Alliance commentary system

Chapter 103 Lord Hou, VG's savior!

Chapter 103 Lord Hou, VG's savior!

After listening to a wave of pleasing team battles, the audience in the audience also commented one after another.

"Not to mention anything else, I only watched the game after watching Chen Xian's commentary. I'm not familiar with VG and Heishi..."

"Listening to Chen Xian's commentary is a kind of enjoyment. He brought our emotions into it when others were still talking dryly."

"...Chen Xian? That's it! It's no different from other explanations except for exaggerating emotions."

"The cloud player upstairs? Do you know the philosophical theory? Do you know the four-character mantra? Do you know who brought the traffic to the peak in the battle of Tianwangshan? Please use your brain before speaking."

"Because he doesn't know, so he knows."

"Rita is so eye-catching, brothers, I'll go first!"

"??? Brother, you're still competing now, can you even hear the sound??"

"Wow, you are a talented person, I admire you, my friend said how you practiced this kind of trick, he also wants to learn..."

"A friend from nowhere?"


Back in the game, the audience was also animated by this episode.

You know, the two teams played tepidly in the first two rounds and almost fell asleep.

Fortunately, Chen Xian was in control and helped to set off the atmosphere, which allowed them to watch.

In the last game, both teams seemed to wake up from their slumber, and there were suddenly more fighting scenes.

"To be honest, this wave of real Hou Ye's two appearances made VG fight two perfect team battles." Chen Xian didn't know what the barrage said, and conscientiously analyzed the team battle just now.

At the same time, after the team battle is over, the damage panel of both sides in that wave is displayed on the screen.

Seeing this, Rita couldn't help sighing: "Look at Master Hou's output of five thousand and four in one team battle! This shows that Lord Hou's two appearances not only hit control, but also his output never fell."

At this time, Chen Xian kept reminding Rita not to continue talking with his eyes, because he could predict the scene of the barrage at this time.

"They output [-] in a team battle, and a certain jungler didn't hit [-] in a round?"

"Alas, Severn hasn't played since the spring game. So... this is the time to retire!"

"Impossible! Sai Wen is not the kind of person who admits defeat, maybe he is in a bad state, after all, the state of the S6 World Championship is too bad..."

"In these days, [-] still has fans? This is really disgusting (the Tathagata palm gesture)!"

"That's right, invincible in the civil war, but drawn in the foreign war, four, three, nine, six, a disgrace to the jungler world!"


Rita also saw Chen Xian's eyes, but her face was puzzled, and she didn't understand what Chen Xian's eyes meant at all.

Of course, Rita, as a newcomer, naturally does not understand.

Every time when it comes to harm, the four elderly commentators basically pass it off in one sentence and won't mention it a second time.

Because now everyone is very sensitive to numbers, especially the numbers that hurt the panel.

It's easy to pace.

So Chen Xian kept reminding her not to continue to bring up such sensitive topics.

But Rita didn't know it.

At this moment, Chen Xian started to pull Rita's clothes and remind her.

As a result, because the hand was underneath, it was completely dark and I couldn't see anything.

After Chen Xian's hand approached Rita, he accidentally touched her thigh.

This touch made Chen Xian shrink back as if he was electrocuted.

But at this time, Rita's face turned red, and she stared blankly at Chen Xian.

Chen Xian looked embarrassed, not knowing how to explain.

Of course, this was in the commentary booth. For the sake of the overall situation, Rita turned her head slowly and ignored it for now.

Although they couldn't hide their flushed faces, the two slowly eased their embarrassment when they didn't look at each other.

Of course, Chen Xian casually touched Rita's thigh, which changed the topic to the competition, and the topic of injury passed quietly...

The game returned to normal.

VG successfully got the big dragon after a change of four, and started to advance!

In the second tower of the middle road, VG couldn't help jumping over the tower and driving Marco.

"Hey, here we come, this wave of great emperors is going to top up Brother Ma!"

"Brother Ma heals and adds mercury to create a distance, and then outputs Rek'Sai in one hit!"

"Hou Ye's E skill enters the arena..."

"Huh?!!! Master Hou didn't use any skills, and he was instantly knocked out!"

"Xiaoxuan can't run away, and the bull's head is taken away by the male gun!"

"The Heishi team successfully exchanged zero for four and won the team battle. Will this wave of VG be defeated?!"

After Chen Xian explained the team battle, he suddenly had doubts.

There is a large wave of soldiers on the top road. The big tree directly teleports to the second tower on the top road. The black team keeps sending signals towards the top road.

"It's a wave, it should be a wave. On VG's side, only Shen is alive, and Rek'Sai has more than 40 seconds to come back to life." Rita continued.

"Ah - this sudden reversal caught all of us off guard. VG's sudden wave of jumping over the tower is honestly unreasonable." Chen Xian shook his head and said.

At this time, the five members of the Heishi team had gathered on the road to demolish the high ground.

And Shen was all alone, very pitiful.

Then the Black Force team gathered their strength and prepared for a wave!
"It's gone, it's gone. Facing the advancement of five people, the black force pushes very fast." Chen Xian seemed to think that the outcome of this match was decided.

[Ding, poisonous milk index +1]

The sudden system sound made Chen Xian look up abruptly.

This means...

Is it...

I saw that at this time the bull's head was resurrected, and he went forward bravely to stop the black power five from pushing the tower.

But the Heishi five only recognize the defense tower, and the second front tooth will soon be demolished!

Lord Hou is resurrected!

"It seems that the game is still going to be reversed... Hou Ye entered the field, the ice shards dropped Bron in seconds, and then the big move dropped three people in seconds!"

"Push the stick to catch the shards of ice, and then take down Brother Ma!"

"This wave of Marquis kills four people!!"

"The last shot! The golden body!! The setting sun is not blue! I can't beat it!"

"Penta Kill!! Penta Kill!! Lord Hou! The savior of VG!"


Accompanied by Chen Xian's heart-piercing shouts, the audience at the scene attracted bursts of shouts.

Every time he kills, the scene is completely boiled!
Rita was naturally not indifferent, and hurriedly said: "I feel that in this situation, Lissandra of Lord Hou is really a bit exaggerated."

"I'm more curious about the last wave. Why did Hei Shi attack Shen Ah, tear down the front teeth, and tear down the base? I think Hei Shi still has a chance to win!" Chen Xian expressed his doubts.

Rita replied: "I don't know either. Both sides made a big mistake, so let's split [-]-[-]!"

"Wait... Let me take a look first, think about it carefully, the Heishi team still has an advantage, adding an incisor all the way to the high ground, although this wave allowed Lord Hou to get five kills, but overall it is not a loss." Chen Xian Slowly said.

Rita heard the words and responded: "But in the next wave, you need to delay Ma Ge's flash and healing. We know that in the last wave, Ma Ge had two moves to fight the team battle, so in the next wave, the Black Power team wants to If you want to win safely, then... you have to wait for Brother Ma's double move."

(End of this chapter)

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