Alliance commentary system

Chapter 151 BO5 Decisive Game

Chapter 151 BO5 Decisive Game
The baby hesitated for a while and said: "Well... the next water dragon, I even think that WE can choose to let it go if it is stable."

"And RNG's offensive vision has not been replenished. They basically have a lot of vision in their own jungle, but they are basically cleared out in the WE jungle."

The two were discussing when a fight broke out in the next lane.

RNG Bron and Spider came down and prepared to cooperate with Lucian to catch the snake girl.

Xiaohu EAAWAAQAA hit Snake Girl with a set of classic combos.

The snake girl had no choice but to run away because she knew someone was coming to support her.

Then Lucian used the R skill, and every bullet from the baptism of the holy gun accurately hit the snake girl!

Snake Girl hurriedly flashed, and at the same time, Shen used her ultimate move, allowing Snake Girl to survive!
"This wave of Snake Girl has flashed, and there is also Shen's big move! Both sides are used at the same time."

Chen Xian: "It's a serious battle here. The Shen above was interrupted, and the big tree interrupted the big move. This wave of little tigers stood up again to find a wave of opportunities."

Wawa: "This wave of Xiaohu is very important. Just when we thought that RNG's current rhythm was a bit out of gear, Xiaohu crippled Xiye's HP."

Chen Xian: "But if this wave of RNG doesn't push down this tower, it's useless, so we have to push this bottom tower."

"Xiye is now going home to resupply, Shen's words don't have a big move, only teleportation,"

Wawa: "And the two Nosuke brothers don't have the ability to clear soldiers."

At this time, Xiaopao came to the Qing soldiers and forced Lucian and Bron Lucian back.

Wa Wa continued: "The small cannon here will not be able to push it when it comes to clear the line."

Chen Xian: "The main reason is that if Verus and Dashu come and forcefully push, they still can't retreat. In this case, RNG seems to want to choose Xiaolong as the location for the next wave of team battles."

"If they don't push this wave, I feel like they're going to beat the Xiaolong group."

"Then let's take a look at the key equipment before we fight the little dragons. Xiye and Uncle's equipment is already pretty good!"

Wawa: "And this wave, I think WE can seek stability and choose not to take it, because this wave of Shen doesn't have a big move."

Chen Xian: "Yes, it is very important to be careful not to use big moves."

Wawa: "WE can choose to let go of this dragon."

Chen Xian: "RNG definitely wants to fight, let's take a look at the options on both sides."

Wawa: "For UZI...the second piece is also a mercury ribbon. After all, WE has a strong control chain, and it is easy for the opponent to control and kill."

Chen Xian: "At this time, RNG leveled the water dragon. I think it's time to fight. Now RNG can't hesitate. I think RNG must fight now."

Wawa: "I think WE probably won't take care of this faucet, and it's very likely to let it go."

Sinking: "Well... As for Fang, after RNG takes down this water dragon, it can choose to attack the first tower on the bottom lane."

After the water dragon was finished, all RNG members chose to return to the city.

WE personnel also returned to the city.

Chen Xian: "Let's see what Bo Shen will make up when he returns home?"

Shen went home and took out the giant Hydra directly.

Baby: "Oh, Ju Jiu is here!"

Chen Xian: "With such a cautious single belt, Dashu's line defense is still quite heavy."

"However, Shen's equipment is not as good as WE in team battles, so WE can choose to delay until Shen's equipment comes out."

"WE is just procrastinating now, waiting for the third piece of equipment to be equipped by brother-in-law and brother-in-law before we can fight."

"Then let's take a look at RNG. Verus's two pieces haven't come out yet, and Lucian's black cut is only half done. In fact, the development of the C positions on both sides is similar."

Wawa: "After all, WE's defense is too good."

Suddenly, the two sides collided in the wild.

The camera was not given at the first time. When the camera was given, the spider was controlled by Luo's charm, and Braum raised his shield to block the subsequent damage.

Snake Girl's big move didn't petrify anyone.

Just slowed down to Braum and Spider.

The leg brother lights up the teleportation, and Dashu and Verus arrive later, followed by Lucian, arriving at the battlefield!
The little cannon on the other side arrived belatedly.

At this time, the spider's E skill flew into the sky, avoiding some damage.

Braum activated his big move, knocking Pig Girl and Snake Girl into the air.

The snake girl hurriedly purified herself and ran away.

The uncle entered the arena and directly activated his big move, forcing everyone in WE to retreat.

But the leg brother was a little embarrassed, and there was only one person left after landing.

The leg brother landed on the ground to taunt, but was dodged by the puppy's position.

Puppy and Xiaohu went ashore to beat the pig girl, and the pig girl was beaten out of Braum's passive, took a lot of damage, and finally fled in a flash.

At this time, Brother Leg was completely out of touch.

Turn on the W skill, no one cares.

After WE withdrew, the four of them turned around in unison.

At this time, there are still two layers of Bron's passive on Brother Leg.

Bron's Q skill shot, hurriedly forced the flash of the leg brother!Lucian's E skill came down, and A shot two shots to create a passive stun effect.

The spider flashed, cocooned, and held Shen again.

"Brother Leg was hit by a spider's cocoon! If that's the case, Brother Leg is dead! Kangdi has no HP! RNG can attack this dragon!"

Wawa: "It's already pinging, this wave must fight the big dragon, if you don't fight, it will be more difficult for them to fight later!"

Chen Xian: "Even if you are Nicholas Conti! But RNG must fight this wave of big dragons!"

"Kangdi has no HP yet, and he hasn't flashed! And look at this wave!"

At this time, Dashu flashed W to tie up the snake girl who wanted to prevent RNG from beating the dragon, and then pushed back with Q skill.

The spider connected to the cocoon, matching the high burst of Lucian and Verus.

Xiye was instantly caught!

Let Lucian get the head!

"This wave of Xiye was caught in seconds!! Laitemi's flash bundle!! Bound to Xiye!!"

"Can Emperor Kangxi perform a miracle here?"

At this time, the little tiger's holy gun baptism swept away a wave of Kandi who was standing in the grass and wanted to snatch the dragon.

But instead of repelling him, Luo came over to help block, and then let Kang Di grab the dragon!

Because Emperor Kang's blood volume was too much after going down, his own blood volume was low.

So I had to punish after going down, but in the end I just helped RNG beat the dragon.

Mala Xiangguo steadily took down Dalong!
"Here, sister pig, come down! Whose dragon is it?!!!!!! Miss pig didn't grab it! Fall to the ground! Spicy pot got the dragon!!!!"

At the same time, the brother-in-law on the front could only run away.

Bron flashed Q to keep someone, but was dodged by his brother-in-law's flash!
Then the spider and Verus wanted to continue chasing, and the spider's E skill plane wanted to fly to Xiaocan's face.

However, the distance was not enough, and Xiaopao finally ran away.

On the other side, in the process of chasing Luodi, although Lucian failed to catch up, he demolished the second tower in the middle road along the way.

Wawa: "We must see how this wave is fought in a while."

Chen Xian guessed: "This wave of team battles feels like WE is going first."

Start playback.

Luo R flashes W skill until the spider wants to kill it in seconds.

But for the first time, no output could keep up.

There is only one pig girl on the right, but there is no output.

Although there was a snake girl on the left, most of the damage was dealt with by Xiao Ming's shield.

Wawa: "Sure enough, it's WE, WE can't hold back this wave!"

Chen Xian: "WE wants to kill the spider first, but the spider is not easy to kill, and there is Bron next to him to fight back."

Wawa: "This wave is still a strong period for RNG, and this position is still a very sensitive position. Once this position is downsized, the opponent will definitely attack."

Chen Xian: "This wave of WE's mistakes is too big. We have been discussing before. RNG's 5v5 team battle is better than WE's. WE's advantage lies in their division, involvement, and the capital they drag on."

"But this wave of WE thinks that they have the advantage of numbers on the frontal battlefield to fight, but the problem is that the small guns were not on the frontal battlefield in the first place."

Wawa: "Yes, WE has lost too much this time."

Chen Xian: "It was stable for the first 22 minutes, but it was not stable for these few minutes. They also want to kill Mala Xiangguo. If they kill it, it will naturally be a good thing for WE, but if they can't kill If they lose it, they're in trouble themselves."

Wawa: "On Uzi's side, he also found out his second cannon, and it's hitting a red buff."

Chen Xian: "In this case, RNG can use the red buff to quickly expand its economic lead. For RNG, the situation will slowly roll through this wave of dragons."

Wawa: "Now, there are many ways for RNG to choose. There is teleportation on Dashu's side, and you can still choose to lead the line in the bottom lane. Teammates come to meet up and want to push this tower in the bottom lane."

Chen Xian said with a smile: "This is also a bot tower that has existed for nearly 24 minutes."

Then he said solemnly: "Actually, WE could have dragged on for a longer period of time, but this failed to stabilize, allowing RNG to seize the opportunity and lose the balance of power."

Wawa: "Xiaohu is now in the middle, and the two-piece Lucian is very strong."

Chen Xian: "Facing the advancement of RNG, WE is a bit difficult to accept, because this time has just reached a node, and the two C positions happen to be two-piece suits. At this time, the tower defense ability is still not enough!"

"After all, the three-piece set, Xiaopao and Shen, are slightly stronger. At this time, Shen's team fighting ability is still not strong enough, and he can't do as many things as Dashu."

At this time, the five RNG members gathered to push the second tower.

Verus threw out a big move in the spare time when he demolished the tower.

Hit Luo directly!

Shen used his ult to protect, but Braum's ult was connected to the control, and the rest of the team hit output like crazy, and Luo was dropped in seconds!

At the same time, RNG demolished the second tower.

"The blood volume of this wave of brother-in-law is a bit low, RNG may be able to go to the high ground!"

"Here Snake Girl gave a ground binding, RNG doesn't care! Just hold the tower hard, attack forward, the high ground fell, continue to tear down the crystal!"

"For RNG, this road should be available!!"

Wawa: "Shen didn't go home this time, and Shen's big move just now was forced to be interrupted. Does RNG want to end the game with a wave?"

At this time, RNG chose to continue pushing after pushing the high ground.

There are a lot of minions, and with the dragon buff, the tower push is very fast.

Coupled with the pushing towers of Verus and Lucian, one of the front tooth towers broke instantly!

Chen Xian: "This wave of RNG wants to end the game! But Xiaopao's electric knife cleared the line of soldiers in front of him, and Luo has also been resurrected. RNG chose to pull it off."

But at this time, WE came out and wanted to keep people.

Kangde QR, anchor the most fleshy tree.

Lucian E went up and played a set of Shen.

WE retreated in a hurry and returned to the spring to replenish blood.

But RNG came back with the opportunity and prepared to forcibly demolish the blood volume of the remaining tower.

After all, this wave of pig girls has no way to start a group. When Verus has a watermark, she is not afraid of the opponent's control.

The tooth tower is falling!
The spider's cocoon control to Luo!

The rest of the RNG kept up with the output and lost Luo's blood in seconds.

At the same time, Xiaopao directly output from the face, but the damage is not enough.

Go in and be besieged by four people, and then be second!

At this time, Snake came to output, and Lucian's holy gun was baptized, directly killing the bloody Snake!
"This way! The little cannon was killed!!! Xiye was the last output point and fell to the ground!!"

Chen Xian: "Congratulations to RNG!! Ended the game in 26 minutes, withstood the pressure to win the game and tied the score at [-]-[-]!!"


After the game, RNG fans were very excited.

A sudden wave of dragons suddenly demolished the first tower to the last one. It was really unexpected that the game was won with such an ending.

Some fans, including WE, don't understand.

"Why don't you procrastinate? If you procrastinate, you will surely win. Why do you want to fight!!"

"I really don't understand the fact that Ben's group start is true, and in the last two waves of death, he didn't even use his ultimate move. The flash is also kept, I really don't know what he thinks."

"Hey, we're still in the fifth game, come on!"

The fifth inning hadn't even started yet, but the audience was already excited.

BO5's exclusive music has also been remembered before the game.

5 minutes passed in a flash.

The two teams started the fifth game!
"Welcome back, game five."

The two began to chat about each team member's hero selection.

And a few minutes later, it finally came to the BP link on both sides!

Baby: "Come on! BP starts, the blue side is still RNG, and the red side is still WE!"

Chen Xian: "This kind of BP link is really brain-burning for the coach!"

Wawa: "I think for the audience, especially the fans who like these two teams are very worried!"

"It's pain and happiness. While enjoying the game, you must also prepare quick-acting heart-relief pills."

Chen Xian: "Oh?! The spider here has been banned, this is a change in this WE!"

"For WE, it is definitely necessary to ban the rhythm point, and it is the rhythm point that RNG prefers. If this is the case, RNG may release the barrel!"

Sure enough, RNG's first two moves did not change, but the third move also changed, banning the big tree! !
"It's released!!" Chen Xian shouted.

"The problem is for WE, whether this ban will be given to the Spear of Vengeance or the Barrel. Because the ban of i must ban the Spear of Vengeance, because if you want to release it, RNG can take the barrel, and then in the There's a choice going on in the Little Cannon and the Spear of Vengeance."

Sure enough, WE still banned the Spear of Revenge.

Chen Xian continued: "In that case, I think RNG will take the wine barrel."

"Because the wine barrel is an alternative, but I think the wine barrel is still very important for RNG."

Wawa: "I also think the wine barrel is the most important thing."

At this time, RNG's first choice locked the prince.

Wa Wa continued: "If you choose the prince, it's a wild swing. I remember that Xiangguo took the prince and went wild!"

Chen Xian answered: "Then WE can choose wine barrels and small cannons, but it still depends on whether WE changes the system!"

Wawa: "Then if you want to change the system, which one do you think is better?!"

Chen Xian: "We are also very good at playing the rock sparrow system!"

At this time, WE locked Bron and Pig Girl.

Chen Xian continued: "I found the coaches on both sides to be very interesting. In the previous games, they all robbed the old cow and the wine barrel. In this game, WE robbed Bron and Zhumei."

Wawa: "In that case, WE has already set the tone, and they still play the team battle system."

Chen Xian laughed suddenly, "Why do I suddenly feel that WE is going to talk big!"

Wawa: "I think the two sides are going to fight for a team. If RNG chooses the prince, it may also be a team."

Chen Xian: "Then I think RNG will not stop doing two things, and light up the wine barrels and small cannons."

Doll: "Or what? Small cannon and clockwork! What do you think?!"

Chen Xian: "Well... that's fine too."

RNG chose Shen as the second hand.

Chen Xian continued: "Then if that's the case, it's obvious that you're a wild prince."

Wawa: "I think the two teams play as a team in this game. It's really good."

At this time, RNG's third hand chose the plane.

Chen Xian: "After getting the plane, the BPs on both sides of this set really changed a lot! The barrel and cannon were left out at the same time, this is the fifth set of BO5!! I think the coaches on both sides are very courageous!"

At this time, WE pre-selected the crocodile in the third hand.

Wawa: "The crocodile...I think if we take the crocodile, we're putting the pressure on Brother Leg again."

Chen Xian: "Believe in the leg brother, this is also a manifestation of trust in the leg brother."

Baby: "Wow! It's locked. In this case, the leg brother has taken on the important task of suppressing Shen in the lane, and in the IG game the day before yesterday, we can also see that theshy used the crocodile to suppress Shen for more than 100 knives. The pressure is actually on the leg brother, especially when laning."

Chen Xian: "Just now I was still thinking about an idea of ​​Coach Hongmi. If there is no protection from the crocodile, will the pig girl's wild area suffer?!"

Wawa: "And it is an advantage to have at least one line, only in this way can the pig girl output a little."

Chen Xian: "If the crocodile is online, the wild area of ​​Zhumei is still very difficult to invade."

In the second round of BP, WE banned Luo first.

"This one is quite interesting! Cannon and wine barrel are not chosen? I think RNG can ban AD!" Chen Xian continued.

Wawa: "After all, it is the BP of Fengzhi. This game between the two coaches, Brother Feng and Coach Hongmi, is also very exciting."

Chen Xian: "Both sides are playing tricks. In this BO5 fight, I feel that the pressure on the coaches is greater than that of the players!"

Then RNG chose to ban Xiaopao.

Wawa: "The small cannon is banned here, and the big mouth may be banned in the second hand."

Chen Xian: "Then WE should consider banning Lao Niu as well, because their support has already been released, but...Bron is a hero who is easier to fight against Lao Niu in the lane, but RNG will ban Lao Niu again. It’s too solid to take down! It’s better to ban it.”

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Xian's words fell, WE chose Lao Niu as the last ban position.

Wawa: "Then RNG's last move, Da Zui and Verus ban one!"

Chen Xian: "But I think my brother-in-law doesn't like to use Verus very much."

Wawa: "I think WE's lineup is a bit too aggressive to play Dazui. RNG's Shenjia prince puts a lot of pressure on Dazui, so RNG should not be very good at banning Dazui."

At this time, RNG finally banned Lucian.

Chen Xian: "Lu Xian's words... can be regarded as blocking Xiye."

Wawa: "The mid laner Lucian was banned, but Xiye actually still has a Snake Girl to take."

At this time, WE chose to lock the big mouth in seconds!

Chen Xian: "Sure enough, I chose Dazui, WE's strongest system at this time!"

I saw that RNG's fourth hand also locked the ice in seconds.

"Although the ice is slightly restrained by Braum, there is no other way. This is a necessary choice."

And the last move is to lock the fan mother.

"This hand fan increases the speed of the team's advancement."

Chen Xian: "Mom Fan's hand is quite unexpected. After all, she hasn't appeared for a long time. After choosing this hero, she has to go online to suppress the opponent."

"The WE lineup still relies on melee support, but it's not very good at long-range support."

Wawa: "Yes, then WE's fifth player should still be Snake Girl."

At this time, WE locked on the hero Snake Girl.

Chen Xian: "The Snake Girl fights the plane, the pressure is not as great as the previous game, the Snake Girl and Dazui's stable double C, and the Freljord lineup."

"Although the formation of WE in this game is said to have a big mouth, it is not a pure four guarantees one."

"Their lineup is first of all that the line-up ability of the upper and middle lines is leading, and Dazui is guaranteed in the middle and late stages. WE took a relatively balanced lineup in the early and mid-term, and did not completely press the protection to the late stage. ."

Wawa: "But for RNG, they got the system they are best at. Let me tell you a statistic. Since this season, Xiaohu's plane has not lost yet."

Chen Xian: "Xiaohu's plane should be regarded as the signature hero at the bottom of the box."

Watanabe: "Both sides have chosen their best heroes."

Chen Xian: "That's right, Xiaohu's plane, Uzi's Ashe, including Dazui from WE, some of you have watched this set!"

"In a BO5 game, the players on both sides, and the coaches on both sides showed their skills! In order to compete for a ticket to S7!"

"Because you can hide dragons and crouching tigers in the bubbling competition, you may not be able to survive in the bubbling competition."

Wawa: "Also, the mood of each team in the bubble competition is different. I think the bubble competition is too dangerous and cruel."

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue side RNG: top laner Shen, jungler Prince, mid laner Xiaohu, bottom laner Ashe, support Karma.

Red Fang WE: top laner Alligator, wild boar girl, mid laner Snake Girl, bottom lane Dazui, support Bron.

"I think in this set, Big Mouth has Braum's protection, and it's actually not as bad as imagined!"

As soon as Chen Xian finished speaking, the game entered.

Fans from both sides kept shouting for support, again and again.

After shouting about seven or eight times, Chen Xian said with a wry smile: "Stop it! You have worked hard, everyone has worked really hard. Today's BO5 is fully played, and everyone is quite tired."

"Okay, let's see the final contest between the two teams!"

"It's the last game today. Let's take a look at the cornerstone talent. RNG's Prince Thunder, Windtalker's Karma, top laner Shen is Immortal, Crocodile is Zeal, Windrider's Snake, Colossus' Pig Girl, and bottom Lu's Bloodlust and Stoneborn Pact."

(End of this chapter)

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