Alliance commentary system

Chapter 148 WE Gets Match Point

Chapter 148 WE Gets Match Point
Baby: "The battle between two fire dragons, WE finally took down this fire dragon."

Chen Xian continued: "In these two rounds of team battles, RNG was actually not very calm. At this time, Dashu's ability to participate in the battle is too fierce."

At this time, RNG chose three people to catch the road.

Xia, Lao Niu and Da Chongzi come on.

The old cow is very detailed, W is on the wall, and then the Q skill is connected, the leg brother uses W to hide the old cow's Q skill and knocks him into the air.

But then the big bug stepped on and knocked the big tree into the air, forming a chain of control.

Xia kept outputting, and after the big bug landed, he got an undercut, and then Zach flew over from the far end, and the big tree would definitely die.

In the end, Yuxia got the head!

"The leg brother here wants to use the W skill to hide Ming's Q skill."

"But this wave of killing the leg brother did not affect the overall situation, and the tower was not rejected."

Wawa: "That's right, relatively speaking, this head is relatively dry, and there is no other money to take."

Chen Xian: "Furthermore, several of WE's C positions have grown relatively quickly, and the aircraft side also has three items. However, Uzi has made his own blue-sucking knife, but now Uzi has no attack speed."

Wawa: "And Xia's team battle output environment is extremely unoptimistic, as can be seen from the previous two team battles."

Chen Xian: "I feel that the hero Xia still has to cooperate with Luo. If I don't feel that I can cooperate with Luo, I don't have the flexibility to cooperate with other supports."

"I also mentioned a problem in the previous game. Xia first wants Luo, and second is Shun. Xia is not an AD hero who can hit meat very fast. Once he is far ahead without equipment, he is very good in the front row. It’s slow, especially when the front row is played by Dashu Gablon, it’s difficult to deal with this kind of front row. Especially when Dashu has no brains to lock Xia’s output.”

At this time, Pig Girl stole the Canyon Pioneer alone.

Chen Xian: "No one came to the Canyon Pioneer here, and it was stolen by Kangdi. In this case, WE will take the initiative in advancing."

Wawa: "That's right, this wave of Kangdi was black under the lights, and he used the Q skill Q to steal it. After all, there is an RNG's crab eye. It's safer to steal like this, and it's not easy for the other side to think about it."

Chen Xian: "That's right, judging from the current situation, I feel that RNG's rhythm is not very good. Now they can't retreat the tower, and the economy can't keep chasing it back. And here, my brother-in-law made an electric knife, Dashu In other words, he still made some magic resistance, now he really doesn’t need to make too much armor, and now RNG’s main output still comes from magic damage.”

As Chen Xian said just now, at present, RNG's Xia does not have a high output. Unless you wait for the three-piece Xia, the team battle is basically not enough.

But the current output sources are mainly Snake Girl and Big Bug, and even Zac can cooperate to deal some damage.

At this time, uzi is leading the line alone on the road.

Braum came out from the flank, ready to grab the uzi, and followed the plane.

Xia cast Q while moving to avoid Braum's Q skill, which is very tricky.

Chen Xian: "Uzi's position here twists off Braum's Q skill and slows him down. This position is very confident!"

Wawa: "Maybe WE doesn't know how many people are behind uzi, try to Q, if the Q arrives, chase after it, if the Q doesn't, forget it."

Chen Xian: "As far as WE is concerned, what is more concerned about now is when my brother-in-law will make the endless, and the endless of Xiaopao is still very important."

Baby: "The double C on WE's side is taking shape steadily, and the speed of shaping is much faster than expected."

Chen Xian: "Maybe it's because we won the previous two waves of team battles. The canyon vanguard was released here, and we want to speed up the pace..."

Zhumei came to the road, let the canyon pioneer release, and then pushed the road to a tower.

But no one on RNG's side guarded the tower, resulting in an empty city.

The Canyon Pioneer knocked down a defense tower with nearly two-thirds of its health in one fell swoop.

The plane came over to pick up a few flat A, and successfully got the road tower.

Wawa: "There is no one to guard here. The nearest one is Zac. If he chooses to press B to return to the city, then RNG should let him go."

Chen Xian: "In this case, WE has broken a tower on the third road. I feel that RNG has lost a lot of money. Now it is only 7 minutes, and the economy is almost [-] behind."

Wawa: "This is indeed a bit of a loss. I think RNG still has a problem with the dragon team in front."

Chen Xian: "For RNG, the hero chosen by Xiangguo is too critical. As a rhythm driver of RNG, Xiangguo, if you can't choose a comfortable hero, then the rhythm will be very slow."

Wawa: "Besides, Zac's choice in this game also caused Zac to be in a disadvantaged game. Zac's ability to do things is relatively poor. We also saw from the first BO5 that when KID was playing Zack, once Falling into a disadvantage, Zach's first appearance is useless."

Chen Xian: "And you found out, Zach's winning percentage is not high recently."

Wawa: "That's because Zach has been cut too badly recently."

Chen Xian: "Yes, whether it is KT's jungler or SKT's jungler blank, the effect is not very good."

"This hero can't do anything in the early stage, can't protect his wild area and lane, and he is at a disadvantage in the middle and late stages, and there are very few things he can do. In many cases, Zac is at a disadvantage, and his ultimate move is for displacement. For example, in this game He used a total of three ults, two of which were forced to use, so once the ult is used as a displacement, it will not be able to bring key people.”

Wawa: "It's not like when Zach first came out. Zach could come back with double C every time. Now it feels like everyone will beat Zach."

Chen Xian: "The main reason is that at that time, Zac was also very strong, he was quick to clear the jungle, and his damage was high, but now Zac is not an excellent jungler."

"And if Mala Xiangguo chooses Zac, there is no way to bring out the bloodthirsty nature of Xiangguo."

Wawa: "Well, WE started to play slowly, and after pushing the three lanes and one tower, it began to invade the wild area..."

Before the baby finished speaking, Zach jumped in and drove to Bron.

The big tree chooses to TP in the red buff grass, while the big bug chooses to TP in the dragon pit.

The big bug is very far away, and he is out of touch with his teammates as a whole.

And when the big tree came down, it happened to take advantage of the terrain, and he started his big move to tie up the old cow.

The planes and small cannons in the back row of WE made up for the output, and the old cow was dropped in seconds.

At the same time, Zach was also left in place and was beaten passively.

But with five people on the opposite side, RNG's output is not enough, and the leg brother is full of blood after the team battle.

Chen Xian: "In this case, Xiaopao won the double kill, WE chose to continue to advance, and letme said that TP's position is a bit far away, so they can only choose to retreat."

At this time, WE turned to the middle lane and chose to forcibly demolish the second tower of the middle lane.

Wawa: "The second tower in the middle road here may be about to fall."

Chen Xian: "Uzi here has pulled Kangdi a little bit, Kangdi should be careful when carrying the tower."

Wawa: "Brother-in-law's one-handed treatment has raised the blood volume."

At this time, Xiaohu's ultimate move Death Gaze directly fixed the small cannon and the big tree in front of the tower.

And at this time, the small cannon is carrying the tower.

Chen Xian: "This wave! The Snake Girl's big move has withstood the small cannon! Kang Le went down the tower twice, Lei Temi came over and flashed W, the brother-in-law DF Erlian still died, and finally Xiaohu got the head of the brother-in-law!"

Wawa: "This wave of brother-in-law carrying towers is a bit fatal!"

Chen Xian: "The main thing I think is that my brother-in-law was a little careless in his positioning, and was fixed by the snake girl's death gaze in front of the tower. In this case, it can be regarded as a buffer for RNG."

Wawa: "The progress of this wave of WE is a bit rough. Kangdi and his brother-in-law have carried too much to get off the tower."

Chen Xian: "And I think this wave of WE is a bit anxious. If this is the case, RNG can only choose to fight. If the current situation continues slowly, it will not be easy to fight."

Baby: "Then let's fight the dragon. Once the eyes in the dragon pit are lined up, we can fight the dragon."

As soon as the baby finished speaking, RNG took advantage of the situation and started to fight the dragon.

Chen Xian: "This wave is starting to fight! There are snake girls who are fighting very fast, and there are big bugs who are not afraid of being robbed by dragons, but the planes here have missile packs!"

The plane came over, and a missile package directly blocked the RNG retreat route.

By the way, the four of them became turtles in an urn.

Xiao Ming flashed into the Dragon Pit, wanting to limit Kangdi's entry.

Kang Di flashed forward, wanting Qianglong, but in the end he didn't get it!
But at this time, WE took advantage of the situation to make a big group.

Aircraft damage explodes.

After the W skill came down from the Dragon Pit, QARA and Xia were immediately killed!

At the same time, the snake girl was entangled in the tree and was killed!
Chen Xian: "RNG's double Cs were immediately dropped, and Wright Mi was also unable to support himself. Although Nosuke ran away, all three of his C positions were dropped!"

Wawa: "In this case, does WE have a chance to go to Wave Highland!"

Chen Xian: "This wave of missile packs is deadly. The missile packs cooperate with Dashu's big move and Bron's big move. RNG is in this dragon pit, so it's hard to block."

"The most important thing is that this missile pack is afraid that the four of RNG will push behind the dragon, and then they will be backstabbed wildly by the dragon."

Wawa: "This missile package has played a vital role."

Chen Xian: "In this case, the middle high ground is gone, and Snake Girl still has ten seconds to resurrect. She can no longer keep up with the defense of the middle high ground."

At this time, WE easily pushed down the highland tower in the middle.

Baby: "Let's see here, whether Bloom and Zac want to help the brothers keep people."

Chen Xian: "I want to stay, Zach jumped on it! I want to bring back Zhumei and Bron, but the Q skill is not long enough. If this is the case, I probably won't be able to keep it."

"Although RNG got the big dragon, they lost all the way."

After WE opened the distance, he returned to the city, then came back to take off Xiaolong, and continued to push down the road.

Although RNG got the big dragon, they were too disadvantaged to have the capital to advance.

At this time, WE came to the bottom lane to advance, and RNG wanted to defend the second tower.

But the pawn line in the middle had reached the front teeth, and Snake was forced to go back to defend.

At this time, in the process of advancing, WE caught Letemi who was leaving very late, and Zach was forced to start a team.

But after Zach entered the field, he was directly interrupted by Bron's big move.

The brother-in-law turned on the Q skill and clicked three times to directly hit the disabled spicy pot.

At the same time, Laitemi's blood volume is only half, and Snake Girl and Xia are late.

Xiaohu recruited four people with one big move, but it was of no avail.

After Niutou died, only Xiaohu and Uzi remained.

Xiaohu drove out Seraph, but was still caught by the passiveness of Zhumei, and then he was seconds away!
In the end, only uzi was left, and the five WE rushed directly to the high ground and killed Xia again!

This wave of team battles was 0 for 5, and at the same time it was announced that WE had won the match point.

Wawa: "In this case, WE can successfully win the match point game."

Chen Xian: "I think in the last wave, RNG has an anxious problem again. You will see that when Zac jumped up, the double C just walked out of the house, but there is no way, the big bug is left, they have to Got it."

"The disadvantage in the early stage is too bad. In fact, after losing the two waves of team battles in the early stage, it is basically difficult to fight."

Wawa: "Then let us congratulate WE. I hope the fans on both sides will try their best to cheer for the teams on both sides!"

Chen Xian: "Then let's take a break, and the wonderful fourth game will be back soon."

After this game ended, WE fans were extremely excited.

But RNG is very distressed.

"If you don't know how to play Xia, don't play. You can't gain the advantage in the bottom lane, and you can't beat Dashu in team battles. What Xia should you choose?"

"It's too stupid to play a team in the mid-term. You can't beat it, but you have to fight hard. Mala Xiangguo is a brainless reckless man, and he will start a team indiscriminately."

"What's the use of picking a big bug in the top lane? It's useless."

Any comment can basically spray RNG to pieces.

Chen Xian sat on the stage, eating a golden scorpion to moisten his throat.

Three games in a row exhausted his physical strength.

And these three games are more than his previous five BO5 games, and he has to talk most of the time to maintain his position as the main player.

Moreover, originally BO5 was narrated by three people, but it was temporarily changed to two people.

At that time, Chen Xian protested extremely. When the boss asked what the conditions were, he only said three words: "More money is required."

The boss was also straightforward, and decisively added five commentary fees to Chen Xian, which made the two commentators successful.

Since the s7 spring split, the audience has become scarce.

After all, after losing s6, many players quit the game.

But when s7 established an all-China class and the results were good, everyone was full of yearning for it.

Especially Intercontinental.

Winning the LCK division 3-1 brought many players back.

And this year, the number of viewers in the LPL Summer Split semifinals has reached a new peak.

This battle between RNG and WE is called the peak of LPL traffic.

After WE got the match point, many RNG fans gave up hope again.

Because we lost this game, we need to play a bubble match to advance to the next match as the third seed.

In the current LPL division, the No. [-] seed still needs to qualify for the finals.

And over the years, the No. [-] seed has never eluded a world title.

But some fans did not give up and continued to watch the fourth game.

5 minutes flew by.

Chen Xian once again stood on the commentary stand with Wawa for the fourth round of commentary.

"Welcome back. This is the scene of the semi-finals of the LPL Professional League Summer Split. Here is the fourth match between RNG and WE. Hello everyone, I'm Chen Xian."

"Hi everyone, I'm a doll."

(End of this chapter)

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