Alliance commentary system

Chapter 115 WE handles the team battle perfectly

Chapter 115 WE handles the team battle perfectly
Since Xiaogou joined RNG, the system has become single.

From the original middle-field linkage, it has degenerated into a four-guarantee-one tactic.

It's not that the four guarantees and one are not good, but that the tactics are too simple and easy to be targeted.

For example, in this game, Galio, Prince, and Rambo seem to be a team output system, but in fact they only play the role of starting the team.

The match begins.

Rambo consumed a lot of blood from the murlocs by relying on his constant temperature to warm the fire.

But as said at the beginning, the spider chose to go directly after brushing three groups of wild monsters.

Because Rambo pressed the line too deep, he was caught.

"In this wave, letme is facing a very embarrassing problem. It has to push the line, but it has to be caught. The most important thing is that Rambo does not move." Chen Nian said slowly.

[-]-[-] analysis, "That's right, although RNG chose Rambo for the top lane and has strong team-playing ability, they didn't consider laning."

"Although Rambo's suppression ability is good, but the spider cooperates with the little murloc to catch Rambo very well."

The spider came to the triangular grass, successfully intercepted it, and killed Rambo!

"This wave of letme did not choose to dodge. This is the correct choice. If it is dodged, it will be impossible to push the line after returning to the line, and it will be controlled by the leg brother, which will be a lot of pressure." Hitomi Xi said.

"If there is no flash, the make-up gap will still not be opened."

After this wave ended, Rambo who was on the road was taken a blood.

But the economy and last hits are not behind. In the early stage, the prince was very injured in the jungle. He went home and finished the second half of the wild area, and then came to the upper half of the river to help Rambo with vision.

The mid laner Galio was beaten by the Enchantress at the second level, but it didn't hurt.

After the revision of this version, Galio is too fleshy, especially the W skill Doron's shield, which has double resistance reduction.

The enchantress has nothing to do with this hero.

If you go down the road, both sides will fight fiercely.

But the policewoman suppressed Han Bing a little by virtue of her slightly longer attack distance.

Moreover, the policewoman and Thresh are also a classic combination, which is not inferior to the line at all.

At this time, the spider came to the bottom lane, crouching RNG's bottom lane combination.

"In this wave, unless RNG goes down first, WE may have a chance to backhand, but Xiao Ming's position obviously shows no sign of playing, so the spider should not be able to catch it." As a former professional player, Wu Wukai has his own way of analyzing the situation. opinion.

After laning for more than ten seconds, Xiao Ming went to the grass to ward.

The spider made a cocoon shot, and Xiao Ming moved around flexibly after inserting the eye, directly dodging the control!

"Xiao Ming's position! If the spider had controlled him just now, with his half health, he would have been killed by the spider in seconds," Tong Xi said.

"I remember a coach told the assistant before that every time you go into the grass to insert wards, you must pretend that there is a person crouching inside. Xiao Ming just moved away immediately after inserting wards, which means that he just pretended that a spider might be there. , and then the spider was really there, so I just moved to avoid it." Chen Xian explained.

There was no battle between the two sides in this wave. After each pushed a wave of troops, they chose to go home.

And in this wave, uzi chose to change lanes in 9 minutes and came to the top lane to squat.

"This wave of puppies are very thieves, wild puppies!" Seeing uzi's movements, Wuwukai couldn't help saying.

Chen Xian: "Come on, come on, the little murlocs are feeding the fish, Rambo is retreating, and Emperor Kang is here too!"

"The female policeman put a trap first, but the trap didn't control the little murloc, and then the grass leveled A. Kangti walked halfway and chose to run back!"

"Galio lights up to teleport, but the little murloc has a Q skill, Q to the minions to distance themselves."

"In this case, RNG didn't squat against WE when they wanted to, but the brother-in-law developed very comfortably in the bottom lane."

Hitomi: "This wave of lane changes is not as profitable as expected, WE's support is also faster, and the top tower can't be pushed away."

Not only was there no profit in this wave, but there was some loss.

When the spider came back, WE forced out Rambo's flash.

After this wave, Han Bing and Bron chose to come.

But RNG chose to avoid the battle and returned to the bottom lane.

There is no way, the ice after level six is ​​too dangerous, once the female policeman presses the line, it is easy to be driven.

Even if you can't drive the policewoman, you can drive Thresh.

So RNG's bot lane has become a dilemma at this time.

Finally, because the policewoman dare not push the line, the corresponding one will be pressed under the tower.

But after being crushed, he also faces danger.

After the spider and Bron circled around, Han Bing shot out an arrow in front, pointing directly at the policewoman in uzi!
"One arrow hit! Spider flash E onboard control, Braum takes the big move, uzi is second!"

"RNG support is here, first focus on Braum who fell under the tower in seconds!
"Rambo sprinkled a big move when the ice was retreating, the ice was slowed down, and Thresh went straight!"

Han Bing took two steps in Rambo's ultimate move, and when Thresh was about to approach, he chose to flash!

Thresh, flash Q skills!
I predicted the flash of ice, but I didn’t predict it!

The Prince, Thresh, and Rambo continued to pursue, but WE's support arrived.

In the grass behind, the little fishman TP landed!

Enchantress and spider rushed over, and WE formed a siege.

"Brother Leg landed and hit Rambo with his ultimate move! Galio also showed his teleport, but Xiao Ming was instantly knocked out by Enchantress!"

"Xiaohu landed, the four of WE focused on Rambo, Xiaohu hurriedly gave a big move, but it was useless at this time!"

"Xiaohu's W skill taunted to four, the prince's backhand EQ wanted to kill the spider, but the brother-in-law raised the healer!"

"Galio ran away, but the prince confessed to be here!"

[-]-[-]: "Wow! This wave of RNG ultimate explosion. In fact, Xiao Ming didn't catch the flash hook just now, so they can just retreat. It can only be said that they are a little anxious and want to get more advantages, but the problem is that just now Puppy isn't there."

"Yes, when the puppy was killed just now, Kandi's flash E skill was too critical. If there was no control connection, the puppy flashed to pick up the lantern, and the battle situation at this moment would be completely different!" Tongxi continued.

After this wave is over, the resurrection of the puppy came to the bottom lane again.

Taking advantage of WE's return home to resupply, he finally exchanged the resources for the next tower.

But overall, WE has made a lot of money.

After this wave ended, the two sides entered a period of peaceful development.

Push towers and get various resources.

The three people in the commentary seat also began to analyze the battle situation.

"Although it is said that the enchantress can't beat Xiaohu's Galio, I feel that this enchantress is prepared for the puppy's policewoman, so the puppy must always pay attention to his own position in this round." The role of night election enchantress.

Chen Xian nodded, "And I think the most important thing on WE's side is the brother-in-law. This ice is the only starter on WE's side, and it is also the most important part. If RNG wants to win the team battle, they must focus on this Ice."

"The main reason is that RNG's team fight is too chaotic. There must be some communication problems between the five people, which led to the lack of decisiveness in team battles." Tongxi's analysis was well-founded.

(End of this chapter)

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