Alliance commentary system

Chapter 128 I Advise Lei Gong to Get Back Up, Where Are the Demons and Monsters?

Chapter 128 I Advise Lei Gong to Get Back Up, Where Are the Demons and Monsters?
"Here, after all, there is Wei Shen with a red buff. He lands A one after another, blind monk flashes, and then uses the Q skill. Syndra makes a big move, and Jace's death flashes!"

"YM's mentality is a little anxious in this round, I think they should adjust their mentality and stabilize it." Sister Yiyi said slowly when she saw that YM's movements were a little rough.

"Because we know that YM itself is under a lot of pressure in this situation. Coupled with the early disadvantage, they want to get back the disadvantage in the early stage."

Chen Xian smiled, "But LGD fights like this. They play very fiercely. No one would have thought that a relegation team was once the champion of a certain summer split."

"But it's already very difficult for YM now. His current flashes have been beaten, and his ability to find opportunities in the next wave has become even more slim."

"We can only see if they can play a role of their poke system before or during the team battle."

That's right, YM's lack of control is flawed.

Team battles can only be maintained by poke. If LGD's double C is disabled before the team battle, YM still has a chance to win the team battle.

But the poke system also has certain disadvantages.

One's own blood volume is fragile, if it does not rise in the mid-term, the damage is not enough.

"Now I always feel that the YM bicycle has turned into a tire instead of a gamble..." Chen Xian smiled helplessly.

"Hahahaha, is it okay to turn a bicycle into a tire?!"

"It feels like YM is too anxious. It seems that they are too comfortable playing in LSPL. In such a disadvantageous situation, their mentality cannot be stable."

"It can also be seen from here that there is no symbol of a strong team, and the loss is excusable."

When a team declines, even breathing is wrong.

YM is in this situation now.

Before the game, everyone praised this team to the sky, the god of LSPL, just enter the LPL casually.

As a result, now that YM is about to lose to LGD, the comments in the barrage started again.

The game is still going on.

All five of LGD went crazy.

Some are over the top.

Although Jhin took two heads, it was not a big problem.

The current economic gap is a bit big.

It's not something that can be saved with two heads.

The score on the field was 4:12.

LGD is in full swing.

In the mid-term, the five members of YM chose to advance in the middle.

LGD decisively teleported around the back.

Nami's big move flanks the group.

"Nami summoned the power of the sea god from the flank to boost up two people, and the blind monk's Q skill directly hit the support!"

"Look at that roundabout kick that just kicks back to Clowz!"

"Lambo's big move this time, it's not bad, it's roasted at a constant temperature!"

"But Kenan's big move came into the field, and he got a double kill!"

"I advise Lei Gong to stand up again, where are the monsters and ghosts!"

"Look at Kenan. Fortunately, he hit Bvoy with a shuriken. In this case, the blue side was driven to the opponent's jungle area and became a turtle in the urn!"

"Godv completed another harvest, scored twice, and got a double kill!"

After the explanation, YM was wiped out by the group. .

LGD successfully won this wave of team battles with one for five.

"This wave of LGD has won a wave of group annihilation, and it is also hard to stop the momentum of LGD's victory!" Sister Yiyi said as a foil to Chen Xian.

After this wave, LGD continued to advance by virtue of its advantages.

YM struggled desperately, but in the end he couldn't resist the menacing attack from the opposite side!
The base explodes!

YM0:3 lost.

LGD relegation success!

For LGD fans, their hanging hearts are slowly let down.

In today's game, the performance was clean and neat.

They didn't disappoint the fans, and if they maintain this state, LGD still has a chance to hit the stage of the summer split.

On the other hand, YM, pdd was in a bad mood, but he didn't show it.

Instead, he has been comforting the players.

After all, LGD used to be a veteran and strong team, so it's normal that they couldn't beat it.

And who knows, in fact, losing the game is the most uncomfortable thing for him.


After this game ended, the day for the summer split was getting closer and closer.

Each team is also entering intense training and preparations.

After DAN came to LPL, he worked harder.

After all, LPL has a tradition.

Welcome to LPL.

Those who join the new LPL team will basically be educated by the old LPL team.

So the five members of DAN expedited training, hoping to get a good result at the beginning of the season.

Although they have no goal of winning the championship, their initial goal is to avoid relegation and then make a run for the playoffs.


The goal is as simple as that.

When Chen Xian saw the new team, he immediately became interested.

Start working overtime day and night, and start researching this team.

Usually during the daytime, the score will be raised on the live broadcast.

The audience who saw Chen Xian playing in the Korean server were also extremely surprised.

"Damn it, Korean server, is the anchor going to compete in a competition to become famous?"

"Support me. If Chen Xian plays professionally, I will be his number one fan!"

"Don't get too happy so early. Although the Chinese server has reached the king level, the Korean server cannot reach the king level, and playing professionally is useless."

"The anchor's new account has only reached Platinum One, so take it easy!"

"It seems to have been winning for the past two days. I'll check the record."

30 seconds later.

"Damn it, you only lost one game in 37 qualifying games?"

"What's the surprise, isn't the king's record very normal?"

After playing the last round, he successfully got the barrel to carry the whole game.

11-0-4 data perfect MVP winner.

Chen Xian successfully played the promotion round and came to Diamond Five.

After playing this round, Chen Xian chose to download the broadcast.

After dinner with Tongxi, the two went downstairs for a walk.

Usually, the two of them are very busy and have many things to do.

Only when I have a little free time at night can I come out and spend some time together.


Came home after two hours of wandering.

After entering the door, Chen Xian suddenly found that the house was a bit small, and it was a rented house.

So Chen Xian planned to buy a suite and settle down first.

Tong Xi shook his head and said, don't worry.

It's a good place, close to the hospital.

After hearing this, Chen Xian asked a question that had troubled him for a long time, "Can Auntie's illness be cured?"

Tongxi was taken aback.

Then he said: "It is possible, but it is a huge medical expense. With my current salary, it will be at least ten years."

After Tong Xi finished speaking, Chen Nian fell into deep thought.

Hitomi’s salary is around 20 per month, and [-] a year after deducting taxes.

Ten years is 200 million.

During this period, Hitomi also needs to spend hospitalization fees, guardianship fees, medical expenses, etc.

Therefore, it will take at least 15 years to help his mother recover.

Chen Xian nodded and said, "If I can help Auntie get back to health, will you love me forever?"

Tong Xi was startled, obviously stunned.

Then he showed a warm smile: "You are stupid, even if you don't help, I will always love you!"

Tong Xi's touching smile instantly captivated Chen Xian.

"Don't worry, I will definitely work hard to cure our mother's disease!" Chen Xian looked at Tong Xi with firm eyes and said.

After hearing this, Tong Xi immediately hugged Chen Xian, she could no longer express it in words.

After the two hugged each other for a while, Chen Xian bent down and carried a princess into the room...

(End of this chapter)

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