

Chen Xian: "Actually, this game doesn't have high requirements for brother-in-law's output. He just needs to survive and deal continuous damage."

Wawa: "Yes, because this is not the traditional four guarantees and one guarantee, our whole team is pointing at you alone, staring at everyone's hope, that's not the case."

Chen Xian: "Yes, so it depends on how RNG handles the headwind."

Wawa: "Now we can only defend the tower, there is no way, WE is here to attack with a big dragon."

Chen Xian: "The next dragon will be a wind dragon. This is good news for RNG."

"But this tower is still very difficult to defend. There are not many uxiu in the middle tower. If there is no plane to sit in the town, the others will not be able to stand it."

"But the WE's minion line here has been cleared. They may want to continue to lead the bot lane's minion line. If they are careful, they will go to the bot lane to clear the line."

"And here, WE's mid lane is pressing over again."

"Right now, I feel that RNG is a bit difficult to care about. The towers in the middle and bottom lanes have been giving pressure."

"The plane here goes to defend the center, and Kalmar's RQ directly blows up the banshee of the snake girl."

"Here RNG directly chose to give up the second tower. Xiaohu's positioning was very sharp, but there was no way to prevent the middle tower from being pushed!"

Baby: "Big Mouth activates the W skill, moves forward, and clears the pawn line."

Chen Xian: "As long as the big mouth on WE's side has W skills, I feel that RNG's side is afraid to take it."

Wawa: "We're going down the road again."

Chen Xian: "Shen ridiculed the crocodile, and first hit the crocodile's blood volume, but now the leg brother is more fleshy."

"RNG's current damage is not enough. It is still a strong period for Crocodile. The weak period should be after four or five pieces of equipment."

"But now the crocodile in the three-piece or two-piece suit is still very fierce because of his level."

Wawa: "Well, the crocodile's exertion period was about 10 minutes ago!"

Chen Xian: "If you go down to the second tower, I feel that RNG is not particularly easy to defend!"

The two sides have been stalemate in the bottom lane, but the Q of the plane and two Rs may clear a wave of soldiers, which makes it difficult for WE to push the line.

Chen Xian: "I feel that if Xiaohu is there, WE is not easy to push. WE can choose to take a dragon."

Wawa: "If you are free, RNG is fine."

Chen Xian: "It's just that they have lost the initiative now. You can see that Shen didn't go any other way. He just came to the front and put pressure on WE with an E flash."

"In this case, all RNG members choose to go home to replenish their equipment, and then come to the line before the next wave of soldiers arrives."

"There is no problem with this wave of choices."

Wawa: "Yes, this wave can come directly."

Chen Xian: "The plane here brought explosives from home! RNG wants to play here! I really want to fight!"

Sure enough, after the menacing arrival of the plane, WE decisively chose to retreat.

Wawa: "WE fought the dragon behind, and WE chose to go back to fight the dragon."

Chen Xian: "Here you can see a large wave of RNG soldiers on the tower. Xiaohu quickly came over with explosive packs to clean them up."

"Hey, this wave of WE five people choose to continue squatting!"

At this time, Zhumei entered the stone pit and exposed her position.

Wawa: "Ah! This side has been discovered! If this is the case, WE wants to continue to push."

Chen Xian: "Xiaohu is on his way directly with explosives, and hastened to guard the second tower."

"Now RNG still hasn't given up hope, and continues to wait for the formation of their Shen and aircraft equipment."

"WE has an absolute advantage in the frontal battlefield, so this side also got a wind dragon."

"However, in this game, the dragon brush is relatively mild, with two winds and one earth."

"And the current situation on both sides is hard to say. We can only say that WE has a small advantage, which is about a [-]-[-] situation."

Wawa: "For RNG, they were able to defend the last wave of dragon buffs. I think they have another chance to dodge."

Chen Xian explained: "Because they only pushed one second tower in the middle, it didn't have much impact."

Doll: "Yes."

Chen Xian: "Looking at Xiaohu's side, he still hasn't given up hope, and is still leading the field. If he comes out with the third piece of crit equipment, WE will feel some pressure on the frontal battlefield."

As soon as Chen Xian finished speaking, the plane returned home and bought the artillery.

Baby: "Come out, come out as soon as I finished speaking."

Chen Xian: "In that case, the next wave of cuts will be very fast!"

At this time, RNG's upper, middle and wild trio came to the bottom lane to catch the crocodile again.

The prince arrived first, and EQ picked off the crocodile.

Then when Shen arrived, the prince built up!

Before the plane even reached the scene, the crocodile handed over Flash directly and securely.

Wawa: "Wow!! It's so safe! This game was so miserable for the leg brother, he was ganked by RNG in the middle and wild."

Chen Xian: "RNG is actually very smart now. Like I said before, Letmey is actually an advantage. If we take advantage of this single-band advantage, we can hold back WE's frontal battle in the mid-to-late stage."

"And if it is really delayed, the crocodile cannot be cautious."

Wawa: "We saw that Dazui's sheep knife has come out. With this equipment, whether it is a dragon or a team, it is too fast."

Chen Xian: "Yes, the output of this big mouth is crushing everything now, and now only the plane can compete a little bit."

"The plane should be able to open its mouth in seconds. After all, the critical strike rate is relatively high, plus the passive effects of the three flares."

Wawa: "Yes, but as long as the brother-in-law survives, it will be an exaggeration."

At this time, WE chose to crouch in the upper half of RNG's wild area.

But Mala Xiangguo started to scan when walking forward, saw everyone in WE, and then retreated.

Chen Xian noticed Han Bing's equipment and said, "Uzi here should be making up Whispering. After finishing Whispering, you need to do Endless. Ashe's damage is not so impressive because of the hero's characteristics."

The baby smiled, eased the atmosphere, and said, "Everyone is too nervous now."

"No one dares to make mistakes now..." Chen Nian continued.

The baby continued: "Have you noticed that the audience at the game site has been silent for a long time."

Chen Xian also smiled and said, "I'm too nervous, everyone. Now, as fans of the two teams, it's as if you're resisting the pressure."

Seeing the crocodiles waiting in the spring, the baby hastily said: "This wave is waiting, this wave of crocodiles has Brother Chun!"

Chen Xian: "We saw a hidden ward behind RNG. This ward is very scary. It's at the back!"

"And the front seems to be ready to open the dragon!!"

(End of this chapter)

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